Members present
in the Chair
John Austin | Sandra Gidley
Andy Burnham | Siobhain McDonagh
Mr Simon Burns | Dr Doug Naysmith
Jim Dowd | Dr Richard Taylor
Julia Drown | |
The Committee deliberated.
Several Members disclosed their interests in relation to
the inquiry into the Role of the Private Sector in the NHS. For
details of these declarations see Appendix.
The Role of the Private Sector in the NHS: the Rt Hon Alan
Milburn, a Member of the House, Secretary of State for Health,
was examined. Mr Andy McKeon, Head of Medicines, Pharmacy and
Industry Group, Mr Peter Coates, Head, Private Finance and Capital,
Department of Health, and Mr Nicholas Macpherson, Managing Director,
Public Services Directorate, HM Treasury, were examined.
[Adjourned till Monday 29 October at Three o'clock.
The Committee met at the University of North Durham Hospital