Amendments proposed to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase (Re-committed) Bill - continued | House of Commons |
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Enforcement of planning controls
Mr Edward Davey NC31 To move the following Clause:'A local planning authority must exercise its powers so as to ensure compliance with planning controls in its area.'
Regulations to control light pollution
Mr Edward Davey NC32 To move the following Clause:'After section 225 of the principal Act there is inserted "(1A) Regulations under this Act shall make provision for restricting or regulating the use of external lighting so far as appears to the Secretary of State to be expedient in the interests of amenity or public safety.".'
Planning permission for increasing the floor area of large shops
Mr Andrew Turner NC33 To move the following Clause:'After section 57 (Planning Permission required for Development) of the principal Act there is inserted the following section "57A Planning Permission for increase the Floor area of Large Shops (1) Planning permission is required for works which incrase by more than the specified amount the area of large shops. (2) Permission given by a local planning authority for such works may be conditional upon all or a proportion of the additional area being devoted to the sale of local produce. (3) In this section
Compensation for revocation of planning permission etc.
Mr Andrew Turner NC34 To move the following Clause:'(1) Section 107 of the principal Act (Compensation where planning permission revoked or modified) is amended as follows. (2) After section 107(3)(b) of that Act there is inserted
Mr Andrew Turner NC35 To move the following Clause:'In the principal Act in section 102 (Orders requiring discontinuance of use or alteration or removal of buildings or works) after subsection (1)(b) in the first place where it occurs for "may" there is substituted "must".'
Appeals (non-compliance with development plan)
Mr Geoffrey Clifton Brown NC47 To move the following Clause:'1. After section 78, subsection (2), of the principal Act there is inserted (2A) Where a local planning authority approves an application for planning permission and
"In subsection (2), leave out ("either") and after "planning authority" insert "or the applicant (where different from the appellant)." In subsection (6), after "the determination" insert "(except for appeals as defined in section 78(2A) and where the appellant is as defined in section 78(2B)".'.
Design and masterplans
Mr Andrew Turner NC48 To move the following Clause:'In the principal Act after section 54A (status of development plans) there is inserted the sollowing new section "Design and masterplans
Mr Edward Davey 125 Clause 5, page 3, line 20, at end insert 'within five years of publication of the previous RSS, or sooner'.
Mr Edward Davey 126 Clause 5, page 3, line 24, leave out subsection (2).
Mr Edward Davey 127 Clause 5, page 3, line 25, at end insert'( ) For its area that is part of the RPB's region, the relevant authority, as described under section 4(2), shall assist the RPB in preparing a draft revision of the RSS.'.
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown 199 Clause 5, page 3, line 25, at end insert'(3) Before preparing a draft revision of the RSS the RPB must set out proposals to ensure appropriate public consultation on the contents of the RSS in accordance with such guidance as is specified by the Secretary of State.'.
Mr Edward Davey 128 Clause 5, page 3, line 26, at end insert'( ) the need to integrate considerations of land-use planning, transport and sustainable resource management; ( ) placing protection of the environment as the over-arching principal consideration of the RSS;'.
Mr Edward Davey 129 Clause 5, page 3, line 32, at end insert'(da) the views of the authorities in section 4(2);'.
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown 241 Clause 5, page 3, line 32, at end insert'(da) views of the authorities in Clause 4 subsection (2) in undertaking its functions under section 3.'.
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown 200 Clause 5, page 3, leave out line 34 and insert'(f) the Regional Economic Strategy for its region; (g) the Minerals and Waste Strategies prepared by County Councils within its region; (h) such other matters as are prescribed.'.
Mr Edward Davey 130 Clause 5, page 3, line 35, at end insert'( ) carry out a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the proposals in the draft;'.
Mr Edward Davey 131 Clause 5, page 3, line 38, after 'prepare', insert 'and publish'.
Mr Edward Davey 133 Clause 5, page 3, line 38, after first 'the', insert 'Strategic Environmental Assessment and of the'.
Mr Edward Davey 132 Clause 5, page 3, line 38, at end insert'(c) Include details of the steps to be taken to meet the access needs of disabled people.'.
Mr Edward Davey 134 Clause 5, page 4, line 6, at end insert ', and(aa) carry out full public consultation on the draft. (6A) After consultation, the RPB must produce a second draft revision incorporating any changes it deems desirable in the light of the views expressed. The RPB must then
Mr Edward Davey 135 Clause 5, page 4, leave out line 7.
Mr Edward Davey 137 Clause 6, page 4, line 14, leave out subsections (3) and (4) and insert'(3) Before adopting proposals for the alteration or replacement of the RSS, the RPB shall, unless the Secretary of State otherwise directs, cause an examination in public to be held of such matters affecting the consideration of the proposals as (a) they consider ought to be examined; or (b) the Secretary of State directs.'.
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown 249 Clause 6, page 4, line 14, leave out subsections (3) and (4) and insert'( ) Befor adopting proposals for the alteration or replacement of the RSS, the RPB shall, unless the Secretary of State otherwise directs, cause an examination in public to be held of such matters affecting the consideration of the proposals as (a) they consider ought to be examined; or (b) the Secretary of State directs.'.
Mr Edward Davey 136 Clause 6, page 4, line 14, leave out 'may' and insert 'must'.