Amendments proposed to the Community Care (Delayed Discharges Etc.) Bill, As Amended - continued House of Commons

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Mr Alan Simpson
Sir Sydney Chapman
Mr Brian Iddon
Dr David Chaytor
Valerie Davey
Mrs Helen Clark

Mrs Patsy CaltonMr Paul Burstow


Page     2,     line     8     [Clause     2],     after 'services' insert 'or one or more affordable warmth services'.


Dr Liam Fox
Mr Simon Burns
Mr John Baron
Mrs Cheryl Gillan


Page     2,     line     9     [Clause     2],     after 'body', insert 'to consult with the patient and his carer, if he has one, to ascertain their views and preferences, and—

      (a) where informed consent is given, record that on the patient's file or

      (b) in the case where a patient lacks the mental capacity to give such consent, record on the file what steps it has taken to ensure that the patient's best interests have been duly considered, and'.


Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     2,     line     10     [Clause     2],     after 'authority', insert 'appearing to the NHS body to be the authority'.


Mr Alan Simpson
Sir Sydney Chapman
Mr Brian Iddon
Dr David Chaytor
Valerie Davey
Mrs Helen Clark

Mrs Patsy CaltonMr Paul Burstow


Page     2,     line     11     [Clause     2],     at end insert—

       'and in the case of affordable warmth services to the responsible agency designated for the area in which the patient is ordinarily resident.

       (2A) a general practitioner may, in a case where he has referred a person for hospital admission, and with the agreement of that person, notify the responsible agency if he is of the opinion that the person may require affordable warmth services.'.


Mr Paul Burstow
Mrs Patsy Calton


Page     2,     line     19     [Clause     2],     at end insert—

    '(1a)   The form of a written discharge plan.'.


Mr Alan Simpson
Sir Sydney Chapman
Mr Brian Iddon
Dr David Chaytor
Valerie Davey
Mrs Helen Clark

Mrs Patsy CaltonMr Paul Burstow


Page     2,     line     30     [Clause     2],     at end add—

       (7) In this Part

       '"affordable warmth services" means such measures as in the opinion of the responsible agency will as far as is reasonably practicable ensure that the patient does not live in fuel poverty.

       "responsible agency" means the relevant agency appointed by the Secretary of State to deliver his strategy to eradicate fuel poverty and if no such agency has yet been appointed the Secretary of State shall appoint one forthwith'.'.


Mr Alan Simpson
Sir Sydney Chapman
Mr Brian Iddon
Dr David Chaytor
Valerie Davey
Mrs Helen Clark

Mrs Patsy CaltonMr Paul Burstow


Page     2,     line     36     [Clause     3],     after 'authority' insert 'or responsible agency as the case may be'.


Mr Paul Burstow
Mrs Patsy Calton


Page     2,     line     37     [Clause     3],     after 'assessment', insert 'under the single assessment process'.


Mr Alan Simpson
Sir Sydney Chapman
Mr Brian Iddon
Dr David Chaytor
Valerie Davey
Mrs Helen Clark

Mrs Patsy CaltonMr Paul Burstow


Page     2,     line     38     [Clause     3],     after 'services' insert 'or affordable warmth services as the case may be'.


Mr Paul Burstow
Mrs Patsy Calton


Page     2,     line     38     [Clause     3],     after 'services', insert 'or community health services'.


Mr Alan Simpson
Sir Sydney Chapman
Mr Brian Iddon
Dr David Chaytor
Valerie Davey
Mrs Helen Clark

Mrs Patsy CaltonMr Paul Burstow


Page     2,     line     41     [Clause     3],     at end add

       '(c) in the case of a responsibly agency take all reasonable steps to ensure that as far as is reasonable practicable the patient does not live in fuel poverty.'.


Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     2,     line     41     [Clause     3],     at end insert—

    '(3A)   The responsible authority must, in the circumstances mentioned in subsection (3B), also—

      (a) carry out an assessment of the needs of any person who provides or intends to provide a substantial amount of care on a regular basis for the patient ("the carer") with a view to identifying any services which—

      (i) the authority may provide under section 2 of the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000 (c.16)); and

      (ii) need to be made available to the carer in order for it to be safe to discharge the patient; and

      (b) after consulting the responsible NHS body, decide which of those services (if any) the authority will make available to the carer.

    (3B)   The duties in subsection (3A) apply only where the carer, being a person entitled to ask for an assessment under section 1 of the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000 (c.16)—

      (a) asks the responsible authority to carry out an assessment under subsection (3A); or

      (b) has, within the period of twelve months ending with the day on which the notice under section 2 was given (or at any time after that day), asked the responsible authority to carry out an assessment under section 1 of the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000 (c.16).'.


Dr Liam Fox
Mr Simon Burns
Mr John Baron
Mrs Cheryl Gillan


Page     2,     line     41     [Clause     3],     at end insert—

    '(3A)   Before making a decision under subsection (3) the responsible authority must—

      (a) consult the patient and his carer, if he has one;

      (b) inform them of the cost of the proposed care plans; and

      (c) obtain the consent of the patient and any carer and—

      (i) where informal consent is given, record that on the patient's file, or

      (ii) in the case where a patient lacks the mental capacity to give such consent, record on the file what steps it has taken to ensure that the patient's best interests have been duly considered.'.


Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     2,     line     42     [Clause     3],     after '(3)', insert 'or (3A)'.


Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     2,     line     43     [Clause     3],     after 'services', insert 'or the carer's needs for services (as the case may be)'.


Mr Alan Simpson
Sir Sydney Chapman
Mr Brian Iddon
Dr David Chaytor
Valerie Davey
Mrs Helen Clark

Mrs Patsy CaltonMr Paul Burstow


Page     2,     line     43     [Clause     3],     after 'services', insert 'or affordable warmth services as the case may be'.


Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     3,     line     2     [Clause     3],     after '(3)(b)', insert 'or (3A)(b)'.


Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     3,     line     5     [Clause     3],     leave out subsection (6) and insert—

    '(6)   The responsible NHS body, and any other NHS body which is considering whether to provide services to the patient after discharge, must consult the responsible authority before deciding what services (if any) it will make available to him in order for it to be safe to discharge the patient.'.


Dr Liam Fox
Mr Simon Burns
Mr John Baron
Mrs Cheryl Gillan


Page     3,     line     7     [Clause     3],     at end insert—

    '(6A)   The responsible NHS body must consult the patient and—

      (a) where informed consent is given, record that on the patient's file, or

      (b) in the case where a patient lacks the mental capacity to give such consent, record on the file what steps it has taken to ensure that the patient's best interests have been duly considered,

       before deciding what services (if any) it will make available following discharge.'.


Dr Liam Fox
Mr Simon Burns
Mr John Baron
Mrs Cheryl Gillan


Page     3,     line     7     [Clause     3],     at end insert—

    '(6A)   The responsible NHS body must take into account the views of the patient's carer, if he has one, before deciding what services (if any) it will make available following discharge.'.


Dr Liam Fox
Mr Simon Burns
Mr John Baron
Mrs Cheryl Gillan


Page     3,     line     9     [Clause     3],     at end insert—

    '(7A)   The responsible NHS body must give the patient and his carer, if he has one—

      (a) notice of the day on which it proposes to discharge the patient and—

      (i) where informed consent is given, record that on the patient's file, or

      (ii) in the case where a patient lacks the mental capacity to give such consent, record on the file what steps it has taken to ensure that the patient's best interests have been duly considered, and

      (b) information about their right to request a review if they disagree with the decision to discharge.'.


Mr Paul Burstow
Mrs Patsy Calton


Page     3,     line     11     [Clause     3],     at end insert—

    '(2a)   The form of a written discharge plan.'.


Mr Secretary Milburn


Page     3,     line     19     [Clause     3],     at end insert—

    '(10)   Anything done under subsection (3A) above is to be treated as done under section 1 or 2 of the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000 (c.16) (but without prejudice to anything to be done under that section in relation to other services which may be provided to the carer).'.


Mr Alan Simpson
Sir Sydney Chapman
Mr Brian Iddon
Dr David Chaytor
Valerie Davey
Mrs Helen Clark

Mrs Patsy CaltonMr Paul Burstow


Page     3,     line     36     [Clause     4],     after 'authority' insert 'or responsible agency as the case may be'.

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