Amendments proposed to the Railways and Transport Safety Bill - continued House of Commons

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The Road Accident Investigation Branch: Regulations and orders


Mr Don Foster
Tom Brake


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   Regulations and orders under this Part—

      (a) may make provision which applies generally or only in specified cases or circumstances,

      (b) may make different provision for different cases or circumstances, and

      (c) may include transitional, consequential or incidental provision.

    (2)   Regulations and orders under this Part shall be made by statutory instrument.

    (3)   Regulations under this Part shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.'.

The Road Accident Investigation Branch: Extent


Mr Don Foster
Tom Brake


To move the following Clause:—

    '(2)   This Part extends to the whole of the United Kingdom.

      (a) In the application of this Part in relation to Northern Ireland the maximum term for the purposes of section [The Road Accident Investigation Branch: Investigator's Powers] (4)(a) shall be 12 months.'.



    (1)   during proceedings on the Railways and Transport Safety Bill the Standing Committee shall meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8.55 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.;

    (2)   18 sittings shall be allotted to the consideration of the Bill in Committee;

    (3)   the proceedings shall be taken in the order specified in the Table below;

    (4)   the proceedings specified in the first column of the Table shall be brought to a conclusion (unless already concluded) at the time specified in the second column of the Table.


ProceedingsTime for conclusion of proceedings
Clauses 1 to 13, New Clauses and New Schedules relating to Part 15 p.m. at the 4th Sitting
Clause 14, Schedule 1, Clause 15, Schedules 2 and 3, Clause 16, New Clauses and New Schedules relating to Part 211.25 a.m. at the 5th Sitting
Clause 17, Schedule 4, Clauses 18 to 70, Schedule 5, Clauses 71 to 74, New Clauses and New Schedules relating to Part 311.25 a.m. at the 11th Sitting
Clauses 75 to 99, New Clauses and New Schedules relating to Parts 4 and 511.25 a.m. at the 15th Sitting
Clause 100, Schedule 6, Clauses 101 to 106, Schedule 7, Clauses 107 to 110, remaining New Clauses and New Schedules and remaining proceedings on the Bill.5 p.m. at the 18th Sitting

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