Amendments proposed to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase (Re-committed) Bill - continued House of Commons

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Mr Keith Hill


Clause     17,     page     10,     line     18,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   For the purposes of sections 18(2) and 23 the statement of community involvement is not a local development document.'


Mr Keith Hill


Clause     17,     page     10,     line     20,     leave out ', and' and insert—

    '( )   But in section 19(5)(a)—

(a) the reference to section 18 must be construed as if it does not include a reference to subsection (2) of that section;

(b) the reference to section 23(1) must be ignored.

    ( )'   


Mr Edward Davey
Matthew Green
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     17,     page     10,     line     24,     at end insert—

    '(4)   The Secretary of State may issue guidance to local planning authorities on the nature and extent of the community involvement to be provided in a statement of community involvement.'


Mr Edward Davey
Matthew Green
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     18,     page     10,     line     29,     after 'to', insert 'all material considerations including'


Mr Keith Hill


Clause     18,     page     11,     line     8,     at end insert—

    '(5A)   The Secretary of State may by regulations make provision—

(a) as to any further documents which must be prepared by the authority in connection with the preparation of a local development document;

(b) as to the form and content of such documents.'.


Mr Edward Davey
Matthew Green


Clause     37,     page     20,     line     10,     at end insert 'and until such local development plan is adopted or approved the development plan for that area shall be the unitary development plan, structure plan or local plan (as defined in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990) last adopted or approved (as the case may be) for that area before the commencement of Part 6 of this Act.'


Mr Edward Davey
Matthew Green


Clause     37,     Page     20,     line     15,     leave out subsection (6).


Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Mark Francois
Sir Sydney Chapman
Mr Andrew Turner


*Clause     38,     page     20,     line     34,     after 'with a view to', insert 'helping to ensure that suitable land is available for development in ways that accord with economic, social and environmental policies and'.


Mr Edward Davey
Matthew Green


Clause     38,     page     20,     line     35,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   Sustainable development means—

(a) social progress which recognises the needs of everyone to access high quality public services, education and employment opportunities, decent, accessible and inclusive housing and local environments;

(b) effective protection of the environment including limiting global environmental threats, such as climate change, protecting human health and safety from hazards such as poor air quality and toxic chemicals and protecting things which people need or value, such as wildlife, landscapes and historic buildings;

(c) prudent use of natural resources making sure that non renewable natural resources are used efficiently and that alternatives are developed to replace them in due course and using renewable resources, such as water, used in ways that do not endanger the resource or cause serious damage or pollution; and

(d) maintaing high and stable levels of economic growth and employment, so that everyone can share in high living standards and greater job opportunities provided through businesses which are ready to invest with infrastructure to support them.'

As an Amendment to Mr Edward Davey's proposed Amendment 165 (Clause 38, page 20, line 35):


Mr Andrew Turner


Line     10,     after 'historic', insert 'sites and'.


Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Andrew Turner
Mr Mark Francois
Sir Sydney Chapman


Clause     38,     page     20,     line     35,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   For the purpose of this section the meaning of sustainable development shall be defined in guidance to be prescribed by the Secretary of State.'.


Mr Edward Davey
Matthew Green


Clause     38,     page     20,     line     36,     leave out subsection (3).


Mr Keith Hill
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     39,     page     21,     line     12,     leave out 'Complusory' and insert 'Compulsory'.


Mr Keith Hill


Clause     39,     page     21,     line     25,     leave out 'an order under this subsection' and insert 'a development order'.


Mr Edward Davey
Matthew Green
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     39,     page     21,     line     25,     after 'order' insert 'made by the Secretary of State'.


Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Mark Francois
Sir Sydney Chapman
Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     39,     page     21,     line     29,     at end insert 'following the expiration of the period of three years commencing on the date on which it shall have given notice of the intended revocation in accordance with regulations under Schedule 4A.'.


Mr Keith Hill


Clause     39,     page     21,     leave out lines 30 to 33.


Mr Edward Davey
Matthew Green
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     39,     page     22,     line     13,     leave out 'matter which it thinks is relevant' and insert 'material considerations'.


Mr Edward Davey
Matthew Green
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Sir Sydney Chapman
Mr Mark Francois
Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     39,     page     22,     line     24,     after 'direction', insert 'and must provide reasons for that direction'.


Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Mark Francois
Sir Sydney Chapman
Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     39,     page     22,     line     30,     after 'time', insert 'following the expiration of the period of three years commencing on the date on which it shall have given notice of the intended revocation in accordance with regulations under Schedule 4A.'.


Mr Keith Hill


Clause     40,     page     23,     line     34,     leave out from 'the' to 'of' in line 35 and insert 'principal Act after section 61D (effect of revision or revocation of development order on incomplete development) (inserted by section [Effect of revision or revocation of development order on incomplete development]'.


Mr Keith Hill


Clause     40,     page     23,     line     38,     leave out '61D' and insert '61E'.


Mr Keith Hill


Clause     40,     page     24,     line     14,     leave out from 'of' to end of line 15 and insert '—

(a) the period of three years starting on the day the local planning authority issue the statement of development principles, or

(b) such other period starting on that day as that authority direct.'.


Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Andrew Turner
Mr Mark Francois
Sir Sydney Chapman


Clause     40,     page     24,     line     16,     leave out subsection (5).


Mr Keith Hill
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     40,     page     24,     line     21,     leave out from beginning to end of line 23.


Mr Keith Hill


Clause     40,     page     24,     line     38,     leave out from beginning to end of line 41.


Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Andrew Turner
Mr Mark Francois
Sir Sydney Chapman


Clause     41,     page     25,     line     19,     after '(3)', insert 'must be reasonable and'.


Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Mark Francois
Sir Sydney Chapman
Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     42,     page     26,     line     25,     leave out Clause 42.


Mr Edward Davey
Matthew Green
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     43,     page     30,     line     11,     at end insert—

    "(1A)   Any planning application that the Secretary of State declares is of national or regional importance, as designated through subsection (1), must be subject to an Economic Impact Report.

    (1B)   Any planning application for a major infrastructure project based on a sites specific proposal in a national policy statement White Paper shall be considered by an Inspector who shall be able to question the need for the specific development.'


Mr Keith Hill
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     43,     page     30,     leave out lines 26 to 28.


Mr Keith Hill
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     43,     page     31,     line     33,     at end insert—

    '( )   The function of the lead inspector in pursuance of subsection (2)—

(a) may be exercised from time to time;

(b) includes making recommendations as to the number of additional inspectors required from time to time.

    ( )   The power of the Secretary of State under subsection (3) to appoint an additional inspector includes power to revoke such an appointment.'.

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