Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Minutes of Proceedings Report


Members present:

Mr David Curry, in the Chair

Mr David BorrowMrs Gillian Shephard
Mr Austin Mitchell Mr Michael Jack
Mr Colin BreedDavid Taylor
Diana OrganDavid Lepper
Mr David DrewPaddy Tipping

The Committee deliberated.

Ordered, That Mr David Borrow and Mr Colin Breed be members of the Illegal Meat Imports Sub-committee when that Sub-committee is appointed.—(The Chairman.)

Ordered, That David Taylor be a member of the Hazardous Waste Sub-committee when that Sub-committee is appointed, and that Diana Organ be discharged from the Sub-committee.—(The Chairman.)

Draft Special Report, proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read the first and second time, and agreed to.

Resolved, That the Report be the Fifth Special Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chairman do make the Report to the House.

Ordered, That the Government's response to the Second Report of the Committee in Session 2001-2002 [The Countryside Agency] be appended to the Report.—(The Chairman.)

Future of UK Agriculture: Mr Mark Thomasin-Foster, Chairman, Agriculture and Rural Economy Sub-Committee, and Professor Allan Buckwell, Chief Economist, Country Land and Business Association, Mr Ben Gill CBE, President, and Mr Martin Haworth, Head of Policy, National Farmers' Union, and Mr Reg Haydon, Chairman, and Mr George Dunn, Chief Executive, Tenant Farmers' Association, were examined.

  [Adjourned till Wednesday 15 May at a quarter past Ten o'clock.

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