Select Committee on Home Affairs Minutes of Proceedings Report



Mr David Cameron declared an interest as a Consultant to Carlton Communications plc and occasional earnings from journalism. He also declared that he was a member of the Advisory Board of, an online investor relations company (an unpaid position).

Ms Janet Dean declared a part share in two residential properties in Cheshire. She also declared several miscellaneous and unremunerated interests: Chairmanship of Burton Breweries Charitable Trust, Presidency of East Staffordshire Racial Equality Council, Presidency of Relate: East Staffordshire Marriage Guidance, Honorary Presidency of Uttoxeter Citizens Advice Bureau, Presidency of Cases, Presidency of the Women's Section, Royal British Legion (Burton Branch).

Mr Humfrey Malins declared an interest as a Recorder of the Crown Court, as a Consultant to Tuck & Mann, Solicitors, Leatherhead, Surrey, as an Acting Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate, as a Member of the Political Opinion Panel of BPRI (Business Planning and Research International), and as a lay member of the General Medical Council, for which a daily attendance allowance is paid; and declared occasional rental income from residential property owned by himself and his wife.

Mr Chris Mullin declared occasional income from journalism and authorship and rental income from residential property.

Bridget Prentice declared an interest as a magistrate and occasional fees for opinion research.

Mr Gwyn Prosser declared a contribution of more than 25% of his election expenses from the GMB and MSF trade unions.

Bob Russell declared an interest as a Colchester Borough Councillor, occasional fees from journalism and broadcasting; and occasional fees from opinion research surveys, which were donated to good causes and charities. He declared membership of BPRI Political Opinion Panel, fees from which were paid to the Island of St Helena Gumwood Tree Appeal. He also declared unremunerated interests as a patron of the St Stephen's Church Centre, Colchester, a trustee of St Mary Magdalen's Hospital Almshouse Charity, Colchester and Vice-President of Colchester (TS Colne Light) Sea Cadets.

Mr Marsha Singh confirmed that he had no declarations of interest.

Angela Watkinson confirmed that she had no declarations of interest.

Mr Tom Watson declared occasional fees for opinion surveys, which were paid to charity. He further declared two complimentary tickets to the Brit Awards, received from the British Phonographic Institute.

David Winnick declared very occasional fees received from press articles, broadcasting interviews, etc, and a contribution by the GMB Union, of which he was a member, of less than 25% of his election expenses of 1997.

18 July 2001

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