Select Committee on International Development Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Supplementary memorandum from the FCO: UK supplied equipment in the Occupied Territories (OTs)

  The Foreign Secretary in his oral briefing before the Strategic Export Controls Committees on 21 March undertook to inform them of the Israeli response to our request for an explanation about the use of UK-supplied equipment in the Occupied Territories (OTs). We have now received a written response from the Israeli Government.

  The Israeli Government has said that the assurances given on 29 November 2000 were in good faith, and also offered an explanation based on operational need about the use of the armoured personnel carriers (APCs) in the OTs. They did not however accept that this was a breach of the assurances given and they have not committed to stop using the APCs in the OTs. Accordingly we will continue to assess export licence applications for the proposed export of controlled goods to Israel on a case by case basis against the consolidated EU and national arms export licensing criteria. But in doing so we will no longer take the Israeli assurances given on 29 November 2000 into account.

  We also have questions about other possible breaches of the assurances with regard to equipment supplied under previous administrations, which we are taking up with the Israeli authorities. We will revert with further information as soon as possible.

15 April 2002

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