Sessional Returns 2000-01 - Contents


Information and statistics relating to applications of Standing Order No. 36 (Closure of debate) in the House, in Committee of the whole House and in Standing Committees; applications of Standing Order No. 29 (Powers of Chair to propose question) in the House, Committee of the whole House and Standing Committees; and Bills in respect of which allocation of time orders were made under Standing Order No. 83 (Allocation of time to bills) or to which Programme Motions or Business of the House Orders applied.

A. Closure of Debate

In the House

The Closure was claimed on 11 occasions. Assent of the Chair was withheld on none of these occasions. On no occasion was the Question negatived; on every occasion at least 100 Members voted in the majority in support of the motion, so the Question was in every case decided. The Closure was agreed to on 11 occasions, of which 5 were on division.

Tuesday 12th December 2000Queen's Speech (Motion for an Address): That the Amendment be made
Tuesday 9th January 2001 Armed Forces Bill: Motion to appoint Select Committee: That the Amendment be made
Thursday 11th January 2001 City of London (Ward Elections) Bill: That the Clause be read a second time
Agreed on division
Ayes 100, Noes 18
(The Tellers having originally erroneously reported the number of Ayes as 99)
Monday 15th January 2001 Motion (Membership of Joint Committee on Tax Simplification Bills)
Monday 15th January 2001 Capital Allowances Bill: Second Reading
Agreed on division
Ayes 264, Noes 14
Thirsday 1st February 2001 Opposition Day [3rd]: That the original words stand part of the Question
Friday 9th February 2001 Road Transport Bill: Second Reading
Monday 12th February 2001 Opposition Day [5th]: That the original words stand part of the Question
Tuesday 13th February 2001 Capital Allowances Bill: Third Reading
Agreed on division
Ayes 238, Noes 31
Monday 12th March 2001* Criminal Justice and Police Bill: Motion that the Bill be deemed to have been amended in Committee and reported: That the Amendment be made
Agreed on division
Ayes 240, Noes 142
Wednesday 21st March 2001 Opposition Day [7th]: That the original words stand part of the Question

* Closure claimed by a Minister of the Crown

In Committee of the whole House

On no occasion was the Closure claimed.

In Standing Committee

The Closure was claimed on one occasion and was agreed to.

Committee, subject and Question
1st February 2001*
Standing Committee B, Hunting Bill: That the Amendment be made
Agreed on division
Ayes 15, Noes 9

* Closure claimed by a Minister of the Crown

B. Power of Chair to propose Question

In the House

DateQuestion Result
Wednesday 2nd May 2001 City of London (Ward Elections) Bill: That the Question be now proposed Fewer than 100 Members voted in the affirmative: Q not decided
Wednesday 2nd May 2001 City of London (Ward Elections) Bill: That the Question be now proposed Fewer than 100 Members voted in the affirmative: Q not decided

In Committee of the whole House


In Standing Committee

Committee, subject and Question

C1. Allocation of Time

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

BillDate of Order StagePeriod allotted
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order; including time taken on divisions)
Elections Bill4th April 2001 Second Reading and Committee of the Whole House To be brought to a conclusion by 9 pm on the same day
1 hour and 54 minutes
     Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 10 pm on the same day
1 hour and 13 minutes
     Lords Amendments1 hour
Elections Publication Bill [Lords] 4th April 2001 Second Reading and Remaining Stages
Lords Amendments
To be brought to a conclusion by 11 pm on the same day

1 hour
1 hour and 22 minutes


In Standing Committee

BillDate of Order Period allotted and/or date for report from Standing Committee
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order) and/or date of report from Standing Committee

C2. Allocation of Time (Programme Motions)

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

BillDate of Order
Date of Reports of Business Committee (if applicable)
Period allotted
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order)
Criminal Justice and Police Bill 29 January 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 10 pm ( by 7 pm if a Thursday)
5 hours and 1 minute
  10th May 2001

Lords Amendments

Further Lords Amendments
1 hour on the same day
1 hour on the same day
1 hour and 1 minute

Vehicles (Crime) Bill 30 January 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 10 pm on the same day
4 hours and 6 minutes
House of Commons (Clergy Disqualification) Bill 6th February 2001
Committee of the Whole House To be brought to a conclusion by 8 pm ( by 5 pm if a Thursday)
3 hours and 36 minutes
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 10 pm (by 7 pm if a Thursday)
2 hours and 10 minutes
Homes Bill7th February 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 10 pm on the same day 5 hours and 26 minutes
Social Security Contributions (Share Options) Bill

8th February 2001

11th May 2001


Consideration and Third Reading

Lords Amendments

Further Lords Amendments
To be brought to a conclusion by 4.15 pm on the same day

1 hour on the same day
1 hour on the same day
1 hour and 44 minutes

22 minutes

Children's Commissioner for Wales Bill 8th February 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 7 pm on the same day 1 hour and 44 minutes
  11th May 2001
Lords Amendments1 hour on the same day
35 minutes
Further Lords Amendments 1 hour on the same day
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill 13th February 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 9 pm on the same day
3 hours and 22 minutes
Health and Social Care Bill 14th February 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 10 pm on the same day
5 hours and 22 minutes
  10th May 2001
Lords Amendments1 hour on the same day
1 hour and 6 minutes
Further Lords Amendments 1 hour on the same day
Criminal Defence Service (Advice and Assistance) Bill [Lords] 26th February 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 7 pm (by 4 pm if a Thursday)
50 minutes
Hunting Bill27th February 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be
brought to a conclusion by midnight
7 hours and 30 minutes
Regulatory Reform Bill [Lords] 19th March 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 10 pm (by 7 pm if a Thursday)
5 hours and 11 minutes
Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill [Lords] 20th March 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 10 pm (by 7 pm if a Thursday)
4 hours and 26 minutes
Social Security Fraud Bill [Lords] 27th March 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 10 pm (by 7 pm if a Thursday)
3 hours and 45 minutes
Private Security Industry Bill [Lords] 28th March 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 10 pm (by 7 pm if a Thursday)
3 hours and 51 minutes
Armed Forces Bill2nd April 2001
Committee of the Whole House, consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 10.30 pm on the same day
3 hours and 30 minutes
  11th May 2001

Lords Amendments

Further Lords Amendments
1 hour on the same day
1 hour on the same day
20 minutes

Finance Bill9th April 2001
Committee of the Whole House To be brought to a conclusion by midnight (1st day)
7 hours and 26 minutes
  9th May 2001

Committee of the Whole House

Consideration and Third Reading
To be brought to a conclusion by 10 pm (2nd day)
To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours from commencement of proceedings on the Order the same day
5 hours and 38 minutes

3 hours and 25 minutes
International Development Bill 10th April 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion by 4 pm on the same day
2 hours and 45 minutes
Rating (Former Agricultural Premises and Rural Shops) Bill 9th May 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 2 hours from commencement of proceedings on the Order the same day
1 hour and 16 minutes
International Criminal Court Bill [Lords] 10th May 2001
Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours from commencement of proceedings on the Order the same day
1 hour and 14 minutes

In Standing Committee

Date of Order
Date for report from Standing Committee
Dates of reports from Programming Sub-committee
Date of report from Standing Committee
Vehicles (Crime) Bill 18th December 200023rd January 2001 8th January 2001; 16th January 2001 23rd January 2001
Hunting Bill20th December 2000 8th February 2001 18th January 2001; 8th February 2001 8th February 2001
Homes Bill8th January 2001 1st February 2001 15th January 20011st February 2001
Health and Social Care Bill 10th January 2001 8th February 200118th January 2001; 25th January 2001 8th February 2001
Children's Commissioner for Wales Bill 16th January 2001 1st February 200118th January 2001 1st February 2001
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill 22nd January 2001 8th February 200129th January 2001 8th February 2001
Social Security Contributions (Share Options) Bill 23rd January 2001 1st February 200129th January 2001 1st February 2001
Criminal Justice and Police Bill
29th January 2001 8th March 20011st February 2001; 28th February 2001; 7th March 2001 12th March 2001
Criminal Defence Service (Advice and Assistance) Bill [Lords] 26th February 2001 8th March 20016th February 2001 8th March 2001
International Development Bill 6th March 200115th March 2001 12th March 200115th March 2001
Regulatory Reform Bill [Lords] 19th March 200129th March 2001 26th March 200129th March 2001
Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill [Lords] 20th March 20015th April 2001 22nd March 20015th April 2001
Social Security Fraud Bill [Lords] 27th March 200112th April 2001 2nd April 200112th April 2001
Private Security Industry Bill [Lords] 28th March 20011st May 2001 5th April 20011st May 2001
International Criminal Court Bill [Lords] 3rd April 20013rd May 2001 9th April 20013rd May 2001
Finance Bill9th April 2001 24th May 200125th April 2001; 8th May 2001 24th May 2001
Rating (Former Agricultural Premises) Bill 30th April 20018th May 2001 8th May 20018th May 2001

C3. Allocation of Time (Business of the House Motions)

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

Date of Order
Period allotted
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order)

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Prepared 26 July 2001