Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Minutes of Evidence

Examination of Witnesses (Questions 160 - 162)




  160. My line of questioning was the opposite of that, as to whether you can actually get into the Government at all. You have got this rather daft title of Rural Advocate, which makes you sound like a rural small-town solicitor.
  (Mr Cameron) I am not going to answer questions about titles.

  161. Expectations are raised that you are able to lobby across the length of Government on all issues to defend the countryside. You cannot.
  (Mr Cameron) And then publicise my activities and the success of them or not.

  162. I am not talking about that. I am just interested in looking at whether you can actually do the job. Forget the publicity, I am looking at whether you can do the job, whether it is possible, whether the structure of the Government permits you to do things which your title leads people to expect you to do.
  (Mr Cameron) It is a question of expectations. There is a whole range of government policies which affect the countryside in many different ways. I cannot possibly interfere and lobby on all those issues, but there are certain issues that I can take up and run with which I think matter. Obviously one chooses the issues that one believes one is not wasting one's time in following.

  Chairman: Thank you very much indeed. That has been a very long session and I found it an interesting session. I think we may well wish to reflect upon our lines and the responses we have had. Thank you very much for coming. No doubt we shall see each other again in due course.

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Prepared 13 February 2002