Select Committee on Home Affairs Minutes of Evidence

Examination of witnesses (Questions 138 - 139)




  138. Minister, welcome. It seems like only yesterday that you were sitting on this side of the table. Can you introduce the two officials with you, please.

  (Beverley Hughes) I have with me Bob Whalley from the Home Office, who will assist me with any aspect on terrorism and terrorism protection, and Iain Walsh, from the Immigration and Nationality Directorate. I have some other people behind me if I need them.

  139. As you are probably aware, it is not our intention to trawl through every detail of this Bill, much of which is uncontroversial, but to home in, in the limited time we have, on the three or four obvious issues that are likely to be more controversial. Can I start by asking you how much of this is emergency legislation and how much could have waited?
  (Beverley Hughes) The whole of the Bill is a response to the events of September 11th and the result of a consequent audit right across government—in a very measured way; we have not rushed into this—as to how far our existing legislation was sufficient to deal with events of that kind, whether or not we needed to have a wholesale revision of our legislation, or whether we could plug gaps. A wholesale revision was not necessary, but what we did need to bring forward was a set of proportionate and targeted measures designed specifically to deal with gaps in our current legislation that we felt the public would reasonably expect us to fill. In that sense, I think the whole of the Bill has a direct or clear link to some of the new threats that arise from the events of September 11th.

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