The Licensing Process
(a) We recommend that consideration be
given to the Annual Reports indicating where a licence was refused
or revoked for equipment which had previously been given F680
approval. (Paragraph 20)
(b) We recommend that there should be
greater openness about Departmental inputs into the decision-making
process on licensing applications. Information on the number of
applications objected to by individual Departments should be provided
to us in confidence, showing in how many cases an application
was eventually allowed. (Paragraph 25)
The Export Control Bill
(c) We expect the Government to honour
its commitment to giving time for our Committees to consider,
and if necessary report on, the proposals for draft subordinate
legislation and the draft guidance to be made under the Export
Control Act. (Paragraph 40)
Involvement of other Parties
(d) We would encourage all interested
parties to communicate with us their concerns relating to matters
covered by our inquiries. It is essential for these Annual Reports
to be subject to as wide and as close scrutiny as can be achieved.
(Paragraph 48)
Application of the Consolidated Criteria to Individual
Cases and Countries
(e) In both the cases relating to Sri
Lanka and Zambia, we expect some monitoring of end-use to assure
the Government that undertakings are being honoured and human
rights violations are not occurring, and we recommend that the
Government report to us on this monitoring. (Paragraph50)
(f) We recommend that the Government should
continue to encourage our EU partners to follow the UK's lead
in publishing their national criteria for the application of the
China embargo. (Paragraph 55)
(g) We conclude that if the situation
in India and Pakistan in the Spring of this year did not fully
engage Criterion Four, it is difficult to conceive of circumstances
short of all out war which would do so. But Criterion Four is
not activated only by the actual existence of armed conflictit
is of course engaged as a conflict prevention measure, and applied
as such by the Government. The stand-off over Kashmir should in
our view have led to its application with very great rigour, and
we are surprised by the indication in the Foreign Secretary's
letter that he was not personally involved in the approval of
all applications to export military goods to the region during
the period of greatest regional tension. While in the period covered
by the Annual Report for 2000 the flow of conventional arms to
India and Pakistan seems to us to have been appropriately controlled
by case-by-case consideration, we are concerned that in recent
months there is little real evidence of the terms of the Criterion
being applied in proportion to the rise in regional tension. We
also believe that when the situation had deteriorated as far as
it had in the Spring, the Government should have been prepared
to initiate moves to secure some international agreement on regional
arms control. (Paragraph 61)
(h) The Government's statement of 15 April
would appear to suggest that no weapons, equipment or components
which could be deployed aggressively in the Occupied Territories
would, for the time being at least, be licensed for export from
the UK to Israel. We recommend that the Government in its response
to this report confirms this is the case. (Paragraph 66)
(i) Negotiations on the International
Trade in Arms Regulations are vital to ensuring that the UK defence
manufacturing industry is operating in a fair international environment.
Their resolution should be pursued as a matter of urgency. (Paragraph
Format of the Annual Reports
(j) We would welcome an annual memorandum
from the DMA giving their assessment of the number of and reasons
for withdrawals of licence applications. (Paragraph 79)
(k) The Defence Committee was assured
during the course of its inquiry into the Six Nation Framework
Agreement that there would be no reduction in transparency in
licence applications as a result of the terms of the Agreement
and this was confirmed by the previous Foreign Secretary in evidence
to our predecessors. Until the precise terms of the GPLs are known,
we cannot be certain that this will be the case. We will continue
to monitor the use of Global Project Licences and the information
given about them in future Annual Reports. (Paragraph 83)
(l) We recommend that the Government and
Saferworld (and other interested parties) should consult further
on this question of the inclusion of ratings in the reports and
report to us the outcome of those discussions by the end of this
year. (Paragraph 86)
(m) It is not always apparent what the
underlying principles of classification are when information is
provided to these Committees in confidence, and we recommend a
restatement of these in the Government's response to this report.
We would also recommend that the Government, in its response,
sets out its preliminary assessment of the implications of the
Freedom of Information Act for what it will be required to disclose
about licences, and any implications this may have for the Annual
Reports. (Paragraph 88)
Administration of the Licensing Process
(n) Delays in processing of applications
can adversely affect the companies concerned and it essential
that such effects are minimised. Performance of the Export Control
Organisation continues to be below acceptable standards. The Government
should take urgent steps to improve performance, particularly
in view of the extra demands which may be made of the system as
a result of provisions in the Export Control Bill, once it becomes
an Act. (Paragraph 92)
(o) We remain concerned about the delays
in settling appeals against refusals of applications for SIELs
Given that our predecessors recommended a rethink of the appeals
target in their report last year, and urged renewed efforts by
the Government to meet an achievable but challenging target, we
are disappointed at the lack of progress in the Government's review.
(Paragraph 95)
(p) We recommend that the Government should
consider the production of clear guidelines for, and clarification
of, the circumstances under which end-use monitoring should be
undertaken. (Paragraph 97)
(q) The statistics on the numbers of OIELs
and SIELs issueddo not suggest to us that there is any obvious
evidence of a change in the application of the policy outlined
by the Government on which type of licence is appropriate. However,
we recommend that the Government should examine ways in which
more consolidated analytical information about OIELs (such as
destinations covered and equipments covered) might be presented
in the Annual Reports in order to allay any suspicions of abuse,
and to discourage any temptation to relax controls. (Paragraph
Small Arms
(r) We applaud the role played by the
UK Government in working towards international agreement on the
control of small arms. We welcome too, the inclusion in the Annual
Report of details of surplus arms destroyed by the Government,
and information on the number of small arms covered by standard
individual licences agreed in 2000 on a country by country basis.
We will re-examine the issue of trafficking in small arms and
light weapons when we come to look at the draft proposals for
subordinate legislation to be made under the Export Control Act.
(Paragraph 105)
Application of the Criteria on a Case by Case
(s) We accept that the Government is obliged
to continue to assess each SIEL application on its own merits
against the consolidated criteria and on a case-by-case basis.
However, the Government has acknowledged that the cumulative effects
of exports to a particular destination could be a relevant consideration
in this assessment. To aid our review process, we recommend that
the Government should consider including in its Annual Reports
data on the value and quantities of controlled goods for each
SIEL granted. (Paragraph 113)
(t) We fail to see the relevance of the
Code of Practice to the provision of information in confidence
to select committees of this House. We expect to receive shortly
the summary of the cost-benefit analyses prepared within Government
before the decision on the application to export an air traffic
control system to Tanzania was determined. (Paragraph 123)
(u) We recommend that the Government explain
the distinction in Criterion Eight between seriously hampering
a country's sustainable development and seriously undermining
its economy, if any, in its response to this report. (Paragraph
(v) Coming to a clear definition of such
a complex goal as ensuring that a proposed arms export would not
seriously undermine the economy or seriously hamper the sustainable
development of the recipient country will be far from easy, but
we consider the importance of having clear criteria governing
the export control regime as justifying the effort required to
produce workable guidance on the application of Criterion Eight.
We look forward to seeing substantial progress towards formulating
clear guidance as to the interpretation and application of Criterion
Eight under the provisions of the Export Control Act. We will
be examining that guidance closely. (Paragraph 134)
Export Controls and Collaborative Defence Manufacturing
(w) We conclude that if paragraphs (b)
and (c) of the additional factors to be taken into account in
licensing decisions announced in the statement of 8 July were
to be applied on a "case-by-case basis", they would
suggest that the more insignificant a component is to a finished
product, the more likely it is to be approved for export, while
at the same time the more significant a component is to a finished
product, the more likely it is to be approved for export. We recommend
that the Government explain more fully these apparently conflicting
considerations in its response to this report. (Paragraph
(x) We recommend that the additional factors
announced on 8 July are clarified to indicate whether they require
Ministers to take account in determining licence applications
only of the UK Government's defence and security relationship
with the government of the "incorporating country",
or also permit Ministers to take into account the implications
of a contract for the UK's strategic industrial base and its commercial
relationships with that country. (Paragraph 140)
(y) We recommend that the Government clarify,
in its response to this report, the relevance of the quality of
export controls in the "incorporating country" to licensing
decisions relating to collaborative manufacturing products. (Paragraph
(z) We conclude that the comments of our
predecessors on the effectiveness of the US system of export
controls should not have been called in aid to justify the decision
of Ministers in relation to policy on the export of aircraft
components to Israel via the USA. (Paragraph 141)
(aa) We recommend that the implications
of paragraph (e) of the additional factors to be taken into account
in licensing decisions announced on 8 July are spelled out in
greater detail in the Government's response to this report. (Paragraph
(bb) We conclude that the Government's
announcement of 8 July has made it more urgent that efforts be
redoubled to seek to secure harmonisation of EU and US policies
on arms exports. (Paragraph 143)
(cc) The Government's statement of 8 July
claims that there is no common EU-wide policy about licensing
strategic exports where it is understood that the goods are to
be incorporated in products for onward export. Whether or not
this is an interpretation of the terms of the Code with which
the UK's European partners would all agree, we recommend that
the Government, in its response to this report, sets out its view
on the compatibility of the new factors announced on 8 July with
the EU Code, and indicates what steps it intends to take to secure
an EU-wide policy, or amendment to the Code, in respect of licence
applications for goods where it is understood that the goods are
to be incorporated into products for onward export. (Paragraph
(dd) We recognise the issue the Foreign
Secretary was seeking to address in his announcement of 8 Julythe
challenge faced by the UK defence manufacturing industry in securing
participation in and sustaining collaborative procurement projects,
particularly those involving the USAbut we conclude that
in his statement he identified a dilemma without doing enough
to illuminate how it is to be resolved in future cases. We have
outlined a number of concerns we have about the impact of the
additional factors which are now to be taken into account in certain
licensing decisions on the integrity of the UK's and the EU's
export control regimein particular about whether exports
which would otherwise breach the first four of the Consolidated
Criteria (and therefore the EU Code of Conduct) will now be licensed
if they are to arrive in a destination via a third country rather
than directly from the UK. We will be pursuing these concerns
with the Government when we have received its response to this
report. (Paragraph 145)
(ee) We recommend that the Government's
Annual Report for 2002 identify the number, destination and types
of goods covered by licences where, in decisions to allow the
export, the additional factors announced on 8 July played a part.
(Paragraph 146)
Prior Parliamentary Scrutiny
(ff) We conclude that several of the cases
we have focussed on in this report starkly illuminate many of
the shortcomings of retrospective scrutiny of licensing decisions.
(Paragraph 147)
(gg) We recommend that the Government,
in its response to this report, come forward with proposals for
a system of prior parliamentary scrutiny of export licence applications
by a select committee, or committees, of this House. (Paragraph