Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Minutes of Proceedings Report


Members present:

Mr David Curry, in the Chair

Mr David BorrowMr Keith Simpson
Mr Austin Mitchell Mr Michael Jack
Mr Colin BreedDavid Taylor
Mrs Gillian Shephard Mr David Lepper
Mr David DrewMr Mark Todd

The Committee deliberated.

Ordered, That the Chairman and Mr Austin Mitchell do visit Copenhagen in September to attend a meeting of representatives of the Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Committees of the Parliaments of European Union Member States in a representative capacity.—(The Chairman.)

Ordered, That Sub-committees be appointed to consider the Mid-Term Review of the Common Agricultural Policy and Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy.—(The Chairman.)

Ordered, That the Sub-committee on the Mid-Term Review of the CAP have the following Orders of Reference: "To examine the proposed reforms to the CAP announced by the European Commission on Wednesday 10 July 2002. Amongst other matters it will address: the extent to which the proposed reforms to the CAP address concerns about the future direction of the Policy — in particular whether they will encourage a more liberalised agricultural sector within Europe, and what impact the reforms will have on negotiations for the enlargement of the European Union; how the proposed reforms will affect British farmers, in particular what will be the impact of capping aid for larger farms and de-coupling subsidies from production levels; what will be the practical effect of the new cross-compliance conditions to be applied to the receipt of aid, and whether the conditions adequately balance environmental and commercial concerns; and whether the proposed re-allocation of funds from direct payments to farmers (Pillar I) to rural development (Pillar II) will provide sufficient resources to achieve environmental goals and to support rural areas.".—(The Chairman.)

Ordered, That the Sub-committee on Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy have the following Orders of Reference: "To examine the reforms proposed by the European Commission in May 2002 for the CFP (Common Fisheries Policy). Amongst other matters it will address: the effects of the proposals on the fundamental principles of the Common Fisheries Policy; to what extent the proposals will improve quota management and conservation — and what alternatives might be considered; what will be the impact of the proposals on the structure of the British fishing industry; whether the plans for social help for fishing communities are adequate; to what extent the reforms will allow a more flexible system to develop, permitting short term adjustments to quotas to be made to react to changes in fish biology and fishing technology; and whether enough emphasis has been placed on proper enforcement of the Common Fisheries Policy.".—(The Chairman.)

Draft Report [The Departmental Annual Report 2002], proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

Ordered, That the draft Report be read a second time, paragraph by paragraph.

Paragraphs 1 to 30 read and agreed to.

Summary read and agreed to.

Resolved, That the Report be the Sixth Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chairman do make the Report to the House.

A Paper was ordered to be appended to the Report.

The Committee further deliberated.

  [Adjourned till Wednesday 17 July at Ten o'clock.

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