Select Committee on Health Memoranda

Memorandum by the Department of Health

Table 4.5.1



  1  Health authority allocations cover hospital and community health services, prescribing and GP infrastructure.

  2  On 1 April 2001:

Barnet and Enfield and Haringey Health Authorities merged to form Barnet, Enfield and Haringey;

Bexley and Greenwich and Bromley Health Authorities merged to form Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich;

East and North Hertfordshire and West Hertfordshire Health Authorities merged to form Hertfordshire; and

Isle of Wight and Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Health Authorities merged to form Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and South East Hampshire

2001-02 allocations were announced in November 2000, prior to the mergers.

  3  Uses the GDP deflator of 2.5 per cent in operation at the time of the allocations announcement on 14 November 2000.

  4  Cross boundary adjustments are sums transferred for patients who became the responsibility of another HA. There are no cross boundary adjustments for 2001-02.

  5  The Out of Area Treatment adjustments are non-recurrent adjustments to 2001-02 allocations.

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Prepared 17 January 2002