Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Minutes of Evidence

Annex C

Current and Proposed Estate Investment
PostProject TimingCost £M
AbujaNew offices, and house for High Commissioner Not yet decided; site arrangements under negotiation 10
AccraNew Visa Office to relieve severe overcrowding Completed 20013.3
AshgabatResidential accommodation Site under negotiation; timing of building not yet decided 3
AshgabatOfficesSite under negotiation; timing of building not yet decided 2
BeirutFitting out of newly leased Embassy offices Completion 20021.78
BucharestHouse for Ambassador Completion 20021
BucharestNew offices Possibly 20058
CairoConstruction of new Visa Office within the Embassy compound Completion 20021.25
CaracasPurchase and fitting out of new Embassy offices, providing better location and efficiency Completion 20023.7
ChisinauSetting up new Embassy Completion 20025
ColomboPurchase of site to build new High Commission offices, replacing old fashioned and poorly located office building Not yet decided8.2
Dar es SalaamNew High Commission Offices (UK element of a joint project with other EU missions) Completion 20027.5
DohaMove to new compound Not yet decided7.27
DublinPurchase and construction of houses for Ambassador and staff Completion 200311.6
Guatemala CityPurchase of new house for Ambassador, enabling existing poorly located and unsatisfactory house to be sold. Completion 20021.6
IstanbulPera House refurbishment Completion 20024.36
JakartaOffice refurbishment Not yet decided5
KampalaPurchase of site for new offices, required to replace outdated and insecure building Not yet decided6.1
KievPurchase and fitting out of a new house for the Ambassador Completion 20021.9
LagosProposed construction of junior staff housing to replace substandard and expensive rented property. Not yet decided1.8
LahoreAccommodation for newly opened post, including Visa Office Completion 20017
LimaPurchase and fitting out of new offices replacing existing unsafe premises Completion 20023.6
LondonRefurbishment of the Old Admiralty Building 1999-200159
MadrasNew officesCompletion 2003 4
MoscowNew Embassy offices and staff accommodation Completion 200098
MoscowSofiyskaya. Stage 1: conversion of 2 wings to staff accommodation. Stage 1: Completion 20032.39
New YorkPurchase of new apartment for Consul General Completion 20026.57
PekingPurchase of sites Under negotiation; possibly 2002-0315
PyonyangConverting and upgrading buildings for new Embassy Completion 20021.15
RabatPurchase of new site for new Embassy offices Site purchase 2001. Construction timing not yet decided 7
San SalvadorPurchase of new offices Completion 20012.7
SkopjePurchase of site and construction of new Embassy offices Site purchased 2001; build commencing 2002 8
SofiaRecently completed fit-out of newly leased offices Completed 20011.8
TunisNew Embassy offices under construction on recently acquired site. Site purchased; project completion 2003 7.2
WarsawNew Embassy offices Possibly commencing 200512
YerevanNew Embassy offices under construction Completion 20022.9
Foreign and Commonwealth Office

October 2001

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