9. Defence
The Committee was nominated on 14 July 1997.
It had 11 Members and held 20 meetings. This included 5 "Quadripartite"
meetings held concurrently with the Foreign Affairs, International
Development and Trade and Industry Committees (abbreviated to
'CM' in the attendance table below).
Members | Meetings attended
George, Mr Bruce (Chairman) | (including 5 CM) 20
Brazier, Mr Julian | 13
Cann, Mr Jamie | (including 1 CM) 11
Cohen, Mr Harry | 10
Gapes, Mr Mike | (including 4 CM) 18
Hancock, Mr Mike | 8
Hepburn, Mr Stephen | 7
Hood, Mr Jimmy | 6
Lewis, Dr Julian | 13
Moffat, Mrs Laura | (including 1 CM)14
Viggers, Mr Peter | 13
Overall attendance: | 62.7 %
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
0% |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Paul Evans, Deputy Principal Clerk
(Senior Structure Band 2).
Second Clerk: Mrs Carol Oxborough (Senior Clerk, Band A2).
Committee Specialist: Mr Simon Fiander (seconded from the National
Audit Office)(Band A2).
Committee Assistant: Miss Elisabeth Partridge, Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2).
Secretary: Mrs Karen Watling, Secretary (Band C) (until 5.1.01),
Miss Fiona Mearns, Secretary (Band C) (from 8.1.01).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Michael Clarke, Rear-Admiral Richard Cobbold CB,
Dr Jonathan Eyal, Professor Keith Hartley, Dr Beatrice Heuser,
Dr Irina Isakova, Professor David Kirkpatrick, Professor Colin
McInnes, Dr Andrew Rathmell, Major-General Peter Sheppard CB CBE,
Mr James Sherr, Air Marshal Sir John Walker KCB, Lieutenant-General
Sir Christopher Wallace KBE.
Witnesses |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers
| 2 |
Other Ministers
| 2 |
Members of the House of Lords (of whom 1 was a Minister)
| 1 |
Members of Parliament
| 0 |
Members of the Scottish Executive | 0
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Ministry of Defence
| 11 |
other departments
| 0 |
public bodies and non-Ministerial departments
| 10 |
| |
Defence Aviation Repair Agency
| 3 |
Defence Logistics Organisation | 2
Defence Evaluation Research Agency | 2
HM Services
| 3 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 0 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
10-15.12.00 | The Ukraine and the Federation of Russian States
| 10 |
1 | Inquiry into National Missile Defence Programme and Defence Policy Issues
| £23,525.96
19-20-12.00 | Paris
| 1* |
1 | Conference of the Chairmen of EU Defence Committees
| £740.00
30.1.-1.2.01 | Sierra Leone
| 2* |
0 | Briefing: Role of HM Forces
| £229.61
12-13.2.01 | Stockholm
| 1* |
1 | Conference of the Chairmen of EU Defence Committees
| £981.77
20-22.3.01 | Kosovo
| 6 |
1 | Briefing: Role of HM Forces
| £9,263.54
* Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date |
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
4.12.00 | Bulford and Tidworth Barracks
| 2 |
1 | Inquiry into Armed Forces Personnel Issues
| £179.20
7-8.2.01 | Defence Aviation Repair Agency, St Athan
| 6 |
1 | Inquiry into Defence Aviation Repair Agency
| £1,558.14
13-14.3.01 | Hereford
| 6 |
2 | Briefing
| £920.28
* Travel in a representative capacity
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No.
| Date of
| No. of
| Sale price
| Government
First Report: The Six-Nation Framework Agreement
| 115 |
14.2.01 |
78 | £11.50
| Received 16.3.01: published as Third Special Report, Session 2000-01
Second Report: The Strategic Defence Review: Policy for People
| 29-I |
23.2.01 |
77 | £11.50
| Received 23.4.01: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 2000-01
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: The Strategic Defence Review: Policy for People
| 29-II |
23.2.01 |
264 | £22.00
| Not applicable
Third Report: Strategic Export Controls: Annual Report for 1999 and Parliamentary Prior Scrutiny*
| 212 |
13.3.01 |
78 | £11.50
| Awaited
Fourth Report: The Draft Defence Aviation Repair Agency Trading Fund Order 2001
| 261 |
13.3.01 |
44 | £8.80
| Received 3.5.01: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2000-01
Fifth Report: The Draft Defence Science and Technology Laboratory Trading Fund Order 2001
| 289 |
13.3.01 |
46 | £8.80
| Received 3.5.01: published as Sixth Special Report, Session 2000-01
Sixth Report: The Strategic Defence Review: The Reserve Forces
| 412 |
10.4.01 |
63 | £10.60
| Awaited
Seventh Report: The Draft Export Control and Non-Proliferation Bill*
| 445 |
9.5.01 |
94 | £13.60
| Awaited
Eighth Report: The MoD's Annual Reporting Cycle 2000-01
| 144 |
9.5.01 |
137 | £15.90
| Awaited
Ninth Report: Major Procurement Projects
| 463 |
14.5.01 |
81 | £11.50
| Not required
First Special Report: Annual Report of the Committee of Session 1999-2000
| 177 |
5.2.01 |
121 | £14.70
| Not applicable
Second Special Report: Lessons of Kosovo - Government Observations on the Fourteenth Report from the Committee, Session 1999-2000
| 178 |
5.2.01 |
24 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Third Special Report: The Six-Nation Framework Agreement - Government Observations on the First Report from the Committee, Session 1999-2000
| 389 |
2.4.01 |
5 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: The Strategic Defence Review: Policy for People - Government Observations on the Second Report from the Committee, Session 2000-01
| 462 |
9.5.01 |
19 | £4.75
| Not applicable
Fifth Special Report: The Draft Defence Aviation Repair Agency Trading Fund Order 2001 - Government Observations on the Fourth Report from the Committee, Session 2000-01
| 514 |
14.5.01 |
5 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Sixth Special Report: The Draft Defence Science and Technology Laboratory Trading Fund Order 2001 - Government Observations on the Fifth Report from the Committee, Session 2000-01
| 515 |
14.5.01 |
7 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Seventh Special Report: Annual Report of the Committee for Session 2000-01 and Future Work of the Committee
| 516 |
14.5.01 |
112 | £13.60
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: The Appointment of the New Chief of the Defence Staff
| 298-i |
24.4.01 |
16 | £4.75
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: European Security and Defence
| 390-i |
30.4.01 |
19 | £4.75
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Gulf Veterans' Illnesses and Depleted Uranium
| 517-i |
19.6.01 |
21 | £5.50
| Not applicable
* Joint publication with the Foreign Affairs, International
Development and Trade and Industry Committees.
Government replies to Reports for Session 1999-2000
Reply to the Committee's Fourteenth Report:
Lessons of Kosovo published as the Second Special Report
of Session 2000-01, HC 178 (5.2.01).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1999-2000
were published on 1.1.01 as HC 774, Session 1999-2000. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2000-01 will be published
as HC 483, Session 2000-01.
The following reports were referred to as being relevant to debates
in Standing Committees:
Fourth Report: The Draft Defence Aviation Repair Agency
Trading Fund Order 2001 (at the Sixth Standing Committee on
Delegated Legislation , 19.3.01).
Fifth Report: The Draft Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
Trading Fund Order 2001 (at the Eighth Standing Committee
on Delegated Legislation, 22.3.01).
Oral Evidence
Oral evidence was taken at 12 of the Committee's 20 meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence was taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | No. of oral evidence sessions
Armed Forces Personnel Issues
| 1 |
The Six-Nations Framework Agreement
| 1 |
The MoD Annual Reporting Cycle
| 2 |
The Draft Defence Aviation Repair Agency Trading Fund Order 2001
| 1 |
The Draft Defence Science and Technology Laboratory Trading Fund Order 2001
| 1 |
The Appointment of the New Chief of the Defence Staff
| 1 |
The Draft Export Control and Non-Proliferation Bill*
| 2 |
European Security and Defence
| 1 |
Major Procurement Projects
| 1 |
Gulf Veterans' Illnesses and Depleted Uranium
| 1 |
Total | 12
| The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 1999-2000: figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1053 (1999-2000))
* | Jointly with the Foreign Affairs, International Development and Trade and Industry Committees