Printing Costs and Page Count
Total printing costs of Select Committees in the
financial year 2000-01 were £1,825,005; and, in Session 2000-01,
£979,915. The printing costs of Joint Committees are borne
by the House of Lords.
The charging arrangements for Select Committee printing
work are not based on attribution of costs to individual Committees.
The published output of each Committee, including Reports, Minutes
of Evidence and Memoranda, is shown in the following table.
Page Count: Financial Year 2000-01
Committee | Page count
Administration | 80
Agriculture | 2,124
Armed Forces Bill | 344
Broadcasting | 120
Catering | 12
Culture, Media and Sport | 3,072
Defence | 2,564
Deregulation | 108
Education & Employment | 3,885
Environmental Audit | 912
Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
| 4,752 |
European Scrutiny | 2,248
Finance and Services | 8
Foreign Affairs | 2,178
Health | 3,402
Home Affairs | 1,498
Human Rights | 80
Information | 112
International Development | 1,618
Liaison | 160
Modernisation of the House of Commons | 116
Northern Ireland Affairs | 524
Procedure | 360
Public Accounts | 2,376
Public Administration | 1,408
Science and Technology | 1,520
Scottish Affairs | 1,186
Social Security | 2,384
Standards and Privileges | 1,264
Trade and Industry | 2,297
Treasury | 3,004
Welsh Affairs | 888
TOTAL | 46,604
1B. Page Count: Session
Committee | Page Count
Accommodation and Works | 12
Administration | 64
Adoption and Children Bill | 204
Agriculture | 1,368
Armed Forces Bill | 344
Broadcasting | 4
Culture, Media and Sport | 1,932
Defence | 1,196
Deregulation | 104
Education & Employment | 2,429
Environmental Audit | 612
Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
| 2,728 |
European Scrutiny | 948
Foreign Affairs | 668
Health | 1,406
Home Affairs | 1,236
Human Rights | 324
International Development | 1,244
Liaison | 252
Modernisation of the House of Commons | 16
Northern Ireland Affairs | 172
Procedure | 224
Public Accounts | 516
Public Administration | 1,056
Science and Technology | 1,064
Scottish Affairs | 350
Social Security | 576
Standards and Privileges | 1,224
Trade and Industry | 1,465
Treasury | 1,288
Welsh Affairs | 872
TOTAL | 25,898