DEFRA | Environment Agency
| Internal Drainage Boards | Local Authorities
What we are responsible for. | Policy.
| Large rivers through cities, towns and agricultural land. Lengths of low lying coastline.
| Drains and dykes in low lying areas. | Small drains and dykes in villages and some towns.
Lengths of coastline, involving seaside towns and cliff frontages.
What we do. | Provide Strategic Guidance.
| Maintain, operate and improve flood defences.
Provide 24-hour Flood Warning service.
Emergency response.
Supervisory Duty by consent over Local Authorities and Internal Drainage Boards.
Report on Government High Level Targets to DEFRA.
| Maintain, operate and improve flood defences.
Emergency response.
| Maintain and improve flood defences.
Emergency response.
Aftercare for flooded areas.
How we are funded. | Allocate Grant Aid for improving flood defences and flood warning service.
| Funding is raised through Flood Defence Committees, whose majority of representatives are from Local Authorities.
It is therefore Local Authority members who have the casting vote on the quantum of investment.
Majority of funding is raised through Local Authorities, via Council Tax.
Grant Aid from DEFRA.
| Raise money locally through drainage rates.
Receive funding from local Authorities and Grant Aid from DEFRA.
| Raise money locally through Council Tax for their own flood defence service plus Grant Aid from DEFRA