Correspondence form Dixons Group plc to
the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Small Businesses, Department
of Trade and Industry, 19 December 2001
2037/2000: THE DISPOSAL
I am writing to you as I indicated that I would
be setting out the steps this Group would hope to take were the
government to delay the implementation of the regulations governing
the disposal of ozone depleting substances by one year.
As we and the BRC have previously indicated
we believe that this delay would give industry, local authorities
and government the breathing space we need to work together to
find the means to comply with these regulations. We believe that
the system of recycling credits envisaged by DEFRA, by which local
authorities could create a mechanism to provide a contribution
to disposal costs. DEFRA envisage that these credits could be
paid to third party recyclers on a per unit basis to off-set some
of the costs of extraction. Clearly the exact level of funding
will determine its potential success.
I hope the notes annexed are helpful.