Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Letter to the Committee from Andrew Boord

  Although the date for submitting formal evidence has passed, I would like to furnish you with a copy of a letter that I have sent to HM Consul in Istanbul concerning the administration of the UK Visa regime in Turkey.

  I have been told that this issue has been raised by Mr David Barchard in his evidence to the Committee, and I kindly request that my letter be added as a supporting document.

  I am a British citizen, resident in Istanbul for 16 years, have served on the British Community Council in Istanbul, and work as Chief Advisor to a retired Member of the Turkish Parliament, a member of a leading Turkish business and industrialist family. From 1995-99 I worked as his assistant while he was deputy chairman of the Turkish Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Commission and chairman of the Turkey-UK Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group.

  My letter, which I faxed to HM Consul yesterday, attempts to express the widely held feelings of alarm and concern on this issue within a spirit of constructive friendship and loyalty to Britain.

  Public concern in Turkey about this issue is growing and anti-British feeling is being provoked at a sensitive time.

  I strongly believe that the situation requires review and that changes need to be made to improve the efficiency and quality of the administration of the visa regime.

  I thank you for your kind assistance and cooperation, and wish the Committee well on its important and complex work.

Andrew Boord
February 2002

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