Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Correspondence between the Clerk of the Committee and the Head of the Parliamentary Relations and Devolution Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Letter from the Clerk to the Head of PRDD, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

  The Committee is expected shortly to agree its Report on Gibraltar.

  The Committee wishes to have a note on the policy of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on the future status of the United Kingdom's military bases on Gibraltar.

  In order that the note may play a part in the Committee's deliberations on the Chairman's draft Report, I need to receive it not later than 12 Noon on Monday 4 November.

Clerk of the Committee

30 October 2002

Letter from the Head of PRDD, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, to the Clerk of the Committee.


  Thank you for your letter of 30 October.

  As the Committee is aware, the Ministry of Defence maintains a wide range of facilities in Gibraltar. These include the naval base; support, logistic and communications facilities; and other assets.

  The Foreign Secretary's statement on the Government's policy towards Gibraltar in the House on 12 July made clear that the current arrangements for the British military facilities should continue. FCO Ministers have been clear to Parliament that the UK would retain full control over these facilities under any package agreed with Spain.

  I hope this is helpful.

Head of Parliamentary Relations & Devolution Department

Foreign and Commonwealth office

4 November 2002

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