Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Minutes of Evidence

Annex 2


    —  DEFRA HQ has details of 103 cases of appeals against the contiguous cull policy. In addition a significant number of cases were dealt with at a local level on which DEFRA HQ do not have specific case information.

DEFRA HQ were involved in a total of 60 cases
Type of case No.
High Court (Injunctions sought by MAFF/DEFRA)

3, of which 2 were won by DEFRA, 1 was lost. This later became an IP

Farmer backed down and animals were slaughtered

23, of which 4 tested serologically positive[1]

DEFRA reassessed case and animals were spared

16, of which 1 later became an IP[2]

Cases ran out of time ie more than 21 days elapsed since the original Infected Premises was confirmed[3]

Additional cases resolved at local level of which DEFRA HQ were notified
Type of caseNo.
Appeals upheld by local DVM (Divisional Veterinary Manager)

Appeals denied by local DVM

Cases confirmed as Infected Premises pending a decision from the DVM


Appeals information from Thirsk, North Yorkshire

    —  In Thirsk, an area where rapid localised spread of disease threatened to spiral out of control this summer, 55 local appeals to the Divisional Veterinary Manager were lodged against the contiguous cull.

    —  Of the 29 upheld by the DVM, 9 subsequently were confirmed as Infected Premises, in turn triggering additional contiguous culling. Contiguous premises to two appeal cases ultimately rejected by the DVM also became IPs, in turn triggering the culling of their neighbouring farms.

    —  The view of Government vets and epidemiologists was that such appeals hampered efforts to bring the mini epidemic in this area under control, posing a threat of disease spread to the pig intensive area of Yorkshire and the Humber.

1   Of these 23 premises DEFRA HQ has records of 14 serological tests, of which as stated 4 were positive. Back

2   Of these 16 premises DEFRA HQ has records of 13 serological tests of which as stated one was positive. Back

3   As 21 days is the maximum incubation period for the foot and mouth virus, these animals could no longer be suspected of harbouring disease and so were spared. Back

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