5.5 Capital Investment in Social Services
5.5.1 Could the Department update the figures
provided last year on the acquisition, upgrade and sale of personal
social services assets? [5.9a]
1. Updated figures are provided in Table
5.5.1. While the figures show a decrease in provision and expenditure,
we expect a small increase in response to recent increased provision
by Government.
Table 5.5.1
£ million
| 1996-97
| 1997-98
| 1998-99
| 1999-2000
| 2000-01
| 2001-02
Maintenance | 14.2 | 11.8
| 10.9 | 10.4 | 12.7
| 16.1 |
New acquisitions | 165.8 |
138.2 | 129.1 | 123.6
| 150.3 | 186.9 |
TOTAL SPEND | 180 | 150
| 140 | 134 | 163
| 203 |
Sale of buildings | 35.2 |
34.4 | 42.4 | 40.8
| 49.6 | 76.8 |
Sale of equipment | 8.8 | 8.6
| 10.6 | 10.2 | 12.4
| 19.2 |
TOTAL SALES | 44 | 43
| 53 | 51 | 62 |
96 |
NET SPEND | 136 | 107
| 87 | 83 | 101
| 107 |
Notefigures may not sum due to rounding
5.5 Capital Investment in Social Services
5.5.2 Could the Department comment on the outcome for
personal social services of the Capital Challenge Pilot Fund scheme?
1. The Capital Challenge Pilot Fund scheme was launched
in 1996 and is no longer in operation. The Department has nothing
further to add to its reply in 1998.
5.5 Capital Investment in Social Services
5.5.3 Could the Department provide an update on PFI projects
currently supported, or being considered by the Departments, and
state its criteria for supporting such projects? [5.9c]
1. The Department's criteria for supporting PFI projects
remains unchanged: the Department is seeking to support innovative
approaches to problems associated with social exclusion. This
can apply to any social services client group such as older people,
children, people with learning disabilities and people with mental
health needs. The Department sponsors projects that are part of
long term strategic service planning, that provide evidence of
value for money and of flexibility.
2. The following PFI projects have been approved to date:
Dudley | Health and Social Care Centre
Ealing | Resource Centres for Older People
Enfield | Resource Centre for Older People with Cognitive Impairment
Greenwich | Neighbourhood Resource Centres for Older People
Hammersmith & Fulham | Nursing Care and Extra Care Housing for Older People
Harrow | Care Services for Older People
Harrow | Mixed Services for People with Learning Disability and Mental Health needs
Kent | Integrated Health and Social Care Services
Kent | Integrated Health and Social Care Services
Northampton | Specialist Care Services for Older People with Dementia
Portsmouth | Mixed Services for People with Learning Disabilities
Richmond | Care Services for Older People
Staffordshire | Children's Small Homes
Surrey | Services for Older People
Westminster | Resource Centre for Older People
3. Four further Councils will be ready to submit their
Outline Business Cases in the Autumn and they are: Birmingham,
Coventry, Sandwell and Shropshire.
4. Social Services PFI is increasing steadily, now expanding
to people with learning disabilities and people with mental health
needs. The demand for services for older people remains the highest.
Generally, much of the demand is in response to Local Authorities'
long-term strategic planning and Best Value reviews of their current
provision of care services for social services client groups,
for example, residential and nursing care for older people. Social
Services' joint working with health is well established, with
some developing partnerships with other key services such as housing.
5.5 Capital Investment in Social Services
5.5.4 Could the Department compare actual capital spend
by social services departments with the funding provided through
credit approvals and capital grants? [5.9d]
1. Table 5.5.4 compares actual capital spend by social
services departments with the funding provided through credit
approvals and capital grants. The table shows that central government
capital funding is only one source of capital for Local Authorities.
Local Authorities can fund their capital requirements in other
ways, through capital receipts, joint funding, EC funding and
through the Private Finance Initiative.
Table 5.5.4
£ million | 1996-97
| 1997-98 | 1998-99
| 1999-2000 | 2000-01
| 2001-02 |
TOTAL SPEND | 180 | 150
| 140 | 134 | 163
| 203 |
Capital grants | 27.2 | 13.2
| 8.2 | 6.2 | 8.2
| 9.3 |
Credit approvals | 102.9 |
68.2 | 53.7 | 55.7
| 55.7 | 55.7 |
TOTAL PROVISION | 130.1 | 81.4
| 62 | 62 | 63.9
| 65 |
Notefigures may not sum due to rounding
5.5 Capital Investment in Social Services
5.5.5 How many social services departments have retained
social services assets but changed their use? What have been the
net gains and losses to different social services sectors?
1. The Department does not collate or hold this information
October 2002