Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Twelfth Report


Memorandum from the BBC World Service
Ev 1
Supplementary memorandum from the BBC World Service
Ev 17
Further supplementary memorandum from the BBC World Service
Ev 20
Further supplementary memorandum from the BBC World Service: Spending Review 2002 Proprosals
Ev 21
Memorandum from the British Council
Ev 21
Supplementary memorandum from the British Council
Ev 33
Further supplementary memorandum from the British Council
Ev 35
Memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Ev 36
Letter to the Chairman from the Secretary of State: Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Ev 37
Further memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Ev 37
Foreign and Commonwealth Office/BBC World Service: Broadcasting Agreement
Ev 37
Foreign and Commonwealth Office/BBC financial memorandum
Ev 41
Further memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Ev 48
Supplementary memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Ev 80
Foreign and Commonwealth Office: FCO Corporate Sponsorship Details 2001-2002
Ev 85
Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Colocation Table
Ev 87
Letter to the Clerk of the Committee from the Head of Parliamentary Relations and Devolution Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 18 October 2002
Ev 91

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Prepared 14 November 2002