Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Letter to the Clerk of the Committee from the Hon David Durie CMG, Governor of Gibraltar, 2 July 2002


  When the Committee raised with me this morning the question of the letter in the Wall Street Journal from the Spanish Ambassador to the United States about Gibraltar, I said that I thought that I had only seen the letter after the Chief Minister had replied to it. That recollection was incorrect.

  Now that I have had a chance to look at papers, I see that the letter from the Spanish Ambassador was published in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday 5 June; it was reprinted in the Gibraltar Chronical on Friday 7 June, and the Chief Minister's reply to it was published in the Gibraltar Chronical on Tuesday 11 June (I do not know if his letter was actually published in the Wall Street Journal).

  As the Committee may be aware, the Chief Minister was actually in New York on 5 June giving evidence at the United Nations Committee of 24. He did not raise the Spanish Ambassador's letter with me either before or after he had replied to it himself.

David Durie


2 July 2002

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