Amendments proposed to the Local Government Bill, As Amended - continued House of Commons

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Mr Edward Leigh
Mr Andrew Selous
Miss Ann Widdecombe
Mr Andrew Selous
Mr Chris Chope


Page     72,     line     34     [Clause 125],     leave out '115 and 119' and insert 'and 115'.


Mr Edward Leigh
Mr Andrew Selous
Miss Ann Widdecombe
Mr Andrew Selous
Mr Chris Chope


Page     72     [Clause 125],     leave out lines 38 and 39.


Mr Edward Leigh
Mr Andrew Selous
Miss Ann Widdecombe
Mr Andrew Selous
Mr Chris Chope


Page     73     [Clause 125],     leave out lines 3 to 5.


Mr Edward Leigh
Mr Andrew Selous
Miss Ann Widdecombe
Mr Andrew Selous
Mr Chris Chope


Page     73     [Clause 125],     leave out line 8.


Mr Secretary Prescott


Page     73,     line     12     [Clause     125],     after '66,' insert '(Local retention of rates)(4) to (6),'.


David Davis
Mr Eric Pickles
Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
Mr Philip Hammond
Mr Desmond Swayne


Page     73,     line     12     [Clause 125], leave out '92(1)'.


Mr Secretary Prescott


Page     73,     line     28     [Clause     125],     after '65', insert ', (Local retention of rates)(7) to (9)'.


Mr Secretary Prescott


Page     73,     line     35     [Clause     125],     after '54', insert 'to 54B'.


Mr Secretary Prescott


Page     74,     line     31     [Clause     126],     after '85,' insert '(Standards committees and monitoring officers: delegation)(3),'.


John McDonnell
Mr Kelvin Hopkins
John Cryer
Alan Simpson
Jeremy Corbyn


Page     74,     line     31     [Clause     126],     leave out '113 and 118(a)' and insert 'and 113'.


John McDonnell
Mr Kelvin Hopkins
John Cryer
Alan Simpson
Jeremy Corbyn


Page     74,     line     33     [Clause     126],     leave out from 'the' to 'section' in line 36 and insert 'entry in Schedule 7 relating to'.


       That, in accordance with the Resolution of the Standing Committee dated 13th February 2003, the programme order of 7th January 2003 in relation to the Local Government Bill shall be amended by the substitution for paragraphs 4 and 5 (proceedings on consideration and Third Reading to be completed in one day) of the following—

'4. Proceedings on consideration and Third Reading shall be completed in two days.

4A. Proceedings on consideration shall be taken on each of the days as shown in the following Table and shall be taken in the order so shown, and each part of the proceedings shall (so far at not previously concluded) be brought to a conclusion at the time specified in the third column of the Table.

Time for conclusion of
1stNew Clauses, other than new Clauses relating to Chapter 1 of Part 8; new Schedules, other than new Schedules relating to Chapter 1 of Part 8; and Amendments to Clauses 1 to 19, Schedule 1, Clauses 20 to 42, Schedule 2 and Clauses 43 to 92The moment of interruption
2ndNew Clauses relating to Clauses 93 to 117; new Schedules relating to Clauses 93 to 117; and Amendments to Clauses 93 to 100, Schedule 3, Clauses 101 to 105, Schedule 4, Clause 106, Schedule 5 and Clauses 107 to 1175 hours before the moment of interruption
2ndNew Clauses relating to Clause 119; new Schedules relating to Clause 119; and Amendments to Clause 1192Ö hours before the moment of interruption
2ndNew Clauses relating to Clause 118; new Schedules relating to Clause 118; Amendments to Clauses 118 and 120 to 124, Schedules 6 and 7 and Clauses 125 and 126; and remaining proceedings on consideration1 hour before the moment of interruption

    5.   Proceedings on Third Reading shall (so far as not previously concluded) be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the second of the days.'.

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Prepared 5 Mar 2003