Sessional Returns 2000-01 - Contents


Information and statistics relating to European Union documents (as defined in Standing Order No. 143 (European Scrutiny Committee) paragraph (1) (i)-(vi))

A. Consideration by the European Scrutiny Committee

No. of documents considered by the European Scrutiny Committee
No. referred to European Standing Committee A
No. referred to European Standing Committee B
No. referred to European Standing Committee C
No. recommended for debate on the floor of the House
No. to which the attention of the House was drawn

B. Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House and in European Standing Committees

Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House

No. of documents considered on the floor of the House
No. of documents debated on the floor of the House
No. of documents on which the question was put forthwith
19 on 14 Motions
1 on 1 Motion
18 on 13 Motions


Consideration in European Standing Committee

Title of Document
Date considered
Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum relating to Fisheries: total allowable catches and quotas 2001
11th December 2000
Control of certain Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (5196/99)
14th February 2001
Health Requirements for Animal By-products (12648/00 and 12646/00)
7th March 2001
Support Scheme for Olive Oil (9431/00)
28th March 2001
European Aviation Safety Agency (14329/00)
25th April 2001
Total no. of documents considered: 6
Total no. of meetings: 5

Chairmen and Members of European Standing Committee A

Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European Standing Committee A:

Mr John Cummings (1), Sir David Madel (1), Mr Bill O'Brien (1), Mrs Marion Roe (1), Mr Nicholas Winterton (1)

Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Standing Committee A:

Mr David Chaytor (2/5), Mrs Janet Dean (5/5), Mr Jim Dobbin (5/5), Mr Michael Jabez Foster (Hastings and Rye) (5/5), Dr Ian Gibson (5/5), Mr Christopher Gill (3/5), Mr Owen Paterson (0/5), Mr Lawrie Quinn (4/5), Sir Robert Smith (4/5), Mr George Stevenson (1/5), Mr William Thompson (1/5), Mr Peter Viggers (0/5), Dr Rudi Vis (2/5).

Overall percentage attendance: 60.0%

Title of Document
Date considered
Statute for Members of the European Parliament (9712/00)
29th January 2001
Audit of Expenditure by European Parliament Political Groups (9560/00)
29th January 2001
Protection of the Communities' Financial Interests (13752/00) and an unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum relating to the Court of Auditors Annual Report
28th February 2001
Community Immigration Policy (11529/00)
25th April 2001
A Commons Asylum Procedure and a Uniform Status for Persons Granted Asylum (13119/00)
2nd May 2001
Total no. of documents considered:6
Total no. of meetings: 4

Chairmen and Members of European Standing Committee B

Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European Standing Committee B:

Mr Roger Gale (1), Mr John McWilliam (1), Mrs Ray Michie (1), Mr George Stevenson (1)

Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Standing Committee B:

Jackie Ballard (1/4), Mr Paul Clark (2/4), Mrs Eileen Gordon (4/4), Jane Griffiths (2/4), Mr Fabian Hamilton (1/4), Mr Kelvin Hopkins (2/4), Mr David Lepper (2/4), Dr Nick Palmer (2/4), Mr Bill Rammell (3/4), Mr William Ross (2/4), Mr Robert Walter (0/4), Sir Raymond Whitney (4/4), Mr John Wilkinson (2/4).

Overall percentage attendance: 55.4%

Title of Document
Date considered
Helsinki Report on Sport (COM(99) 644)
17th January 2001
Doping in Sport (COM (99) 643)
17th January 2001
Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum relating to the Declaration on Sport
17th January 2001
Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum on Informing and Consulting Employees
28th February 2001
Competition in Motor Vehicle Distribution and Servicing (13889/00)
7th March 2001
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (10802/00)
28th March 2001
Community Postal Services (10544/00)
4th April 2001
Total no. of documents considered: 7
Total no. of meetings: 5

Chairmen and Members of European Standing Committee C

Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European Standing Committee C:

Mr David Amess (2), Mr Roger Gale (1), Sir David Madel (1) Mr Bill O'Brien (1)

Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Standing Committee C:

Norman Baker (0/5), Mr David Borrow (4/5), Mr David Crausby (0/5), Mr Keith Darvill (5/5), Dr Evan Harris (0/5), Mr Ivan Henderson (4/5), Mr Stephen Hesford (3/5), Mr Michael Jack (1/5), Dr Stephen Ladyman (3/5), Mr Tim Loughton (3/5), Miss Anne McIntosh (5/5), Miss Geraldine Smith (2/5), Mr Anthony D. Wright (5/5).

Overall percentage attendance: 57.1%

Other Members: the following Members attended meetings of European Standing Committees pursuant to Standing Order No. 119(5):

Mr Robert Ainsworth (1), Miss Anne Begg (1), Mr Bob Blizzard (1), Dr Peter Brand (1), Christine Butler (1), Dr Vincent Cable (1), Mrs Anne Campbell (2), Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (1), Mr Christopher Chope (1), Mr David Clelland (1), Mr Michael Connarty (1), Mr Robin Corbett (1), Brian Cotter (1), Mr Stephen Day (1), Mr Frank Doran (1), Mr Jim Dowd (1), Mr David Drew (2), Caroline Flint (2), Andrew George (1), Mr Neil Gerrard (2), Mr Nick Gibb (2), Mr John Greenway (1), Mr John Grogan (1), Mr David Heath (3), Ms Patricia Hewitt (1), Kaye Hoey (1), Mr Gerald Howarth (1), Dr Kim Howells (1), Mr Simon Hughes (2), Mr Brian Jenkins (3), Mr Alan Johnson (2), Miss Melanie Johnson (1), Mr Eric Joyce (1), Miss Julie Kirkbride (1), Mr Archy Kirkwood (1), Mr Bob Laxton (1), Mr Tom Levitt (2), Mr Ivan Lewis (2), Mr David Lidington (2), Mr Tony McNulty (11), Mr Dennis MacShane (1), Fiona Mactaggart (1), Mr Austin Mitchell (1), Mr Michael Moore (1), Mr Elliot Morley (1), Mr Malcolm Moss (2), Mr Patrick Nicholls (1), Mr Richard Ottaway (1), Mr James Paice (2), Mr Richard Page (2), Mr Greg Pope (1), Joyce Quin (3), Mr Andy Reed (1), Mrs Barbara Roche (2), Bob Russell (1), Mr Richard Spring (1), Mr Anthony Steen (1), Mr Robert Syms (1), Mr Keith Vaz (1)

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Prepared 26 July 2001