Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Minutes of Evidence

Annex VII


  The European Council discussed the tensions between India and Pakistan. It welcomed the steps recently taken by Pakistan to begin clamping down on cross-border terrorism and the de-escalatory measures announced by India in response. The European Council noted that the situation nevertheless remains precarious and that the consequences of a war could be catastrophic for the region and beyond.

  The European Council therefore called on Pakistan to take further concrete action in accordance with the assurances it has already given and with its international obligations, including UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001), to stop infiltration across the Line of Control and to prevent terrorist groups from operating from territory under its control, also through closing of training camps. The European Council called on India and Pakistan to establish an effective monitoring system, in a form acceptable to both, so as to stop infiltration. The European Council underlined the shared interest of all countries in fighting terrorism.

  The European Council encourages India to be ready to respond with further de-escalatory steps as Pakistan shows that it is acting to fulfil its commitments. The European Council noted the importance of free, fair and inclusive elections this autumn in Jammu and Kashmir.

  The European Council called on both parties to adhere to the NPT and to sign and ratify the CTBT.

  The European Council confirmed the EU's commitment to work with India and Pakistan and with others in the international community, seeking for possible confidence-building measures in order to defuse the immediate crisis, and to continue to encourage both countries to achieve a lasting settlement of the differences between them through bilateral dialogue. The High Representative ought to pay an early visit to the region.

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Prepared 16 October 2002