Electronic Communications Code
880. Clauses 102 to 115 provide for what is known as the "Electronic Communications Code". Under it, OFCOM may grant certain rights to providers of electronic communications networks and providers of underground conduits which enable them to install apparatus on or under land owned by others. If the owner's or occupier's consent to the installation is refused, the provider can apply to the courts for an appropriate order. These provisions engage Article 1 of the First Protocol to the ECHR, since they affect the "peaceful enjoyment of possessions": but it is considered that they satisfy the exception of being in the public interest; and it may be noted that no objection to the existing Code (see section 10 of and Schedule 2 to the Telecommunications Act 1984 which make essentially the same provision as in the Bill) has been raised on ECHR grounds.
Powers to require suspension or restriction of a provider's entitlement
881. Clause 128 provides for the suspension or restriction, on public safety, public health or national security grounds, of a person's entitlement to provide an electronic communications network, service or associated facility. The JCHR were concerned that the clause as it was originally drafted, did not contain adequate safeguards against arbitrary decisions made by the Secretary of State, which may affect a person's rights to the enjoyment of their possessions under Article 1 of the First Protocol to the ECHR. The Government consider that the provision as drafted was compatible, but have amended this clause to provide expressly that the Secretary of State, before making a direction under this clause, is required to have reasonable grounds for believing that it is necessary to do so.
Information provisions
882. Clauses 131 to 141 contain provisions about the gathering of information by OFCOM; and additional provisions are contained in clauses 166 (which enables OFCOM to require persons who establish, use or install wireless telegraphy stations or apparatus to provide information for statistical purposes) and 186 (under which OFCOM may require the provision of information by both parties to the dispute and others as part of their function of resolving disputes). The JCHR expressed concerns about the implications that the equivalent provisions in the consultation draft of the Bill had for rights to a fair hearing, to respect for private life, and to enjoyment of possessions. As a result, some provisions in that draft have been removed.
883. However, the Government have not included in the Bill anything to provide express protection against self-incrimination or for items subject to legal professional privilege. Such provision is not necessary to ensure that the privileges in question (created under common law) are fully protected. The widespread use of such provisions could paradoxically have the effect of weakening the protection accorded to them, by suggesting that in legislation where such express provision is absent, Parliament did not intend the privilege to receive full protection.
Seizure and forfeiture
884. In clause 177 and Schedule 7 (which provide for the seizure and forfeiture of wireless telegraphy apparatus which does not comply with section 7 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1967) some changes have been made to meet some concerns of the JCHR about minor aspects of these provisions as they appeared in the published draft. The Bill now provides that OFCOM must exercise discretion before bringing forfeiture proceedings and return seized apparatus if they decide not to proceed; forfeiture proceedings may not be brought without notice; and the court is given discretion about whether to condemn seized apparatus as forfeit, and also on whether to order security for costs to be given.
885. Clauses 180 to 186 provide for OFCOM to resolve disputes between private parties in respect of matters arising under the Bill and other wireless telegraphy legislation. In itself this procedure would not satisfy Article 6 of the ECHR, particularly since OFCOM, as the regulator, might not be regarded as impartial. Compliance is secured, however, by virtue of the fact that, until OFCOM makes a final determination, either party may bring court proceedings in respect of the subject of the dispute (clause 182(1)), which may lead to a stay of the OFCOM proceedings (subsection (3) of that clause); and a final determination is subject to appeal to the Competition Appeal Tribunal under clause 187(1)(a), with further appeal on point of law to the Court of Appeal or Court of Session (clause 191).
Replacement of Channel 3, Channel 5 and public teletext licences
886. The clauses in Chapter 2 of Part 3 that concern the grant of new digital licences to provide the Channel 3 and Channel 5 services, and the licence to provide the public teletext service (see especially clauses 209 to 212, 216 to 218 and 219 to 224) could potentially engage the rights of licence holders to the enjoyment of their possessions under Article 1 of the First Protocol to the ECHR, especially where the implementation of must-offer obligations and the requirement to offer smart ("solus") cards to persons who can get their television by satellite only could impose economic burdens on licensees. The Government are satisfied that these provisions pursue a legitimate public purpose in ensuring the universal availability of public service broadcasting, and that the Bill makes adequate provision for licence holders to be compensated for those costs through the adjustment of the additional payments due under their licences.
Direction to licensee to take remedial action
887. Clause 230 concerns the enforcement of licences to provide television licensable content services. In the published draft Bill, the contravention by the licence holder of a condition of a licence could have been remedied, where appropriate and without prejudice to the imposition of a financial penalty, by a direction to the broadcaster by OFCOM to include an apology or correction in the licensed service. This power presently exists elsewhere in the broadcasting legislation, too: see sections 40 and 109 of the 1990 Act, for example.
888. The JCHR (see paragraphs 41 and 42 of their Report) considered that such provisions could violate Article 10(1) (which amongst other things guarantees a right to hold opinions). In the Government's view, the provision as drafted was compatible: as the JCHR recognised, it serves a legitimate purpose. Also, the power incorporates a right for the broadcaster to make representations to OFCOM before a direction is given, and permits him or her to distance himself or herself from the apology by announcing that it is being given pursuant to a direction. In any event, OFCOM, as a public authority, would be required by the Human Rights Act 1998 to exercise the power in a manner compatible with the broadcaster's rights under Article 10. Nevertheless, having regard to the JCHR's concerns, the Bill will replace the power to direct that an apology be given with a power to direct that OFCOM's findings on a licence contravention be published. The power to order a correction to be broadcast is to be retained. Similar powers in existing legislation will also be changed.
Penalties and other regulatory sanctions on broadcasters: procedural safeguards
889. The JCHR were concerned about what they saw as the lack of procedural safeguards available to broadcasters when OFCOM make directions under clause 230 and other powers in the broadcasting legislation (e.g. sections 40 and 109 of the 1990 Act) to direct an apology to be given, and also when applying other sanctions, such as the imposition of a financial penalty or the revocation of a licence (e.g. clauses 231 to 233 and 244(3) of the Bill and see also provisions of the existing legislation such as sections 41, 42, 110 and 111 of the 1990 Act and 17, 23, 27, 59, 62 and 66 of the 1996 Act). They considered that the protections offered by the Bill were inadequate and did not meet the standards set by Article 6 (right to a fair hearing before an independent and impartial tribunal).
890. In the Government's view the Bill as drafted is compatible with the ECHR. It is accepted that at least some OFCOM decisions in the areas mentioned above are likely to engage licensees' rights under Article 6 and that OFCOM will need to establish appropriate internal procedures for handling alleged breaches of conditions and for giving practical effect to broadcasters' rights to have a reasonable opportunity to make representations, but there is no reason to think that OFCOM will fail in that respect, and there could be disadvantages in tying OFCOM's hands by laying down statutory procedures that could deprive them of valuable flexibility. Such procedures, coupled with the availability of judicial review, would in the Government's view be found to meet the standards set by Article 6.
Negative content controls and ensuring standards of fairness and privacy
891. Clauses 307 to 313 concern the negative content controls that are applied to all television and radio services. Such controls (and the penalties available for their breach) are in principle an interference with the freedom to receive and impart information which is protected by Article 10(1), but that right is not absolute. The securing of the objectives set out in clause 307(2) is a fundamental aspect of the regulation of broadcasting in the UK and serves, in particular, the purposes of preventing crime or disorder, protecting health or morals, and protecting the reputation or rights of others (including their right to receive information and ideas). The Government believe that these powers are justifiable within the terms of Article 10(2). The same goes for OFCOM's powers (which will be transferred to it from the Broadcasting Standards Commission under the Bill) under Part 5 of the 1996 Act to consider and adjudicate upon complaints relating to unfair or unjust treatment in programmes, or unwarranted infringements of privacy.
Objectives for advertisements and sponsorship
892. Clause 309 imposes a duty on OFCOM to secure a general prohibition on political advertising and advertising related to industrial disputes in the broadcast media. The ECHR position with respect to this clause is set out in more detail in the explanatory note to clause 309 above.
Proscription of television and radio channels
893. Clauses 317 to 320 contain powers for the Secretary of State to proscribe television and radio channels that are not licensed in the UK if they repeatedly contain material that is offensive or incites crime or disorder. These provisions constitute a potential interference with rights under Article 10, but these powers are, in the Government's view, compatible with the ECHR, since the kinds of programme content against which a proscription order may be made correspond to objectives that are legitimate under Article 10(2), and these powers are proportionate to those objectives.
Government control over licensed services
894. Clause 324 allows a Minister of the Crown to require OFCOM to issue a direction to a licence holder to include a specified announcement in their service, or to require OFCOM to direct a licence holder to refrain from including a matter in a service. In complying, the licence holder may state that the announcement (or, conversely, the matter which has not been broadcast) has been made (or omitted) as a result of the giving of a Government direction. The JCHR and the Joint Committee on the Draft Communications Bill expressed concerns as to the scope of the power, indicating that it engages the right to freedom of expression under Article 10 and the right to property under Article 1 of the First Protocol.
895. The Government's view is that that it is neither necessary nor appropriate further to delimit the exercise of the power. The clear effect of section 6 of the Human Rights Act 1988 is that the power may only be exercised in compliance with the ECHR. In particular, the Minister would have to have regard to the restrictions permitted under Article 10(2) of the ECHR and the proportionality of any restrictions imposed. By its nature it is not possible exhaustively to set out the circumstances in which the power could, in future, be exercised (but the fact that it appears to have been used only once to date illustrates the care with which it has been exercised). It should also be noted that broadcasters are explicitly enabled to state clearly that the matter arises out of a Ministerial direction and thus are able to dissociate themselves from editorial responsibility.
TV licence fees
896. Clause 351 allows the Secretary of State - subject to obtaining the consent of the Treasury - to make regulations setting the fees payable by licensees to the BBC (i) on the issue or renewal of a TV licence; and (ii) in such other circumstances as the Secretary of State provides for in the regulations. Regulations may also allow for concessions, and provide for payment of the licence fee by instalments.
897. It has been suggested that the present regime (which is substantially re-enacted in the Bill) may not be compatible with Article 10 of the ECHR, and in particular that the licence fee is an unjustifiable interference with the right to receive information and ideas without interference by public authority. The Government's view is that it is entitled as part of its wider broadcasting policy to arrange for the funding of the BBC by way of the licence fee, with the aim of ensuring high quality, distinctive and wide ranging broadcasting within the UK, without interference from advertisers and related commercial pressures. The Government is satisfied that the licence fee is compliant with the ECHR.
Media ownership: general
898. For the most part, the effect of the Bill will be to relax the disqualifications and other restrictions that the existing legislation (notably Schedule 2 to the 1990 Act) imposes in relation to the holding of broadcasting licences. Those that will be retained are, in the Government's view, compatible with the ECHR, for the following reasons.
899. Such disqualifications and other restrictions in principle engage rights under Article 10, since they affect a person's ability to become a licensed broadcaster (and it is an offence to be a broadcaster without a licence) and so can interfere with his or her freedom to impart information and ideas. They can also correspondingly affect potential viewers' and listeners' freedom to receive that information or those ideas. The partial disqualification for religious bodies also raises issues under Article 9 (freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including a freedom to manifest one's religion).
Ownership by religious bodies
900. Clause 335 modifies the rules that disqualify religious bodies from holding certain broadcasting licences. The Bill will relax the current rules so as to allow religious bodies to apply for a wider range of licences. Under the Bill, in addition to those currently permitted by the legislation, such bodies would be able to apply for a digital television programme services licence (allowing them to broadcast on television multiplexes) or a local or national digital sound programme licence. They will also be able to hold restricted television licences (permitting broadcasting to a particular establishment or event) and digital additional services licences (on television or radio multiplexes). Religious bodies will still be unable to hold national analogue radio licences, radio or television multiplex licences, licences to provide the nationwide analogue television broadcasting services or analogue television additional services.
901. The Government's view is that the retention of the disqualification for religious bodies to the extent proposed by the Bill is compatible with the ECHR. The aim of the ban (as summarised by the European Court of Human Rights in ruling inadmissible the challenge brought against the ban in the UK by United Christian Broadcasters) is
"to promote the efficient use of scarce resources i.e. radio spectrum in order to safeguard pluralism in the media, cater for a variety of tastes and interests and avoid discrimination as between the many different religions practised in the United Kingdom."
902. The Government are satisfied that the less wide-ranging ban proposed by the Bill pursues a legitimate objective in a proportionate manner and is compatible with the ECHR.
Other ownership restrictions
903. Schedule 14 contains other rules limiting the ownership of broadcasting licences. One aim of such rules is to protect the plurality of ownership in the broadcast media, including where the ownership of broadcast and printed media impinge upon each other. Although such rules can in principle interfere with the freedom to receive and impart information and ideas that is guaranteed by Article 10, they serve also to promote and protect the rights of others to exercise those freedoms. The Government are of the view that the rules that the Bill (or orders made under it) will create or maintain are necessary in a democratic society and proportionate to the aims stated, and are therefore compatible with the ECHR.
904. The provisions of the Bill and the Schedules will be brought into force on a day or days appointed by commencement order of the Secretary of State, save for clauses 27(1), 390 and 395, which will come into force upon Royal Assent.
The following is a list of expressions defined in the Bill, and the clauses and Schedules in which those definitions are to be found.
Defined Term: | Clause/Schedule: | Applies to: |
"the 1984 Act" | Paragraph 57, Schedule 18 | Schedule 18 |
"the 1990 Act" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"the 1996 Act" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"the abolition of licensing" | Paragraph 57, Schedule 18 | Schedule 18 |
"access" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"access contract" | 83(12) | Section 83 |
"the Access Directive" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
| Paragraph 6(9), Schedule 18 | Schedule 18 |
"access radio licence" | 345(4) | Section 345 |
"access-related condition" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"accounting period" | 172(8) | Section 172 |
"additional radio service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"additional television service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"adoption" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"the alleged offender" | Paragraph 7(1), Schedule 6 | Paragraph 7, Schedule 6 |
"allocation" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"alteration" | 130(8) | Section 130 |
"analogue teletext service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"ancillary service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"apparatus" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"apparatus market" | 42(9) | Section 42 |
"apparatus for wireless telegraphy" | 169(8) | Section 169 |
| Paragraph 8, Schedule 5 | Schedule 5 |
"the application date" | 221(8) | Section 221 |
"application programme interface" | 70(3) | Section 70 |
"appropriate network" | 264(7) | Section 264 |
| Paragraph 5(8), Schedule 12 | Paragraph 5, Schedule 12 |
"the appropriate percentage" | 212(7) | Section 212 |
| 222(8) | Section 222 |
| 247(12) | Section 247 |
| 334(4) | Section 334 |
| 386(7) | Section 386 |
| Paragraph 7(7), Schedule 10 | Paragraph 7, Schedule 10 |
"approval" | 49(6) | Section 49 |
| 50(8) | Section 50 |
"approve" | 49(6) | Section 49 |
| 50(8) | Section 50 |
"approved" | 49(6) | Section 49 |
| 50(8) | Section 50 |
"approved networking arrangements" | 282(9) | Section 282 |
"arrangements" | Paragraph 10, Schedule 9 | Schedule 9 |
"arrangements proposed by OFCOM" | Paragraph 9(5), Schedule 11 | Paragraph 9(5), Schedule 11 |
"assistance for disabled people" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"associated facility" | 28(3) | the Bill |
| 390(1) | the Bill |
"the Authorisation Directive" | Paragraph 9(8), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 9(7), Schedule 18 |
"authorised person" | Paragraph 3(4), Schedule 6 | Paragraph 3 of Schedule 6 |
"available for reception by members of the general public" | 347 | Part 3 |
| 348(1) | Part 3 |
"the BBC" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"BBC company" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"the BBC's services" | 193(9) | Section 193 |
"body" | 390(1) | Section 390 |
"broadcast" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"Broadcasting Act licence" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"Broadcasting Act powers" | 305(1) | Section 305 |
"broadcasting provision" | 306(5) | Section 306 |
"business" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"business premises" | 227(9) | Section 227 |
| 242(8) | Section 242 |
"C4C" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"C4 company" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"cable package" | 318(4) | Section 318 |
| 319(6) | Section 319 |
| 320(10) | Section 320 |
"cable packager" | | |
"cash bid amount" | 334(4) | Section 334 |
| 386(7) | Section 386 |
"Channel 3" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"Channel 3 programmes" | 276(5) | Section 276 |
"a Channel 3 service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"Channel 4" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"Channel 4 licence" | 287(3) | Section 287 |
"Channel 5" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"charging year" | 34(12) | Sections 34 and 35 |
"code operator" | Paragraph 1, Schedule 4 | Schedule 4 |
"the commencement day" | 337(6) | Section 337 |
"communications functions" | 19(5) | Section 19 |
"communications provider" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"communications service" | Paragraph 1(1), Schedule 17 | Schedule 17 |
"competition test" | Paragraph 15, Schedule 11 | Schedule 11 |
"conditional access system" | 71(3) | Sections 71 and 72 |
"conduit" | 102(7) | Section 102 |
"conduit system" | Paragraph 1(2), Schedule 17 | Paragraph 1, Schedule 17 |
"connected person" | Paragraph 14(5), Schedule 10 | Paragraph 14, Schedule 10 |
"connected services" | 304(4) | Section 304 |
"the Consumer Panel" | 15(2) | the Bill |
| 390(1) | the Bill |
"consumers" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"Content Board" | 11(1) | the Bill |
| 390(1) | the Bill |
"a content service" | 28(7) | Section 28(2) |
"contravening provider" | 98(6) | Section 98 |
| 138(6) | Section 138 |
"the contravening provider" | 38(1) | Section 38 |
| 94(1) | Section 94 |
| 96(1) | Section 96 |
| 120(1) | Section 120 |
| 136(1) | Section 136 |
"contravening supplier" | 98(6) | Section 97 and 98 |
| 138(6) | Section 138 |
"the contravening supplier" | 97(1) | Section 97 |
"contravention" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"controlled" | 348(6) | Section 348 |
"the court" | Paragraph 13(11), Schedule 11 | Paragraph 13, Schedule 11 |
"customers" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"the decision-maker" | 190(9) | Section 190 |
"the defaulter" | Paragraph 13(1), Schedule 11 | Paragraph 13, Schedule 11 |
"defendant" | 169(1) | Section 169 |
"designated organisation" | 321(6) | Section 321 |
| Paragraph 17(7), Schedule 12 | Paragraph 17, Schedule 12 |
"designated universal service provider" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"digital additional sound service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"digital additional television service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"the digital public teletext service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"digital sound programme service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"digital television programme service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"the Directives" | Paragraph 9(7), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 9, Schedule 18 |
"the Director" | Paragraph 57, Schedule 18 | Schedule 18 |
"director" | 389(3) | Section 389 |
"disabled" | 24(5) | Section 24 |
| 325(7) | Section 325 |
| Paragraph 21(6), Schedule 12 | Paragraph 21, Schedule 12 |
"disaster" | 47(7) | Section 47 |
"dispute procedures" | 50(8) | Section 50 |
"distribute" | 390(1) | Section 390 |
"document" | 380(9) | Section 380 |
"domestic and small business customer" | 15(11) | Section 15 |
| 48(6) | Section 48 |
| 49(6) | Section 49 |
| 50(8) | Section 50 |
"the dominant provider" | 83(1) | Sections 83 to 85 |
"the dominant supplier" | 89(1) | Section 89 |
"EEA State" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"electro-magnetic interference" | 47(6) | Section 47 |
"electronic communication" | 52(10) | Sections 52 and 53 |
| 53(3) | Section 53 |
"electronic communications apparatus" | Paragraph 1(1), Schedule 17 | Schedule 17 |
"the electronic communications code" | 102(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
| 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"electronic communications code" | Paragraph 1(1), Schedule 17 | Schedule 17 |
| Paragraph 13(6), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 13, Schedule 18 |
"electronic communications code network" | Paragraph 1(1), Schedule 17 | Schedule 17 |
"electronic communications code operator" | Paragraph 1(1), Schedule 17 | Schedule 17 |
"electronic communications network" | 28(1) | the Bill |
| 390(1) | the Bill |
| Paragraph 1(1), Schedule 17 | Schedule 17 |
"electronic communications service" | 28(2) | the Bill |
| 390(1) | the Bill |
| Paragraph 1(1), Schedule 17 | Schedule 17 |
"electronic programme guide" | 15(11) | Section 15 |
| 70(3) | Section 70 |
| 226(3) | Section 226 |
| 293(11) | Section 293 |
| 299(6) | Section 299 |
| 300(2) | Section 300 |
"eligible person" | 215(4) | Section 215 |
"enactment" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"the enactments relating to broadcasting" | 20(5) | Section 20 |
| 392(5) | Section 392 |
"enactments relating to the management of the radio spectrum" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"end-to-end connectivity" | 70(3) | Section 70 |
"end-user" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
| 264(7) | Section 264 |
| Paragraph 5(10), Schedule 12 | Paragraph 5, Schedule 12 |
"enforcement powers" | Paragraph 9(6), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 9, Schedule 18 |
"European Court" | Paragraph 6(8), Schedule 11 | Paragraph 6, Schedule 11 |
"existing licence" | 210(1) | Section 210 |
"the existing licence" | 219(8) | Section 219 |
| 216(1) | Section 216 |
"the existing service" | 216(11) | Section 216 |
"fairness complaint" | Paragraph 46(3), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 46, Schedule 18 |
"fair trading objective" | | |
"financial year" | Section 386(7) | Section 386 |
"the first notional expiry date" | 219(7) | Section 219 |
"the first three Community principles" | | |
"the Framework Directive" | 4(12) | Section 4 |
| 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
| 192(3) | Section 192 |
"former PTO" | Paragraph 1(1), Schedule 17 | Schedule 17 |
"the former operator" | 113(1) | the Bill |
"former renewal date" | | |
| 222(8) | Section 222 |
"formerly regulated radio service" | 245(5) | Section 245 |
"formerly regulated television service" | 234(5) | Section 234 |
"frequency" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"general condition" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"general duties" | 3(8) | Section 3 |
"general multiplex licence" | 170(5) | Section 170 |
"general multiplex service" | 348(1) | Section 348 |
"gross revenue" | 172(8) | Section 172 |
"hardwired" | 89(4) | Section 89 |
"holder" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"information" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"installation" | 394(7) | Section 394 |
"intelligible" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"intended audience" | 264(7) | Section 264 |
| 256(7) | Section 265 |
| 266(10) | Section 266 |
| Paragraph 5(8), Schedule 12 | Schedule 12 |
"international meetings about communications" | 19(5) | Section 19 |
"international obligation of the United Kingdom" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"interconnection" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"interference" | 150(2) | Section 150 |
| | |
"the ITC" | Paragraph 57, Schedule 18 | Schedule 18 |
"land" | Paragraph 5(8), Schedule 4 | Paragraph 5, Schedule 4 |
"lease" | 130(8) | Section 130 |
"leased line" | 88(4) | Section 88 |
"legal proceedings" | 182(5) | Section 182 |
| 379(12) | Section 379 |
"licence condition" | Paragraph 6(2), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 6, Schedule 18 |
"licence period" | 222(8) | Section 222 |
| Paragraph 10, Schedule 9 | Schedule 9 |
| Paragraph 13, Schedule 10 | Schedule 10 |
"licensable service" | 201(7) | Section 201 |
"licensed public service channel" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"licensed service" | 304(4) | Section 304 |
"licensed television service" | 264(7) | Section 264 |
| 265(7) | Section 265 |
| 266(10) | Section 266 |
"licensing period" | 222(8) | Section 222 |
| 223(6) | Section 223 |
| 224(7) | Section 224 |
"listed provision" | 391(9) | Section 391 |
"LLU notification" | Paragraph 5(4), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 5, Schedule 18 |
"local advertisement" | 302(9) | Section 302 |
"local authority" | 144(3) | Section 144 |
"local Channel 3 service" | 277(7) | Section 277 |
"local digital sound programme licence" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"local digital sound programme service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"local enactment" | 391(7) | Section 391 |
"locally-made" | 302(9) | Section 302 |
"local material" | 302(9) | Section 302 |
"local programme" | 277(7) | Section 277 |
"local radio multiplex licence" | 348(1) | Section 348 |
"local radio service" | 308(7) | Section 307 |
"local sound broadcasting licence" | 348(1) | Section 348 |
"local sound broadcasting service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"the M25 area" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"the main service" | 255(4) | Section 255 |
"market area" | 79(6) | Section 79 |
"market power determination" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"Minister of the Crown" | 324(9) | Section 324 |
"misuse" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"modification" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"multiplex service" | 170(6) | Section 170 |
| 227(10) | Section 228 |
| 242(9) | Section 242 |
| 318(3) | Section 318 |
| 319(6) | Section 319 |
| 320(10) | Section 320 |
| 347(9) | Section 347 |
"must-carry services" | 60(3) | Section 60 |
"must-provide service" | 266(10) | Section 266 |
"national Channel 3 service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"national digital sound programme service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"national radio multiplex licence" | 348(1) | Section 348 |
"national radio multiplex service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"national radio service" | 308(7) | Section 308 |
| 321(6) | Section 321 |
"national sound broadcasting licence" | 247(11) | Section 247 |
"the National Telephone Numbering Plan" | 52(1) | the Bill |
"network access" | 4(12) | Section 4 |
| 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
| 192(1) | Part 2, Chapter 3 |
"network access question" | 101(6) | Section 101 |
"networking arrangements" | 348(1) | Section 348 |
"networks and services functions" | 393(7) | Section 393 |
"news" | 307(8) | Section 307 |
"non-communications services" | 73(9) | Section 73 |
"non-representational images" | 348(7) | Section 348 |
"notification" | 380(9) | Section 380 |
"the notified misuser" | 125(1) | Section 125 |
| 126(1) | Section 126 |
"the notified person" | 135(1) | Section 135 |
"the notified charge payer" | 37(1) | Section 37 |
"the notified provider" | 32(1) | Sections 32, 33 |
| 91(1) | Section 91 |
| 92(1) | Sections 92 and 93 |
| 107(1) | Section 107 |
| 108(1) | Section 108 |
"number" | 52(10) | Sections 52 and 59 |
"numbering conditions" | 56(7) | Section 56 |
| 57(9) | Section 57 |
"OFCOM" | 1(1) | the Bill |
| 390(1) | the Bill |
"OFCOM's standards code" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"operator" | Paragraph 1(1), Schedule 17 | Schedule 17 |
"the operator" | 110(1) | Section 110 |
"the operator's network" | Paragraph 1, Schedule 4 | Schedule 4 |
"other member State" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"participant" | 348(6) | Section 299(1) |
"peak viewing time" | 270(9) | Section 270 |
| 271(5) | Section 271 |
| Paragraph 8(10), Schedule 12 | Paragraph 8, Schedule 12 |
| Paragraph 9(8), Schedule 12 | Paragraph 9, Schedule 12 |
"the period under review" | 221(8) | Section 221 |
"persistent" and "persistently" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"pre-commencement licence" | Paragraph 8(5), Schedule 14 | Paragraph 8(5), Schedule 14 |
"the person in contravention" | Paragraph 14(1), Schedule 14 | Paragraph 14, Schedule 14 |
"pre-commencement regulator" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"pre-transfer licence" | 234(9) | Section 234 |
| 247(11) | Section 247 |
"pre-transfer local licence" | 247(11) | Section 247 |
| Paragraph 40(4), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 40, Schedule 18 |
"pre-transfer national licence" | 247(11) | Section 247 |
| Paragraph 40(4), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 40, Schedule 18 |
"premises" | 227(9) | Section 227 |
| 242(8) | Section 242 |
"premium rate service" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"price control matter" | 188(10) | Section 188 |
"primary functions" | Paragraph 10, Schedule 9 | Schedule 9 |
"privileged supplier condition" | 146(1) | Section 146 |
"programme" | 199(10) | Section 199 |
| 269(6) | Section 269 |
| 270(9) | Section 270 |
| 276(5) | Section 276 |
| 277(7) | Section 277 |
| 278(4) | Section 278 |
| 293(11) | Section 293 |
| 298(6) | Section 298 |
| 390(1) | the Bill |
| Paragraph 7(7), Schedule 12 | Paragraph 7, Schedule 12 |
| Paragraph 8(10), Schedule 12 | Paragraph 8, Schedule 12 |
"programme service" | 309(9) | Section 309 |
| 390(1) | the Bill |
"promptness standards" | 9(7) | Section 9 |
"protected programme service" | 71(3) | Section 71 |
"provide" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"provider" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"provision" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"public communications provider" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"public digital service" | Paragraph 5(8), Schedule 12 | Paragraph 5, Schedule 12 |
"public electronic communications network" | 123(5) | Section 123 |
| 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
| 383(2) | Section 383 |
| Paragraph 1(1), Schedule 17 | Schedule 17 |
"public electronic communications service" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
| 264(9) | Section 264 |
| 277(8) | Section 277 |
| Paragraph 5(10), Schedule 12 | Paragraph 5, Schedule 12 |
| Paragraph 1(1), Schedule 17 | Schedule 17 |
"public service broadcaster" | 263(8) | Section 263 |
"public services" | 202(9) | Section 202 |
"the public teletext provider" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"the public teletext service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"qualified auditor" | 63(9) | Section 63 |
| 73(9) | Section 73 |
| 87(8) | Section 87 |
"qualifying revenue" | 210(12) | Section 210 |
| 212(7) | Section 212 |
| 216(12) | Section 216 |
"qualifying service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"racial group" | 24(5) | Section 24 |
| 325(7) | Section 325 |
| Paragraph 21(6), Schedule 12 | Paragraph 21, Schedule 12 |
"radio licensable content service" | 241 | Part 3, Chapter 3 |
| 348(1) | Part 3 |
"radio multiplex service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"radio programme service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"the radio transfer date" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"the recipient" | 381(1) | Section 381 |
"referendum campaign broadcast" | 321(6) | Section 321 |
| Paragraph 16(7), Schedule 12 | Paragraph 16, Schedule 12 |
"regional Channel 3 licence" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"regional Channel 3 providers" | 282(9) | Section 282 |
"regional Channel 3 service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"regional programme" | 277(7) | Section 277 |
| 339(7) | Section 339 |
| Paragraph 7(5), Schedule 11 | Paragraph 7, Schedule 11 |
"regional news programme" | 277(7) | Section 277 |
"regulatory authorities" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
| 192(1) | Part 2, Chapter 3 |
"relevant amount of gross revenue" | 172(1) | Section 169 |
"relevant ancillary service" | 226(3) | Section 226 |
"relevant business" | 93(5) | Section 93 |
| 225(10) | Section 225(8) |
"relevant change of control" | 339(7) | Section 339 |
| 341(6) | Section 341 |
"relevant connection facility" | 86(6) | Section 86 |
"relevant date" | 295 | Section 295 |
"the relevant date" | 340(7) | Section 340 |
| 342(6) | Section 342 |
"relevant electronic communications network" | 130(8) | Section 130 |
"relevant existing licence" | 234(5) | Section 234 |
| 254(5) | Section 254 |
"the relevant facilities" | 83(12) | Section 83 |
"relevant independent radio services" | 301(5) | Section 301 |
"relevant international obligations" | Paragraph 19(4), Schedule 12 | Paragraph 19, Schedule 12 |
"relevant international obligations of the United Kingdom" | 323(2) | Section 323 |
"relevant international standards" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"relevant licence" | 223(6) | Section 223 |
| 312(12) | Section 312 |
| Paragraph 3(2), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 3, Schedule 18 |
"relevant licence period" | Paragraph 10, Schedule 9 | Schedule 9 |
"the relevant market" | 87(1) | Section 87 |
| Paragraph 6(8), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 6(7), Schedule 18 |
"relevant markets" | 3(8) | Section 3(8) |
"the relevant multiplex" | Paragraph 12(4), Schedule 14 | Paragraph 12, Schedule 14 |
"a relevant national newspaper proprietor" | Paragraph 2(6), Schedule 14 | Paragraph 2, Schedule 14 |
"the relevant network" | 83(12) | Section 83 |
"relevant offence" | Paragraph 1(2), Schedule 6 | Schedule 6 |
"relevant officer" | Paragraph 13, Schedule 6 | Schedule 6 |
"relevant period" | 93(5) | Section 93 |
| 231(3) | Section 231 |
"the relevant person" | 46(7) | Section 46 |
"the relevant provider" | 128(1) | Section 128 |
"relevant provisions" | 56(7) | Section 56 |
"relevant public service broadcaster" | 237(7) | Section 237 |
"relevant regulatory authorities" | 79(6) | Section 79 |
"relevant revenue" | 334(4) | Section 334 |
| 386(7) | Section 386 |
"the relevant six months" | Paragraph 3(6), Schedule 14 | Sub-paragraphs (4) and (5), Paragraph 3, Schedule 14 |
"relevant services" | Paragraph 64(3), Schedule 17 | Schedule 17 |
"relevant sound service" | 252(9) | Section 252(2) |
"relevant television service" | 235(9) | Section 235 |
"the relevant transfer date" | Paragraph 48(5), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 48, Schedule 18 |
"the relevant year" | 37(9) | Section 37 |
"renewal period" | 212(7) | Section 212 |
| 218(4) | Section 218 |
"request to be tried" | Paragraph 7(5), Schedule 6 | Schedule 6 |
"repeated contravention" | 168(1) | Section 168 |
"representation" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"the representations period" | 78(4) | Section 78 |
"restricted television service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"S4C" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"S4C company" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"S4C Digital" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"satellite television service" | 265(7) | Section 265 |
| Paragraph 5(8), Schedule 12 | Schedule 12 |
"Schedule 2 public operator" | Paragraph 10(4), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 10, Schedule 18 |
"schools programmes" | 286(12) | Section 286 |
"the second notional expiry date" | 219(7) | Section 219 |
"second review period" | 222(8) | Section 222 |
"service interoperability" | 4(12) | Section 4 |
| 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"services market" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"signal" | 28(10) | Section 28 |
"significant market power" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"simulcast radio service" | 250(1) | Section 250 |
| 348(1) | Part 3 |
"SMP apparatus condition" | Paragraph 6(9), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 6 Schedule 18 |
"SMP condition" | 41(2) | The Bill |
| 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
| Paragraph 6(9), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 6, Schedule 18 |
"sound broadcasting service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"sound service" | 200(9) | Section 200 |
"special or exclusive rights" | 73(9) | Section 73 |
"spectrum functions" | 393(8) | Section 393 |
"standards objectives" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"stations for wireless telegraphy" | 169(8) | Section 169 |
| Paragraph 8, Schedule 5 | Schedule 5 |
"subordinate legislation" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"subtitling" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"tariff" | 64(7) | Section 64 |
"telephone number" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"telephone numbers" | 1(8) | Section 1 |
"television and radio services" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"television broadcasting service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"television licensable content service" | 226 (1) | Part 3 |
| 348(1) | Part 3 |
"television multiplex service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"television or radio broadcasting" | 19(7) | Section 19 |
"television programme" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"television programme service" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"television receiver" | 354(1) | Part 4 |
"the television transfer date" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"the Television without Frontiers Directive" | 348(1) | Part 3 |
"tender notice" | 211(13) | Section 211 |
| 217(13) | Section 217 |
| 219(7) | Section 219 |
"the territorial sea" | 394(7) | Section 394 |
"text service" | 299(7) | Section 299 |
| 348(1) | Part 3 |
"the threshold number" | 325(7) | Section 325 |
"the transfer date" | Paragraph 45(6), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 45, Schedule 18 |
"the transitional period" | 393(6) | Section 393 |
"transfer scheme" | Paragraph 6, Schedule 2 | Schedule 2 |
"transparency objectives" | Paragraph 10, Schedule 9 | Schedule 9 |
"the Tribunal" | 192(1) | Part 2, Chapter 3 |
| Paragraph 15, Schedule 11 | Schedule 11 |
"Tribunal rules" | 192(1) | Part 2, Chapter 3 |
| Paragraph 15, Schedule 11 | Schedule 11 |
"TV licence" | 350(1) | Section 350 |
| 390(1) | the Bill |
"the United Kingdom Plan for Frequency Authorisation" | 148(1) | the Bill |
"universal service condition" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"the Universal Service Directive" | 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
| Paragraph 6(9), Schedule 18 | Paragraph 6, Schedule 18 |
"the universal service order" | 61(1) | Section 61 |
| 146(1) | Part 2, Chapter 1 |
"vehicle" | 227(10) | Section 227 |
| 242(9) | Section 242 |
| 352(10) | Section 352 |
"the Welsh Authority" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"wireless telegraphy" | 390(1) | the Bill |
"wireless telegraphy licence" | 390(1) | the Bill |
This table identifies which clauses of the Communications Bill implement which Articles of the four Directives set out below.
References in this table to:-
FD = Framework Directive;
AuD = Authorisation Directive;
AcD = Access Directive; and
USD = Universal Service Directive.
Clause | Article(s) implemented |
Part 1 - Functions of OFCOM | |
Clause 4 - Duties for the purpose of fulfilling Community obligations | Article 7(1) and (2) of FD Article 8 of FD Article 17(2) of FD Article 20(3) of FD Article 5(1) of AcD Article 7(3) of AuD |
Clause 15 - Consumer consultation | Article 33(1) of USD |
Clause 21 - Provision of information to the Secretary of State | Article 25 of FD Article 16 of AuD Articles 15(2) and 17 of AcD Article 36(3) of USD |
Clause 22 - Community requirement to provide information | Article 5(2) of FD |
Clause 23 - Publication of information and advice for consumers etc. | Article 5(4) and (5) of FD Article 15(1) of AuD Article 15(1) of AcD Article 21(2) of USD |
Part 2 - Networks, Services and the Radio Spectrum | |
Chapter 1 - Electronic communications networks and services | |
Clauses 28 and 30 - Meaning of electronic communications networks and services
ss.(1) | Article 2(a) of FD |
ss.(2) | Article 2(c) of FD |
ss.(3) | Article 2(e) of FD |
ss.(4)(a) | Article 2(m) of FD |
Clause 29 - Advance notification to OFCOM | Articles 3(2) and (3) and 6(1) of AuD Condition 10 of Part A of Annex to AuD |
Clause 31 - Notification of contraventions of s. 29 | Article 10(2) of AuD |
Clause 32 - Enforcement notification for contravention of s. 29 | Article 10(3) of AuD |
Clause 33 - Penalties for contravention of s. 29 | Article 10(3) of AuD |
Clauses 34 and 35 - Fixing of charges | Articles 6(1), 12 and 13 of AuD Condition 2 of Part A of Annex to AuD |
Clause 36 - Notification of non-payment of charges | Article 10(2) of AuD |
Clause 37 - Penalties for non-payment of charges | Article 10(3) of AuD |
Clauses 38 and 39 - Suspending service provision for non-payment and enforcement of directions | Article 10(5) of AuD
Clause 40 - Duty of OFCOM to keep publicly accessible register | Article 3(3) of AuD |
Clause 41 - Power of OFCOM to set conditions |
ss. (3)
| Article 6(1) and Part A of the Annex to the AuD Article 4(1) and 4(3) of AcD |
ss.(4) | Article 6(2) of AuD and Articles 3 to 7 and 9 to 11 of USD |
ss.(5) | Article 6(2) of AuD and Articles 5(1) and (2) and 6 of AcD |
ss.(6) | Article 13 of FD |
ss. (7) and (8) | Article 6(2) of AuD and Articles 8 to 13 of AcD and Articles 17 to 19 of USD and Article 16(2) of FD |
Clause 42 - Persons to whom conditions may apply |
ss.(2) | Articles 2(a) and 6(1) of the AuD |
ss.(3) | Article 6(2) of AuD |
ss.(4) | Article 13 of FD |
ss.(5) | Article 8 of USD and Article 6(2) of AuD |
| Article 5(1)(b) of AcD and 6(2) of AuD |
ss.(7) | Article 16(4) of FD, Article 8(2) of AcD, Article 6(2) of AuD and Articles 17 to 19 of USD |
Clause 43 - Tests for setting or modifying conditions | Articles 6(1) and 14 (1) of AuD Articles 5(3) and 8(4) of AcD Articles 3(2), 9(5) and 17(2) of USD |
Clause 44 - Procedure for setting, modifying and revoking conditions | Article 6 of FD Article 14(1) of AuD, Article 33 of USD and Articles 5(3) and 8(4) of AcD |
ss.(3) | Article 6(3) of AcD |
ss.(5) | Article 7(5) of FD |
Clause 45 - Directions and approvals for the purposes of a s.41 condition | Article 6 and 7 of FD |
Clause 46 - Delivery of copies of notifications etc. ss.(2) | Articles 8(5) and 16(2) of AcD and 36(2) of USD |
ss.(3) | Article 7(3) of FD |
Clause 47 - Matters to which general conditions may relate | Article 6(1) of the AuD |
ss. (1)(a) | Condition 8 of Part A of the Annex to the AuD and Articles 20-22, 25-30, Part B of Annex 1, Annex 2 and Annex 3 of the USD |
ss. (1)(b) and ss.(4) | Article 4(2) of, and conditions 3 and 14 of Part A of the Annex to, the AuD and Articles 4(1) and 4(3) of AcD |
ss. (1)(c) and ss.(5) | Condition 15 of Part A of the Annex to the AuD and Article 23 of USD |
ss. (1)(d) | Condition 1 of Part A of the |Annex to the AuD |
ss. (1)(e) | Condition 12 of Part A of the Annex to the AuD and Article 23 of USD |
ss. (1)(f) | Condition 13 of Part A of the Annex to the AuD |
ss. (1)(g) ss.(2) | Condition 18 of Part A of the Annex to the AuD and Article 17(2) of FD Article 2 of USD - definition of "publicly available telephone service" |
Clauses 48 to 51 - General conditions: customer interests | Article 34 of USD Article 6(1) of, and condition 8 of Part A of the Annex to, the AuD |
Clause 52 - The National Telephone Numbering Plan. | Article 10(3) of FD
Clause 53 - Conditions to secure access to telephone numbers | Article 6(1) of, and condition 4 of Part A of the Annex to, the AuD |
Clause 54 - Conditions about allocation and adoption of numbers | Article 10(1) of the FD, Articles 5(2) and 6(1) of the AuD |
ss. (1) and (2) | Conditions 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 of Part C of the Annex to the AuD and Article 30 of USD |
ss. (3) | Article 25(2) of USD |
ss. (4) | Articles 5(3) and (4) of AuD |
ss. (5) and (6) | Article 13 of AuD |
Clause 56 - Modification of documents given effect to by numbering conditions | Article 14(1) of the AuD |
Clause 57(3) - Withdrawal of telephone number allocations | Article 10(2) and 10(5) of the AuD |
Clause 58 - Numbering reorganisations | Condition 2 of Part C of the Annex to the AuD |
Clause 59(2) - General duty as to telephone numbering functions | Article 10(2) of FD
Clause 60 - Must-carry obligations | Article 6(1) of, and condition 6 of Part A of the Annex to, the AuD and Article 31 of the USD |
Clause 61 - Obligations to be secured by universal service conditions | Articles 3 to 7 and 9 to 11 of and Part A of Annex I to USD, Article 6(2) of AuD and Article 2(j) of FD |
Clause 62 - Designation of universal service providers | Article 8 of USD and Article 4(2) of AuD
ss. (8) | Article 36(1) of USD |
Clause 63 - Subject-matter of universal service conditions |
ss. (1) | Articles 3 to 7 and 9 to 11 of USD |
ss. (3) to (11) | Article 11 and Annex III of USD |
Clause 64 - Tariffs etc. for universal services |
ss. (1) and (2) | Article 9 of USD |
ss. (3) and (4) | Article 10 of USD |
Clause 65 - Directories and directory enquiry facilities | Article 5(3) of USD |
Clause 66 - Review of compliance costs | Article 12 of USD and Annex IV of USD |
Clause 67 - Sharing of burden of universal service obligations | Article 13 of USD |
Clause 68 - Report on sharing mechanism | Article 14(2) of USD |
Clause 69 - Permitted subject-matter of access-related conditions | Article 6(2) of AuD
ss. (2)
| Article 5(1) of AcD |
ss. (3) | Article 12(2) of FD |
ss. (4) | Article 5(2) of AcD |
ss. (5) | Article 6 of and Part I of Annex I to AcD |
Clause 70 - Specific types of access-related conditions |
ss. (1) ss. (2) | Article 5(1)(a) of AcD Article 5(1)(b) of AcD |
ss. (3) and (4) -Definition of application programme interface | Article 2(p) of FD |
Clause 71 - Conditional access systems and access to digital services |
ss. (1) | Article 5(2) of AcD |
ss. (2) | Article 6 of and Part 1 of Annex 1 to AcD |
ss. (3) | |
Definition of conditional access system | Article 2(f) of FD |
Clause 72 - Modification and revocation of conditions imposed under s.70 | Article 6(3) of AcD |
Clause 73 - Imposition of privileged supplier conditions | Article 13 of FD |
Clause 74 - Circumstances required for the setting of SMP conditions | Article 14 of and Annex II to FD |
Clause 75 - Market power determinations | Articles 15 and 16 of FD |
Clause 76 - Proposals for identifying markets and for market power determinations | Articles 6, 7 and 16(1) of FD |
Clause 77 - Delivery of copies of notifications under ss.75 and 76 ss.(2) ss.(3) | Article 16(2) of AcD and Article 36(2) of USD Article 7(3) of FD |
Clause 78 - European Commission's powers in respect of proposals | Article 7(4) of FD |
Clause 79 - Special rules for transnational markets | Articles 2(b), 15(4) and 16(5) of FD |
Clause 80 - Review of services market identifications and determinations |
ss. (2) and (3) | Article 16(1) of FD, 7(3) of AcD and 16(3) of USD |
ss. (4) | Article 16(3) of FD and Article 18(2) of USD |
Clause 83 - Conditions about network access etc. | Article 16(4) of FD Article 6(2) of AuD
ss.(1) and (2) | Article 8 of AcD |
ss (3) and (5) | Article 12(1) of AcD |
ss. (4) | Article 12(2) of AcD |
ss. (6)(a) | Article 10 of AcD |
ss.(6)(b) | Article 9(1) and 9(4) and Annex II of AcD |
ss.(6)(c), (d) and (e) ss. (7) and (8) | Article 9(2) and 9(4) and Annex II of AcD Article 11 of AcD |
ss. (9), (10) and (11) | Article 13 of AcD |
Clause 84 - Conditions about network access pricing etc. | Articles 8 and 13 of AcD, Article 6(2) of AuD and Article 16(4) of FD |
Clause 85 - Conditions about network access in exceptional circumstances | Article 8 of AcD, Article 6(2) of AuD and Article 16(4) of FD |
Clause 86 - Conditions about carrier selection and pre-selection | Article 19 of USD, Article 6(2) of AuD and Article 16(4) of FD |
Clause 87 - Conditions about regulation of services etc. for end-users | Article 17 of USD, Article 6(2) of AuD and Article 16(4) of FD |
Clause 88 - Conditions about leased lines | Article 18 of and Annex VII to USD, Article 6(2) of AuD and Article 16(4) of FD |
Clause 90 - Notification of contravention of condition | Article 10(2) of AuD |
Clause 91 - Enforcement notification for contravention of conditions | Article 10(3) of AuD |
Clause 92 - Penalties for contravention of conditions | Article 10(3) of AuD |
Clause 94- Power to deal with urgent cases | Article 10(6) of AuD |
Clause 96 - Suspending service provision for contraventions of conditions | Article 10(5) of AuD |
Clause 101 - Consideration and determination of network access questions | Article 5(4) of AcD |
Clauses 102 to 115 and Schedule 3 - Electronic communications code | Articles 11 and 12(1) of FD and Articles 4(1) and 6(1) of, and condition 5 of Part A of the Annex to, the AuD |
Clauses 102, 103 and 111 - Application, modification and revocation of electronic communications code | Article 6 of FD and Article 14(1) of AuD
Clause 106 - Enforcement of restrictions and conditions | Article 10(2) of AuD |
Clause 107 - Enforcement notification for contravention of code restrictions | Article 10(3) of AuD |
Clause 108 - Penalties for contravention of code restrictions | Article 10(3) of AuD
Clause 109 - Suspension of application of code | Articles 10(5) 14(2) of AuD |
Clause 128 and 129 - Powers to deal with emergencies | These provisions are permitted by Article 3 AuD |
Clauses 131 - 133 - Information provisions | Article 5 of FD, Articles 6(1), 10(1) and 11 of, and condition 10 of Part A of the Annex to, the AuD, Article 11(2) of AcD and Articles 1121 and 22 of (in so far as those articles necessitate the provision of information) USD |
Clause 134 - Notification of contravention of information requirements | Article 10(2) of AuD |
Clause 135 - Penalties for contravening information requirement | Article 10(3) and (4) of AuD |
Clause 136 - Suspending service provisions for information contraventions | Article 10(5) of AuD |
Clauses 138 and 139 - Procedure for and enforcement of directions under ss.136 and 137 | Article 10(5) of AuD |
Clause 140 - Offences in connection with information requirements | Article 10(3) of AuD |
Clause 142 - Provision of information by OFCOM | Article 9 of AuD |
Clause 146- Interpretation of Chapter 1 | |
ss.(1)Def of public electronic communications network | Article 2(d) of FD |
Defs of FD, AcD and USD | Article 2(l) of FD |
Def of end-user
| Article 2(n) of FD
ss.(2) - interconnection
| Article 2(b) of AcD
ss.(3) - network access
| Article 2(a) of AcD
ss.(5) - regulatory authorities | Article 2(g) of FD
Chapter 2 - Spectrum Use | |
Clause 148 - United Kingdom Plan for Frequency Authorisation | Article 5(3) of AuD |
Clause 149 - Duties of OFCOM when carrying out spectrum functions | Article 9(1) of FD |
Clause 153 - Special duty in relation to television multiplexes | Condition 1 of Part B of the Annex to the AuD |
Clause 159 - Limitations on authorised spectrum use | Article 7 of AuD |
Clause 160 - Terms etc. of wireless telegraphy licences (new subsection (2C) inserted into WTA 1949 s. 1 only) | Article 6(4) of AuD |
Clause 161 - Exemption from need for wireless telegraphy licence | Article 5(1) of AuD |
Clause 163 - Spectrum trading | Article 9(3) and (4) of FD and Condition 5 of Part B of the AuD |
Clause 164 - Variation and revocation of wireless telegraphy licences | Article 10(2), (5) and (6) and 14(1) of AuD |
Clause 166 - Information requirements in relation to wireless telegraphy licences | Article 11(1)(e) and (2) of the AuD |
Clause 167 - Contraventions of conditions for use of wireless telegraphy | Article 10(2) of AuD |
Clause 168 - Meaning of "repeated contravention" in s.167 | Article 10(5) of AuD |
Clause 169 - Procedure for prosecutions of wireless telegraphy offences | Articles 10(2), (3) and (6) of AuD
Clause 178 - Modification of definition of "undue interference" | Article 2(2)(b) of, and condition 3 of Part B of the Annex to the AuD |
Chapter 3 - Disputes and Appeals | |
Clause 180 - Reference of disputes to OFCOM | Article 20(1) of FD |
Clause 181 - Action by OFCOM on dispute reference | Article 20(2) of FD |
Clause 182 - Legal proceedings etc. about referred disputes | Article 20(5) of FD |
Clause 183 - Procedure for resolving disputes | Article 20(1) and (4) of FD |
Clause 184 - Disputes involving other member States | Article 21 of FD |
Clause 186 - OFCOM's power to require information in connection with dispute | Article 20(1) of FD |
Clauses 187 to 191 and Schedule 8 | Articles 4 and 11(3) of FD and 10(7) of AuD |
Clause 379 - General restrictions on disclosure of information | Article 3(5) of FD |
Clause388 - Regulations and orders made by OFCOM | Articles 14(1) and 33 of USD and Article 6 of FD |
Schedule 17 - Minor and consequential amendments | |
Paragraph 8(5) | Article 7(4) of AuD |
Paragraph 8(9) | Article 6(1) of AuD |
Schedule 18 - Transitional Provisions | |
Paragraphs 5 and 6 | Article 27 of FD, Article 7(1) of AcD and Article 16(1) of USD |