26. Public Accounts
The Committee was nominated on 25 July 1997.
It had 15 Members and held 28 meetings.
Members | Meetings attended
Davies, Mr David (Chairman) | 25
Burns, Mr Simon | 10
Campbell, Mr Alan | 19
Davidson, Mr Ian | 11
Davies, Mr Geraint | 6
Faber, Mr David | 0
Gardiner, Mr Barry | 4
Griffiths, Mr Nigel | 21
Murphy, Mr Jim | 3
Leigh, Mr Edward | 24
Love, Mr Andrew | 14
Rendel, Mr David | 24
Steinberg, Mr Gerry | 25
Timms, Mr Stephen* | 0
Williams, Mr Alan | 22
* held a Ministerial post while being a member of the Committee
Overall attendance: | 49.5%
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
0% |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Kennedy John Brown OBE, Senior
Clerk (Band A2).
Committee Assistant: Miss Susan Monaghan (Band C) (until 14.11.00,
and from 2.4.01) and Dr Devra Kay (Band C)(from 15.11.00 to2.4.01.
Secretary: Miss Ronnie Jefferson, Secretary (Band D1);
Other Committee staff: Mr Michael Cruickshank, Senior Office
Clerk (Band D1).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Witnesses |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food
| 2 |
Cabinet Office
| 1 |
Department for Culture, Media & Sport
| 4 |
Ministry of Defence
| 6 |
Department for Education & Employment
| 2 |
Department of the Environment, Transport & the Regions
| 4 |
Department of Health
| 3 |
Department of Social Security
| 5 |
Department of Trade & Industry
| 2 |
HM Treasury
| 3 |
executive agencies
| 9 |
comprising: Benefits Agency
| 1 |
Defence Procurement Agency | 3
Office of Government Commerce | 2
Maritime & Coastguard Agency | 1
Radiocommunications Agency
| 2 |
public bodies and non-Ministerial departments
| 17 |
comprising: English Heritage
| 1 |
Environment Agency | 2
Food Standards Agency | 1
Further Education Funding Council
| 1 |
Higher Education Funding Council | 1
Housing Corporation | 2
Inland Revenue | 3
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM)
| 2 |
Office of Water Services | 3
Victoria & Albert Museum
| 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 23 |
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No.
| Date of
| No. of
| Sale price
| Government
First Report: Inpatient Admission, Bed Management and Patient Discharge in NHS Acute Hospitals
| 135 |
25.1.01 |
45 | £8.80
| Cm 5127, published 26.4.01
Second Report: Public Trust Office: Unclaimed Balances Held in Funds in Court and the Office's 1998-99 Accounts
| 142 |
31.1.01 |
32 | £8.00
| Cm 5127, published 26.4.01
Third Report: Emergency Aid: The Kosovo Crisis
| 143 |
14.2.01 |
38 | £8.00
| Cm 5127, published 26.4.01
Fourth Report: Grants made by the National Lottery Charities Board
| 168 |
16.2.01 |
40 | £8.80
| Cm 5127, published 26.4.01
Fifth Report: The Draft Social Security (Inherited SERPS) Regulations 2001
| 243 |
18.2.01 |
20 | £5.80
| Cm 5127, published 26.4.01
Sixth Report: Review of Audit and Accountability for Central Government
| 260 |
2.3.01 |
7 | £2.55
| Cm 5201, published 19.7.01
Seventh Report: Excess Votes 1999-2000: Class X, Votes 2 and 3
| 284 |
9.3.01 |
8 | £3.70
| Awaited
Eighth Report: Maintaining the Royal Palaces
| 77 |
14.3.01 |
62 | £10.60
| Cm 5201, published 19.7.01
Ninth Report: Managing Finances in English Further Education Colleges
| 283 |
21.3.01 |
36 | £8.00
| Cm 5201, published 19.7.01
Tenth Report: Parole
| 349 |
29.3.01 |
32 | £8.00
| Cm 5201, published 19.7.01
Eleventh Report: The Housing Corporation: Overseeing Focus Housing Association
| 365 |
2.5.01 |
36 | £8.00
| Awaited
Twelfth Report: English Heritage: Access to Properties
| 265 |
3.5.01 |
45 | £8.80
| Cm 5201, published 19.7.01
Thirteenth Report: The Refinancing of the Fazakerley PFI Prison Report
| 372 |
to be announced
Fourteenth Report: Ministry of Defence: Managing Reductions in the Number of Vacant Family quarters
| 391 |
to be announced
Fifteenth Report: Strategic Rail Authority: Action to Improve Passenger Rail Services
| 392 |
to be announced
Sixteenth Report: The National Blood Service
| 207 |
to be announced
Government replies to Reports for Session 1999-2000
Replies to the Committee's
Thirty-eighth Report: Sheep Annual Premium Scheme, published
as Cm 5021 (1.2.01).
Thirty-ninth Report: HM Customs & Excise: Revenue from
Gambling Duties, published as Cm 5021 (1.2.01).
Fortieth Report: National Savings: Public-Private Partnership
with Siemens Business Services, published as Cm 5021 (1.2.01).
Forty-first Report: The Gaming Board: Better Regulation, published
as Cm 5021 (1.2.01).
Forty-second Report: The Management and Control of Hospital
Acquired Infection in Acute NHS Trusts in
England, published as Cm 5021 (1.2.01).
Forty-third Report: Hip Replacements: Getting it Right First
Time, published as Cm 5071 (8.3.01).
Forty-fourth Report: Ministry of Defence: Acceptance of Equipment
Off-Contract and into Service, published as Cm 5078 (16.3.01).
Forty-fifth Report: Ministry of Defence: Acceptance of the
Chinook Mk2 Helicopter, published as Cm 5078 (16.3.01).
Forty-sixth Report: Ministry of Defence: Kosovo-Financial Management
of Military Operations, published as Cm 5071 (8.3.01).
Forty-seventh Report: The National Health Service Executive-Valedictory
Hearing: Sir Alan Langlands, published as Cm 5071 (8.3.01).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1999-2000
were published on 1.1.01 as HC 1053, Session 1999-2000. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2000-01 will be published
as HC 1085, Session 2000-01.
The following Reports were the subject of a debate in the
Thirty-ninth to Forty-first Reports of Session 1998-99, the
First to Ninth and Eleventh to Thirty-seventh Reports of Session
1999-2000, and of the Treasury Minutes on these Reports (Cm 4576,
4593, 4656, 4695, 4688, 4732, 4758, 4798, 4822, 4863, 4886 and
4901): Motion to take note, 14.12.00.
Oral Evidence
Oral evidence was taken at 26 of the Committee's 28 meetings.
On one of these occasions evidence was taken partly in private.
Inquiry | No. of oral evidence sessions
Maintaining the Royal Palaces
| 1 |
Major Projects Report 2000: Case Studies*
| 1 |
Major Projects Report 2000*
| 1 |
The Benefits Payment Card*
| 1 |
Supporting Innovation Managing Risk in Government Departments*
| 1 |
The National Blood Service
| 1 |
The Renegotiation of the PFI Deal for the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds*
| 1 |
NAO Estimates* | 1
Sale of United Kingdom Gold Reserves*
| 1 |
Leakage and Water Efficiency*
| 1 |
The Post Office Acquisition of German Parcel Post*
| 1 |
Access to Properties Grant-Aided by English Heritage
| 1 |
Modernising Construction*
| 1 |
Office of Gas & Electricity Markets: Giving Domestic Customers a Choice of Electricity Supplier*
| 1 |
The Radiocommunciations Agency's Joint Venture with CMG*
| 1 |
How English Further Education Colleges can improve student retention and achievement*
| 1 |
Access to Victoria & Albert Museum*
| 1 |
The Medical Assessment of Incapacity & Disability Benefits*
| 1 |
Inland Flood Defence* |
1 |
Maximising the Benefits of Defence Equipment Co-operation*
| 1 |
Ships Surveys & Inspections*
| 1 |
Educating and Training the Future Non-Medical Clinical Workforce*
| 1 |
Channel Tunnel Rail Link*
| 1 |
Tackling Obesity in England*
| 1 |
The Risk of Fraud in Property Management*
| 1 |
Regulating Housing Associations' Management of Financial Risk*
| 1 |
Total | 28
* | The Committee did not complete these inquiries in Session 2000-01