Landfill Directive
DEFRA has issued two consultation papers on the implementation
of the Landfill Directive. The first was published in October
2000, the second in August 2001 which also contained a copy of
draft regulations. In addition, DEFRA has held a number of consultation
seminars on various aspects of the Directive, held regular liaison
meetings with key stakeholders and established sounding boards
to discuss our proposals on a number of issues, for example to
inform a negotiating stance on the waste acceptance criteria.
DEFRA works very closely with the Environment Agency,
discussing on a daily basis all aspects of implementation, and
also liases closely, with the DTI and the Devolved Administrations
in particular.
Review of the Special Waste Regulations
The Special Waste Regulations (1996) (SI No 972)
set out the control system for the movement of hazardous wastes
in England and Wales. The Regulations implement the European Hazardous
Waste Directive (91/689/EEC). The scope of the Regulations in
terms of the wastes included is determined by the European Hazardous
Waste List (94/904/EC). This list has recently been extensively
revised, a number of significant additions have been made and
incorporated within the European Waste Catalogue. The changes
to the hazardous waste list require that amendments be made to
the Special Waste Regulations. At the same time the UK Government
is taking the opportunity to make changes to administrative procedures
for consigning hazardous waste.
A consultation document was issued in March 2001
inviting views on a number of proposed changes to the Regulations.
About 115 responses were received and the proposals have been
amended to take account of these. A second round of consultation
will take place later this year.
End of Life Vehicles (ELV) Directive
The DTI issued a consultation paper in August 2001
looking at three possible options for implementing the ELV Directive
in the UK. It received 123 responses from a wide range of individuals
and businesses likely to be affected by the Directive. Several
further options for implementation were suggested by trade associations,
and these and related matters have been discussed in detail within
an ELV Consultation Group consisting of relevant industry representative
associations that has been set up by the DTI.
Another, more widelybased group, the Automotive
Consortium on Recycling and Disposal (ACORD), has members from
all the industry sectors that will be affected by the ELV Directive
and holds regular progress meetings with the Environment Agencies
and Government officials. Through these meetings, industry is
kept up to date with developments in the UK and Brussels, and
members are free to express their views.
A consultation paper and draft regulations implementing
Article 6 and Annex I of the Directive, which refers to permitting
requirements of treatment facilities, are expected to be issued
by DEFRA later this year. In addition, a separate consultation
paper and draft regulations on the implementation option for the
rest of the Directive is also expected to be issued by the DTI
later this year. A wide range of those expected to be affected
by the Directive will be invited to comment, and the consultation
papers will be available on the departmental websites.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Formal DTI consultation was issued in summer 2000.
Results were published in December 2000. Approximately 300 consultation
documents were sent out.
Partial RIAs were produced, (a) for the DTI Consultation
undertaken in August 2000, (b) in December 2000, for the fourth
draft of the Directive, and (c) in March 2002, based on the Common
Position text received by the European Parliament on 13 December
Government Departments are in regular contact with
industry about the Directive and its implementation in the UK,
and report back to industry on developments in the negotiations
in Brussels as they occur.
DEFRA, DTI and the Environment Agency meet regularly
to discuss implementation of the Directive and implications for
central and local Government are some of the main priorities in
those discussions. Officials are also in touch with colleagues
in the Devolved Administrations.
DEFRA is hosting a series of meetings with Local
Authority representatives to discuss the role that Local Authorities
might play. DTI hosts a similar series of meetings with retailers.
Focus groups are planned on permitting and for manufacturers by
DEFRA and DTI are working together with the Small
Business Service to organise visits to UK regions to raise awareness
of the requirements of the Directive and discuss implementation
methods. Representatives from all stakeholder groups will be invited
to put forward their views and attendance will be free of charge.
DTI and DEFRA officials have made presentations on
the WEEE Directive on more than twenty occasions at conferences
and seminars this year alone.
Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
8 October 2002