12B. Environment, Transport and Regional
Affairs: Transport Sub-committee
The Committee was nominated on 15 July 1997.
It had 11 Members and held 14 meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth (Chairman) | 14
Bennett, Mr Andrew | 14
Beresford, Sir Paul (added, 19.12.00) | 2
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M | 3
Donohoe, Mr Brian H | 11
Gorman, Mrs Teresa | 6
Gray, Mr James (discharged, 13.12.00) | 0
Ladyman, Dr Stephen | 9
McIntosh, Miss Anne | 14
O'Brien, Mr Bill | 12
Olner, Mr Bill | 8
Stevenson, Mr George | 11
Overall attendance: | 67.5 %
Number of Members added: | 1
Number of Members discharged: | 1
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
9% |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Gavin Devine, Senior Clerk (Band
Committee Assistant: Miss Frances Allingham, Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2).
Secretaries: Mrs Susan Morrison, Secretary (Band D), Mrs Bridgid
Seymour East (temporary, from 6.12.00 until 21.12.00) and Ms Liz
McCracken (temporary, from 8.1.01 until 11.5.01).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Mr Chris Bolt, Mr Rob Gifford, Professor James McConville
and Mr Laurie Price.
Witnesses |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers
| 0 |
Other Ministers
| 1 |
Members of the House of Lords (of whom 1 was a Minister)
| 1 |
Members of Parliament
| 0 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Department of the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
| 3 |
other departments
| 0 |
executive agencies
| 7 |
comprising: Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
| 1 |
Driving Standards Agency
| 2 |
Highways Agency
| 1 |
Maritime and Coastguard Agency
| 1 |
Vehicle Certification Agency
| 1 |
Vehicle Inspectorate
| 1 |
public bodies and non-Ministerial departments
| 11 |
comprising: English Nature
| 5 |
Health and Safety Executive
| 3 |
Rail Regulator
| 1 |
Strategic Rail Authority
| 2 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 39 |
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date |
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
25-26.3.01 | Grimsby and Immingham
| 3 |
| Inquiry into Opportunities and Development Prospects at Major Ports
| £1,425.68
A Includes 1 specialist
Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No.
| Date of
| No. of
| Sale price
| Government
Minutes of Evidence with Appendices: Rail Investment: Renewal, Maintenance and Development of the National Rail Network
| 18-II |
27.4.01 |
286 | £22.00
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence with Appendices: Transport-related Executive Agencies of the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
| 122-II
| 14.5.01
| 172 |
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: The Work of the Strategic Rail Authority
| 434-i |
24.5.01 |
16 | £ 4.75
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence with Appendices: Opportunities and Development Prospects at Major Ports
| 244 i-v
| 26.7.01
| 247 |
| Not applicable
Memoranda of Evidence: Maintenance of Motorways, Trunk Roads and Local Authority Principal Roads
| 381 |
19.7.01 |
56 | £11.00
| Not applicable
Date | Subject
19.3.01 | Two, on Amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on Rail Investment: Renewal, Maintenance and Development of the National Rail Network
Oral Evidence
Oral evidence was taken at 10 of the Sub-committee's 14 meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | No. of oral evidence sessions
Rail Investment: Renewal, Maintenance and Development of the National Rail Network
| 2 |
Transport-related Executive Agencies of the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
| 3 |
The Work of the Strategic Rail Authority
| 1 |
Opportunities and Development Prospects at Major Ports*
| 4 |
Maintenance of Motorways, Trunk Roads and Local Authority Principal Roads*
| 0 |
Total | 10
| The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 1999-2000; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC100 (1999-2000))
* | The Committee did not complete this inquiry in Session 2000-01