Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Ninth Report


1.Memorandum by the Future of Rural Society (A2)
Ev 328
2.Memorandum by the Dairy Industry Federation (A3)
Ev 328
3.Memorandum by the Consumers' Association (A4)
Ev 330
4.Memorandum by Compassion in World Farming (A5)
Ev 336
5.Memorandum by the UK Industrial Sugar Users Group (UKISUG) (A6)
Ev 342
6.Memorandum by The Family Farmers' Association (A7)
Ev 344
7.Memorandum by the Countryside Agency (A9)
Ev 347
8.Memorandum by Manydown Company (A10)
Ev 352
9.Memorandum by the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (A11)
Ev 353
10.Memorandum by the Silsoe Research Institute (A12)
Ev 355
11.Memorandum by The Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (A13)
Ev 355
12.Memorandum by the RSPCA (A14)
Ev 357
13.Memorandum by the Countryside Alliance (A15)
Ev 361
14.Memorandum by the Council for British Archaeology (A18)
Ev 373
15.Memorandum by the British Meat Federation (A20)
Ev 378
16.Memorandum by the British Poultry Council (A21)
Ev 380
17.Memorandum by the Meat and Livestock Commission (A22)
Ev 382
18.Memorandum by the Home Grown Cereals Authority (A25)
Ev 386
19.Memorandum by Linking Environment and Farming (LEAF) (A26)
Ev 388
20.Memorandum by English Heritage (A27)
Ev 390
21.Memorandum by the Woodland Trust (A28)
Ev 394
22.Memorandum by Water UK (A30)
Ev 397
23.Memorandum by the British Association for British Biofuels and Oils (BABFO) (A33)
Ev 401
24.Memorandum by the Environment Agency (A35)
Ev 407
25.Supplementary memorandum by the Environment Agency (A35(a))
Ev 411
26.Memorandum by the Supply Chain Initiative on Modified Agricultural Crops (SCIMAC) (A36)
Ev 413
27.Memorandum by the Farmers' Union of Wales (A37)
Ev 418
28.Memorandum by Mr Roger Lankester, Marine Ecology & Sailing (A38)
Ev 423
29.Memorandum by the Crop Protection Association (A39)
Ev 425
30.Memorandum by Professor Wyn Grant, Warwick University (A40)
Ev 427
31.Memorandum by Greenpeace (A41)
Ev 428
32.Memorandum by the National Consumer Council (A43)
Ev 434
33.Memorandum by the British Egg Industry Council (BEIC) (A44)
Ev 440
34.Memorandum by The Organic Food and Farming Targets Bill Campaign (A45)
Ev 443
35.Memorandum by English Nature (A46)
Ev 446
36.Memorandum by Geoffrey H Cole (A47)
Ev 451
37.Memorandum by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (A48)
Ev 456
38.Memorandum by Advanta Seeds UK (A51)
Ev 458
39.Memorandum by the Broadland Agricultural Water Abstractors Group (BAWAG) (A53)
Ev 466
40.Memorandum by the Game Conservancy Trust (A56)
 Ev 468
41.Memorandum by Turftrax Group Limited (A66)
Ev 468
42Memorandum by the President of the Ulster Farmers' Union (A67)
Ev 473

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