Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Minutes of Evidence

Annex 4


  Currys has more energy efficient ("A rated") products this year than ever before (c.30 per cent) which will rise as we change our ranges this year.

  We indicate the Energy Savings Trust "Energy Efficiency Recommended" accredited A Rated products to our customers as follows:

    —  On a sticker on the outside of the product;

    —  Whenever product is advertised in either national "black and white" press or our sales inserts;

    —  In all printed customer information material that appears in-store; and

    —  On generic "Energy Efficiency Explained" Point of Sale material in the store.

  We conduct training sessions in the benefits of these products for all sales staff so that they are able to advise on what the differences are between these and non-energy efficient products.

  We run in-store promotions events in conjunction with the Energy Saving Trust.

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