Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Minutes of Evidence

Supplementary memorandum submitted by the Royal Agricultural College (A 32(a))

  In answer to your questions on agricultural training:

  1.  Significant training is available concerning farm assurance schemes. Farmers are aware of the importance of the food chain but have difficulty in identifying which would be the relevant food chain training for them.

  2.  Students at the RAC spend one third of their time on business studies and one fifth of their time studying environment grant schemes and issues regarding conservation and woodland management. Farmers are able to attend conferences about the food chain and to visit abattoirs and food processing plants. It is sometimes difficult to enter a dialogue with the big five retailers because they seem reluctant to talk to farmer groups.

  3.  At the Royal Agricultural College each of our three faculties have a School Advisory Council that includes a significant number of industry members as well as academics and researchers. Course content is formulated in consultation with the industry. Additionally, all colleges would have curriculum development committees that would have outside members who would help design the structure and content of an educational programme.

Graduates should have the following qualities and knowledge:

Knowledge and understanding of agriculture


Health and Safety

General knowledge in current affairs

Application skills

Communication skills

Practical ability

Risk Assessment

Asset management

Asset Appraisal

Property Management

Countryside Management

Environmental Management


Customer care

Product Awareness

Appreciation of the industry

  I enclose a presentation that our final year BSc (Hons) Agriculture students gave last Wednesday. [1]

22 February 2002

1   Not printed. Back

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