Amendments proposed to the Railways and Transport Safety Bill, As Amended - continued | House of Commons |
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Escort from aircraft
Mr Tim Collins NC15 *To move the following Clause:'Any person suspected of committing an offence under the provisions of this Part will be escorted from the aircraft and accompanied by a senior representative of the airline or an agent to a secure place close to the aircraft or place of work where a uniformed police officer will be waiting to interview the said person.'.
Reimbursements of costs
Mr Tim Collins NC16 *To move the following Clause:'The Secretary of State shall authorise the reimbursement of the costs arising from the extended jurisdiction for the British Transport Police provided in the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001.'.
Mr Tim Collins NC17 *To move the following Clause:'The Secretary of State will instruct the Civil Aviation Authority to issue guidance to the aviation industry in respect of the enforcement of the provisions of this Part.'.
Contracting services
Mr Tim Collins NC18 *To move the following Clause:'.The Secretary of State may permit the British Transport Police Authority to contract with transport operators to provide services in respect of non-rail transport modes, including airports and bus routes.'.
Role of Health and Safety Executive
Mr Tim Collins NC19 *To move the following Clause:'.The Secretary of State will clarify the role of the Health and Safety Executive in respect of its relationship with the Railways Accident Investigation Branch under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 following commencement of this Act.'.
Mr Secretary Darling 11 Page 2, line 10 [Clause 2], after 'to', insert
Mr Secretary Darling 12 Page 2, line 10 [Clause 2], at end insert 'or another specified person'.
Mr Secretary Darling 13 Page 2, line 27 [Clause 4], leave out 'have regard to the desirability of' and insert ', wherever relevant, aim'.
Mr Secretary Darling 14 Page 2, line 29 [Clause 4], leave out 'improving' and insert 'to improve'.
Mr Secretary Darling 15 Page 2, line 30 [Clause 4], leave out 'preventing' and insert 'to prevent'.
Mr Tim Collins 2 Page 3, line 5 [Clause 6], at end insert'(1A) The Rail Accident Investigation Branch may investigate any railway situation which it judges to have the potential for fatality or injury.'.
Mr Tim Collins 36 *Page 8, line 34 [Clause 18], at end insert
Andrew Mackinlay 3 Page 9, line 6 [Clause 19], at end insert 'and on direction by the Secretary of State other transport undertakings, including sea ports and airports.'.
Mr Secretary Darling 16 Page 11, line 37 [Clause 24], at end insert 'and'.
Mr Secretary Darling 17 Page 11, line 38 [Clause 24], leave out from 'Constable,' to end of line 39.
Mr Secretary Darling 18 Page 12, line 4 [Clause 24], at end insert'( ) Section 88(1) to (5) of the Police Act 1996 (c.16) (liability for wrongful act of constable) shall have effect in relation to special constables of the Police Force as if
Mr Tim Collins 10 Page 13, line 13 [Clause 29], at end insert
Mr Andrew Mackinlay 39 *Page 13, line 13 [Clause 29], at end add'( ) and on direction by the Secretary of State any other transport undertakings including sea ports and airports.'.
Mr Andrew Mackinlay 40 *Page 13, line 13 [Clause 29], at end add'( ) anywhere within the United Kingdom in the absence of a constable of the territorial force; ( ) in support of any other police officer.'.
Mr Tim Collins 9 Page 13, line 14 [Clause 29], at end insert 'or is in the vicinity of'.
Mr Tim Collins 37 *Page 19, line 39 [Clause 47], at end insert
Mr Secretary Darling 19 Page 24, line 7 [Clause 59], at end insert
Andrew Mackinlay 5 Page 24, line 17 [Clause 59], at end add'( ) other persons and bodies with an interest in the transport undertakings including sea ports and airports where the Secretary of State has issued a direction extending the jurisdiction of the British Transport Police.'.
John McDonnell 34 *Page 24, line 17 [Clause 59], at end insert'( ) trades unions representing employees of organisations providing railway services.'.
Mr Tim Collins 38 *Page 24, line 17 [Clause 59], at end insert
Mr Secretary Darling 20 Page 30, line 36 [Clause 73], at end insert
Mr Secretary Darling 27 Page 30, line 37 [Clause 73], at end insert
Mr Secretary Darling 28 Page 32, line 9 [Clause 76], at end insert'( ) Where a person is charged with an offence under this section in respect of the effect of a drug on his ability to take action it is a defence for him to show that
Mr Secretary Darling 29 Page 37, [Clause 86], leave out line 3.
Mr Secretary Darling 30 Page 37, line 17, leave out Clause 87.
Mr Secretary Darling 21 Page 37, line 34 [Clause 88], leave out from 'enactment' to 'concerning' in line 36.
Mr Secretary Darling 31 Page 43, [Clause 98], leave out lines 1 to 9 and insert 'by a member of Her Majesty's air forces, military forces or naval forces, within the meaning given by section 225(1) of the Army Act 1955 (c. 18), acting in the course of his duties.() This Part shall not apply to a function or activity which is performed or carried out by
Mr Tim Collins 33 Page 43, line 2 [Clause 98], at end insert 'excluding military personnel of other nationalities who are not members of UK forces.'.