1 | Definitions
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2 | Petitions for bills
2A | Presentation of petitions for bills
3 | 30th July 1952
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4 | Contents of notice
4A | Copies of bill to be made available
5 | Further particulars in case of certain bills
6 | Particulars in case of gas works, burial ground, etc., bills
7 | Particulars in case of tramway bills
8 | Particulars in case of tramway and tramroad bills
9 | Particulars in case of waterway, etc., bills
10 | Publication of notice in newspapers
11 | Publication of notice in the Gazette
12 | Posting of notices in case of tramway, etc., bills
12A | Posting of notices in case of stopping up, etc., of public foot-paths or bridleways
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Notices to owners, lessees and occupiers
13 | Notice to owners, etc.
14 | Notice to frontagers in case of tramways
15 | Notice to owners and lessees of railways, etc., affected by proposed tramway or trolley vehicle system
16 | Notice to mill-owners, etc., where water is to be impounded or abstracted
17 | Notice to owners and occupiers of houses in case of gas works, burial ground, etc., bills
18 | Notice to owners etc., in case of relinquishment of works
19 | Notice to owners, etc., in case of alteration or repeal of protective provisions
19A | Notice in case of alteration of court order
19B | Notice to debenture holders
20 | Notice to owners, etc., in case of alteration or repeal of provision relating to nuisance
21 | Notice in case of application for compulsory running powers
22 | Mode of giving notice
23 | Evidence of notice
24 | Notice on Sunday, etc., invalid
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Consents of local and highway authorities
25 | Consents in case of tramway bill
25A | Consents required under the Greater London Authority Act 1999
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Documents required to be deposited, etc., and the times and places of deposit, etc.
26 | Deposit on Sunday, etc., invalid
27 | Deposit of plan, book of reference and section, etc.
27A | Environmental assessment
28 | 29th July 1964
29 | Deposit of map in case of tramway, etc., bill
30 | Deposit of map in case of bill for supply of electricity
30A | Deposit of map in case of bill for taking water supply
31 | Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in case of bill affecting tidal lands
32 | Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in case of bill affecting fisheries
33 | Delivery of copy of plan, etc., of river
34 | Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases, with DEFRA and DTLR
35 | Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases with Commissioner of Police
36 | Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases with certain local authorities
37 | Deposit of copy of plan, etc., in certain cases with Home Office and other public departments
38 | Deposit of printed copies of bills in Vote Office and Private Bill Office
39 | Deposit of copies of bills at Treasury and other public departments, etc
40 | 9th April 1986
41 | Delivery of copies of certain bills to highway authorities
42 | Delivery of copies of bills affecting watercourses to the Environment Agency
43 | Delivery of copies of bills affecting rivers or waterways to the Environment Agency
44 | Delivery of copies of certain bills to local authorities
45 | Deposit and form of estimates
46 | 24th October 1990
47 | Deposit of statement as to houses and persons on land to be acquired
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Deposited plans, books of reference, sections and cross sections
48 | Description of plan
49 | Particulars in case of waterways, etc.
50 | Particulars in case of railways and tramroads
51 | Particulars in case of diversion of roads, etc.
52 | Particulars in case of tramways
53 | Plan to define improvement and improvement area
54 | Contents of book of reference
55 | Section
56 | Section of improvement, etc., of navigation
57 | Section of railway or tramroad
58 | Section of tramroad
59 | Cross sections of roads, etc.
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Bills brought from the House of Lords
60 | Deposit of copies of bills brought from House of Lords at public departments, etc.
61 | Notices and deposits where work is altered while bill is in House of Lords
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Consents of proprietors or members of companies, and of persons named as directors
62 | Consents of proprietors of statutory companies promoting bills originating in this House
63 | Consents of members of registered companies, etc., promoting bills originating in this House
64 | Consents of members of companies, etc., not being promoters, in case of certain bills originating in this House
65 | Consents of proprietors of statutory companies promoting certain bills in House of Lords
66 | Consents of members of registered companies, etc., promoting certain bills originating in House of Lords
67 | Consents of members of companies, etc., not being promoters, in case of certain bills originating in House of Lords
68 | Proof of consent of directors, etc., who are named in bill
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69 | Appointment of Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills
70 | Examination of petitions for bills
71 | Date of commencement of examination of petitions for bills
72 | Notice of examination of petitions for bills
73 | Examination of petitions for additional provision
74 | Examination of bills brought from House of Lords, etc.
74A | Right of promoters to be heard before Examiner
75 | Memorials complaining of non-compliance with standing orders
76 | Right of audience before Examiner of proprietors dissenting at meeting under Standing Orders 62 to 67
76A | Withdrawal of memorials
77 | Proof by affidavit
78 | 12th November 1951
79 | Examiner to make special report in certain cases
80 | Daily lists of cases before Examiners
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81 | Division of bills between this House and House of Lords
82 | Examination of bills by Chairman of Ways and Means
83 | 12th November 1951
84 | Copies of filled-up bill to be laid before Chairman of Ways and Means, etc.
85 | Power of Chairman of Ways and Means to report special circumstances, etc., to House
86 | Copy of bill as amended in committee to be laid before Chairman of Ways and Means, etc.
87 | Submission to Chairman of Ways and Means, etc., of amendments proposed by promoters
88 | Copy of Lords amendments, etc., to be laid before Chairman of Ways and Means, etc.
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89 | Constitution of Court of Referees on Private Bills
90 | Jurisdiction of Court of Referees
91 | Rules of practice and procedure of Court of Referees
91A | Right of audience before Court of Referees
92 | Competition to be a ground of locus standi
93 | Locus standi of members of companies, etc.
94 | 23rd July 1953
95 | Power of Court of Referees to allow locus standi to associations, etc.
96 | Power of Court of Referees to allow locus standi to local authorities or inhabitants
97 | Locus standi of certain local authorities against lighting and water bills
98 | Locus standi of county councils against water and tramway bills
99 | Power of Court of Referees to allow locus standi to river authorities, and owners, etc., of land
100 | Power of Court of Referees to allow locus standi to land drainage authorities
101 | Power of Court of Referees to allow locus standi to conservators of forests, commons, or open spaces
102 | Locus standi of owners, etc., against tramway bills
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103 | Appointment of Standing Orders Committee
104 | Reference to Standing Orders Committee of reports from Examiners of non-compliance with standing orders, etc.
105 | Reference to Standing Orders Committee of petitions for dispensing with standing orders
106 | Reference to Standing Orders Committee of petitions for reinsertion of petitions in general list
107 | Duties of Standing Orders Committee in reference to proposed amendments on consideration
107A | Hearing of parties by Standing Orders Committee
108 | 30th July 1952
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109 | Appointment of Committee of Selection
110 | Power of Committee of Selection to form groups of opposed bills
111 | Reference to committees of opposed and unopposed bills
112 | Reference back to Committee of Selection of unopposed bills when treated as opposed
113 | Committee of Selection to appoint first sitting of committee on opposed bill
114 | Committee of Selection to name bill or bills to be considered at first sitting of committee
115 | Notices to members of committees
116 | Non-return of declaration
117 | Power of Committee of Selection to change membership of committees
118 | Power of Committee of Selection to send for persons, etc.
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119 | 12th November 1951
120 | Declaration by members of committee on opposed bill
121 | Quorum of committee on opposed bill
122 | Absence of chairman or members of committee on opposed bill
123 | Committees on certain bills to have assistance of Counsel to the Speaker
124 | Order in which bills are to be considered by committee
125 | Adjournment of committee on opposed bill
126 | Reference to committee of petitions against bill
127 | Right of audience before committees on opposed bills
128 | Petition against bill must distinctly specify grounds of objection
129 | 12th November 1951
130 | Rights of petitioners in case of bills brought from House of Lords
131 | Non-appearance of petitioners
131A | Printing of minutes of evidence
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132 | Committee on unopposed bills
133 | Member of committee on unopposed bill if interested not to vote
134 | Right of audience before committee on unopposed bills
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135 | Decision of questions in committees on bills
136 | Reception of evidence by committees on bills
136A | County council bills conferring powers on district councils: proof of need
137 | Copies of filled-up bill to be laid before committee
138 | Record of members' attendances and votes
139 | Committee on bill not to inquire into compliance with certain orders
140 | 22nd July 1959
141 | Chairman to sign committee bill, etc.
142 | Chairman to report on allegations of bill, etc.
143 | 12th November 1951
144 | Reports by ministers of the crown
145 | Minutes of proceedings
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Fencing of bridges, and railway, tramroad and tramway bills
146 | Fencing of bridges
147 | Level crossings
148 | 25th October 1967
149 | 23rd July 1953
150 | Specification of length of railway, etc.
151 | 1st August 1961
152 | Distance between passing vehicles when used on tramway
153 | Restriction of powers for construction, acquisition or taking on lease of tramway by local authority
154 | Running powers in tramway bills
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Expenditure by local authorities
155 | 24th October 1990
156 | 24th October 1990
156A | Modification of practice as to charges on public revenue
156B | 24th October 1990
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157 | Agreement to be annexed to bill
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Charitable or educational institutions
158 | Bills affecting charities or educational foundations
159 | 24th October 1990
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Water bills
160 | Compensation water, etc.
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Gas works, burial ground, etc., bills
161 | Limits of gas works, burial ground, etc., to be defined
162 | 24th October 1990
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163 | Presentation of bills
164 | House copy of bill
164A | Matters to be expressed in titles of certain bills
165 | 12th November 1951
166 | First Reading
166A | Petitions for additional provision
167 | Presentation of petitions for dispensing with standing orders, etc.
168 | Charges affecting public revenue to be printed in italics
169 | Attachment of financial memoranda to certain bills
169A | Reports concerning human rights
170 | Interval between first and second reading
171 | Presentation of petitions relating to private bills
171A | Petitions against private bills
172 | Supply of copies of petitions
173 | Withdrawal of petitions
174 | Time and manner of taking private business
175 | Instructions to committees on bills
176 | 12th November 1951
177 | Interval between committal of bill and sitting of committee
178 | Procedure on report of bill from committee
179 | Printing of bill as amended in committee
180 | Deposit of copies of bill at public departments, etc., before consideration
181 | Interval between report and consideration of bill, etc.
182 | Reference to Standing Orders Committee of proposed amendments on consideration
183 | Printing of proposed amendments on consideration
184 | Amendments on third reading
185 | Printing of bill after third reading
186 | Printing of Lords amendments
187 | 30th July 1952
188 | Motions for dispensing with standing orders
189 | 12th November 1951
190 | Procedure at time of private business
191 | Tolls and charges not in the nature of a tax
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192 | Private Bill Office registers
192A | Rules for petitions
193 | Acknowledgment of receipt of documents
194 | General List of Petitions for Bills
194A | Inspection of petitions for bills
195 | 12th November 1951
196 | Custody of House copy of bill
197 | Examination of bills
198 | Notice of second reading
199 | Notice of committee
199A | Notice of adjournment of committees
200 | Deposit of filled-up bill
201 | Notice of consideration of bill
202 | Delivery of committee bill to Private Bill Office
203 | Examination of bill printed as amended
204 | Notice of amendments on consideration of bill or on third reading
204A | Opposed business (consideration and third reading)
205 | Notice of third reading
206 | Entry of amendments on House copy of bill
207 | Examination of bills before transmission to House of Lords
208 | Notice of consideration of Lords amendments
208A | Opposed business (Lords amendments)
209 | Time for delivering notices, etc.
210 | Daily lists of committees sitting
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211 | Meaning of "confirming bill"
212 | Deposit of duplicate plans, etc., in Private Bill Office
213 | Application of Standing Order 47 to provisional orders
214 | Examination of confirming bills by Examiners
215 | Locus standi of petitioners against confirming bills
216 | Presentation of confirming bills
217 | Proceedings in committees on confirming bills
218 | Proceedings in House on confirming bills
219 | Application of certain orders to confirming bills
220 | 9th April 1986
221 | 9th April 1986
222 | 9th April 1986
223 | 9th April 1986
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224 | Examination of public bills by Examiners
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225 | Interpretation of Standing Orders 226 to 236
226 | Chairmen to determine procedure for considering draft provisional orders
227 | Reports of Chairmen on draft provisional orders
228 | Parliamentary panel
228A | Application of certain orders to confirmation bills
229 | Constitution of joint committee on confirmation bill
230 | Procedure on confirmation bills brought from House of Lords
231 | Presentation of petition for bill under section 1(4) of the Procedure Act
232 | Deposit of copies of substituted bill at public departments, etc.
233 | Proofs before Examiner in case of substituted bill
233A | Application of Standing Order 61 to substituted bill
234 | Contents of substituted bill
235 | Petitions in favour of or against draft provisional order
236 | Deposit of copies of substituted bill brought from House of Lords at public departments, etc.
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237 | Interpretation of Standing Orders 238 to 248a
238 | Deputy Chairmen
239 | Deposit of copies of orders in Private Bill Office, etc.
239A | Deposit of duplicate plans, etc., in Private Bill Office
240 | Presentation of petitions against orders
241 | Memorials objecting to petitions
241A | Special report by Chairmen
242 | Consideration of petitions by Chairmen
243 | Joint committees on petitions
244 | Counter-petitions
245 | Withdrawal of petitions, counter-petitions and memorials
246 | 12th November 1951
247 | Extension of time for deposits and notices in case of adjournment of House, etc.
248 | Notice of date of operation or withdrawal of order
248A | Application of certain orders to bills under Special Procedure Act
249 | 12th November 1951
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