Annex VIII
Preparing the Council for enlargement: Report
by the Presidency to the European Council [9939/02]
Communication from the Commission on the Action
Plans for administrative and judicial capacity, and the monitoring
of commitments made by the negotiating countries in the accession
negotiations [9757/02]
Commission report: Explaining Europe's enlargement
Communication from the Commission "Towards
integrated management of the external borders of the Member States
of the European Union" [9139/02]
Note from the Presidency on enlargement [9765/02
+ REV 1 (it)]
Presidency report on advances made in combating
illegal immigration [10009/02]
Presidency note on co-operation with third countries
of origin and transit to jointly combat illegal immigration [9917/3/02
REV 3]
Council (JHA) conclusions on measures to be
applied to prevent and combat illegal immigration and smuggling
and trafficking in human beings by sea [10017/02]
Plan for the management of the external borders
Draft Council conclusions on the preparation
of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg)
Presidency report: Giving fresh impetus to the
Lisbon Strategy: Progress towards fulfilling the remits adopted
by the Barcelona European Council [9909/1/02 REV 1]
Commission communicationEuropean Governance:
Better lawmaking [9809/02]
Communication from the CommissionAction
plan: "Simplifying and improving the regulatory environment
[9809/02 ADD 1]
Communication from the Commission Consultation
document: Towards a reinforced culture of consultation and dialogue
[9809/02 ADD 2]
Communication from the Commission on impact
assessment [9809/02 ADD 3]
Communication from the Commission entitled "Towards
the Full Roll-Out of Third Generation Mobile Communications"
Report from the Commission to the Council on
using the Internet to develop twinning between European secondary
schools [10037/02]
Commission communication "eEurope
2005: An information society for all" [9508/02]
Report from the Commission on the status of
work on the guidelines for state aid and services of general economic
interest [9787/02]
Council Recommendation for the Broad Guidelines
of the Economic Policies of the Member States and the Community
ECOFIN Council report: Administrative co-operation
in the area of taxation [10014/02 + REV 1 (en)]
ECOFIN Council report: tax package [10226/02]
Progress report on energy taxation [1095/02]
Presidency Report on European Security and Defence
Policy [10160/2/02 REV 2]
Presidency report on the implementation of the
EU Programme for the Prevention of Violent Conflicts [9991/02]
Council conclusions on Kaliningrad [10038/02]
Council report on the implementation of the
Common Strategy of the European Union on Russia [9916/02]
Article 299(2) Implementation of the sustainable
development strategy for the outermost regions:
Progress report and work programme with a provisional
timetable [10148/02]
Seville European Council
June 2002