Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Ninth Report


1.Memorandum by Mr David Roberts, European Commission (A42)
Ev 1
2.Memorandum by the Institute of Agricultural Management (A17)
Ev 16
3.Memorandum by the Royal Agricultural College (A32)
Ev 18
4.Supplementary memorandum by the Institute of Agricultural Management (A17(a))
Ev 30
5.Supplementary memorandum by the Royal Agricultural College (A32(a))
Ev 18
6.Memorandum by Professor David Hughes (A58)
Ev 39
7.Memorandum by Professor J M Bainbridge (A57)
Ev 50
8.Memorandum by Sir Donald Curry (A62)
Ev 82
9.Memorandum by Asda (A60)
Ev 83
10Memorandum by J Sainsbury plc (A63)
Ev 86
11.Memorandum by Tesco Stores plc (A59)
Ev 88
12.Supplementary memorandum by Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd (A63(a))
Ev 108
13.Memorandum by the Co-operative Group (A52)
Ev 108
14.Memorandum by Safeway Stores plc (A61)
Ev 110
15.Supplementary memorandum by the Co-operative Group (A52(a))
Ev 123
16.Memorandum by the Ramblers' Association (A24)
Ev 127
17.Memorandum by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (A23)
Ev 130
18.Supplementary Memorandum by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (A23(a))
Ev 147
19.Memorandum by the Council for the Protection of Rural England (A16)
Ev 151
20.Memorandum by Friends of the Earth (A49)
Ev 156
21.Memorandum by the Institute of Grocery Distribution (A64)
Ev 174
22.Supplementary memorandum by Institute of Grocery Distribution(A64(a)
Ev 184
23.Memorandum by Whitbread Group plc (A65)
Ev 191
24.Memorandum by by Sustain (A8)
Ev 202
25.Supplementary memorandum by Sustain (A8(a))
Ev 209
26.Further Supplementary memorandum by Sustain (A8(b))
Ev 222
27.Memorandum by the Food and Drink Federation (A31)
Ev 229
28Memorandum by Cadbury Schweppes (A19)
Ev 234
29Memorandum by British Sugar plc (A55)
Ev 236
30Supplementary memorandum by the Food and Drink Federation (A31(a))
Ev 252
31Memorandum by UK Agricultural Supply Trade Association Ltd (KASTA) (A29)
Ev 259
32Supplementary memorandum by UKASTA (A29)(a))
Ev 264
33Further supplementary memorandum by UKASTA (A29(b))
Ev 265
34Tenant Farmers Association (A1)
Ev 268
35National Farmers' Union (A34)
Ev 282
36Memorandum by the Country Land and Business Association (C (A50(a))
Ev 284
37Memorandum by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (A54)
Ev 307

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