Select Committee on Modernisation of the House of Commons Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Letter from Mr Owen Paterson MP to the Chairman of the Committee

  In the last Parliament, I served on three Select Committees—Welsh Affairs, Agriculture and European Scrutiny and I understood their value as vehicles for scrutinising the Executive.

  I very much hope that, as Leader of the House, you will consider strengthening Select Committees by

  1.  ensuring membership is decided by the House and not by the "usual channels".

  2.  Chairmen of Select Committees should be elected by the Committee members, but should be from the Opposition.

  3.  Chairmen should be paid significantly, so that they have real stature, as in the US Congress and the Select Committee route offers a parallel career route to climbing the Ministerial ladder.

  4.  Staff of Committees need to be significantly strengthened, particularly with regard to European Affairs work, as they are under intolerable pressure.

31 July 2001

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