Members present:
Mr David Borrow | Mr Patrick Hall
Mr Stephen O'Brien | Mr Paul Stinchcombe
Mr David Burnside | Mr Andrew Hunter
Mr Bill Olner | Mr David Taylor
Mr David Curry | Mr David Lepper
Diana Organ | Mr Mark Todd |
Mr David Drew | Mr Eric Martlew
Phil Sawford | |
The Committee deliberated.
Members disclosed their pecuniary interests pursuant to the Resolution
of the House of 13 July 1992. For details of the declarations
see Annex, p.47 (attached).
Mr David Curry was called to the Chair.
Mr Andrew Hunter declared an interest as a member of the National
Farmers' Union and of the Countryside Alliance.
Mr David Curry declared an interest as having his home insured
by NFU Mutual.
Mr Eric Martlew declared an interest as a member of a Nestlé
pension fund.
Mr Stephen O'Brien declared an interest as a member of a Redland
Aggregates pension fund.
Ordered, That Strangers be admitted during the examination
of witnesses unless the Committee decides otherwise.(The
Ordered, That the Committee will not normally deal with
individual cases.(The Chairman.)
[Adjourned to a day and time to be fixed by the Chairman.