12A. Environment, Transport and Regional
Affairs: Environment Sub-committee
The Committee was nominated on 15 July 1997.
It had 11 Members and held 13 meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Bennett, Mr Andrew F (Chairman) | 12
Benn, Mr Hilary | 11
Beresford, Sir Paul (added, 13.12.00) | 4
Blunt, Mr Crispin | 13
Brake, Mr Tom | 5
Butler, Christine | 7
Cummings, Mr John | 7
Mr Brian H. Donohoe | 8
Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth | 11
Ellman, Mrs Louise | 12
Gray, Mr James (discharged, 13.12.00) | 0
Olner, Mr Bill | 6
Overall attendance: | 61.1 %
Number of Members added: | 1
Number of Members discharged: | 1
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
9 % |
Clerk of the Sub-committee: Mr David Harrison, Deputy Principal
Clerk (Senior Structure Band 2).
Second Clerk: Mr Huw Yardley, Senior Clerk (Band A2) (until 30.4.01)
Committee Specialists: Miss Katie Smith (Band B1), Dr Dave Taylor
(Band B1).
Committee Assistant: Miss Jacqueline Recardo, Chief Office Clerk
(Band C).
Secretary: Mrs Susan Morrison, Secretary (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Mr Robin Hambleton, Mr Caspar Henderson, Mr Dominic Hogg,
Mr David Lambert, Mr David Mansell, Dr Julie Rugg, Miss Stephanie
Snape, Mr Neil Summerton, Mr John Thackray.
Witnesses |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Other Ministers
| 6 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
| 12 |
other departments
| 3 |
comprising: Home Office
| 3 |
public bodies and non-Ministerial departments
| 14 |
comprising: English Heritage
| 3 |
English Nature
| 2 |
Environment Agency
| 3 |
Heritage Lottery Fund
| 1 |
New Opportunities Fund | 1
Ofwat | 2 |
Ofwat National Customer Council | 2
Appearances by other witnesses
| 53 |
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date |
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
16.1.01 | Newham, East London
| 5 |
| Inquiry into Cemeteries
| £77.22
A Includes 2 specialist
Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No.
| Date of
| No. of
| Sale price
| Government
Memoranda of Evidence: Draft Water Bill
| 145-II
| 29.1.01
| 97 |
| Not applicable
Memoranda of Evidence: Local Authority Governance
| 225 |
5.3.01 |
125 | £14.70
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence with Appendices: Delivering Sustainable Waste Management
| 36-II |
19.3.01 |
238 | £20.50
| Not applicable
Memoranda of Evidence: Cemeteries
| 91-II |
29.3.01 |
221 | £20.50
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence with Appendices: Local Authority Governance
| 225-I |
30.4.01 |
66 | £10.60
| Not applicable
Oral Evidence
Oral evidence was taken at 11of the Sub Committee's 13 meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | No. of oral evidence sessions
Delivering Sustainable Waste Management
| - |
Cemeteries | 3
Draft Water Bill | 3
Local Authority Governance
| 3 |
Total | 9
| The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 1999-2000; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC100 (1999-2000))