Amendments proposed to the Licensing Bill [Lords] - continued House of Commons

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Dr Kim Howells


Page     3,     line     5,     leave out Clause 4.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     25,     at end insert 'to grant permission, in the form of a licence, to a person, business or organisation to provide—

      (a) the sale by retail of alcohol,

      (b) the supply of alcohol by or on behalf of a club to, or to the order of, a member of the club,

      (c) regulated entertainment as set out in Schedule 1,

      (d) late night refreshment as set out in Schedule 2,

       where it would otherwise be an offence without such a licence; and further to promote—'.


Dr Kim Howells
Mr Mark Field


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     28,     leave out from first 'of' to '; and' in line 31 and insert 'public nuisance'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     30,     leave out from 'premises' to '; and' in line 31.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     31,     leave out 'and'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     32,     after 'children', insert 'and other vulnerable persons'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     32,     at end insert 'and

      ( ) the protection of the quality of life of communities'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     32,     at end insert 'and

      ( ) the protection of the environment'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     32,     at end insert 'and

      ( ) the protection of public health'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     32,     at end insert 'and

      ( ) the control of alcohol sales at licensed premises'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     32,     at end insert 'and

      ( ) the regulation of licensed premises providing a leisure amenity for the general public'.


Jim Knight


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     32,     at end insert 'and

      (c) the safeguarding of cultural activity.'


Mr Mark Field
Mr Malcolm Moss


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     34,     at end insert—

      '( ) the protection of amenity,'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     36,     leave out 'guidance' and insert 'regulations'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     36,     at end insert 'which shall in particular set out the specific reasons which the Secretary of State considers to justify the exclusion of children from free access to licensed premises.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     36,     at end insert 'which shall in particular set out the specific reasons which the Secretary of State considers justify the prevention of any licensing authority from restricting the number of licensed premises, regulating the type of licensed premises, or imposing a generalised closing time in any part of a town centre of other locality within the licensing area.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     5,     page     3,     line     36,     at end insert 'and

      ( ) the encouragement of the development of social, cultural and sporting facilities for persons living and working in that area, or visitors to that area, in such a manner as is consistent with the licensing objectives.'.


Mr Mark Field
Mr Malcolm Moss
Nick Harvey
Mr Adrian Sanders


Clause     179,     page     99,     leave out lines 5 to 19 and insert—

    '( )   But the Secretary of State may not revise the licensing guidance unless a draft of the revised version has been laid before and approved by resolution of each House of Parliament.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     6,     page     3,     line     38,     leave out subsection (1).


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     6,     page     4,     line     1,     after 'licensing', insert 'policy'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     6,     page     4,     line     3,     leave out from 'section' to end of line 6 and insert 'relevant period' means—

      (a) in the case of a council whose members are wholly or partly elected every four years, a period of four years beginning with the date of coming into force of this Act;

      (b) in the case of council whose members are wholly or partly elected every three years, a period of three years beginning with the date of coming into force of this Act.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     6,     page     4,     line     7,     leave out 'three year' and insert 'relevant'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     6,     page     4,     line     7,     after 'authority', insert 'other than the Central Authority'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     6,     page     4,     line     11,     leave out from beginning to 'businesses' in line 18 and insert—

      '(c) holders of premises licences issued by that authority;

      (d) holders of club premises certificates issued by that authority;

      (e) holders of personal licences living in or carrying on business in the area of that authority; and

      (f) '.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     6,     page     4,     line     16,     leave out 'issued by' and insert 'resident in or carrying on business in the area of'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     6,     page     4,     line     18,     at end insert—

    '(3A)   Before determining its policy the Central Authority must consult—

      (a) the Secretary of State for the Home Department;

      (b) such persons as represent—

      (i) chief officers of police,

      (ii) chief fire officers,

      (iii) holders of premises licences, and

      (iv) holders of club premises certificates, and

      (c) holders of personal licences'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     6,     page     4,     line     18,     at end insert—

    '(3B)   Before the licensing policy of the Central Authority shall take effect its licensing statement shall be laid before each House of Parliament for twenty-eight days and may be referred back to the authority for further consideration by resolution of either House.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     6,     page     4,     line     19,     leave out 'three year' and insert 'relevant'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     6,     page     4,     line     20,     at end insert—

    '( )   In drawing up keeping under review or revising a licensing policy, a licensing authority must take into account the need to promote such live music, dancing and theatre as it considers to be for the wider cultural benefit of its local community.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     6,     page     4,     line     25,     leave out subsection (7).


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     6,     page     4,     line     26,     after 'licensing', insert 'policy'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     29,     leave out from 'of' to end of line 30 and insert 'such members of the authority as the authority shall determine'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     30,     leave out 'ten', and insert 'five'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     30,     at end insert 'none of whom shall be members of the executive of that authority'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     7,     page     4,     line     31,     leave out subsection (2).


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     8,     page     5,     leave out lines 13 and 14.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     8,     page     5,     line     19,     leave out '(unless the matter is urgent)'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     8,     page     5,     line     22,     leave out '5(b)' and insert '5(a)'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     8,     page     5,     line     30,     after 'unable', insert 'by virtue of conflict of interest'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     8,     page     5,     line     32,     at end insert —

    '(9A)   Nothing in this Act shall detract from the right of an elected member of a council that is a licensing authority under this Act to address or write to the licensing committee or licensing authority in order to make representations to them on behalf of the residents of the ward or other electoral sub-division, or the authority which he represents.

    (9B)   No elected member making representations on behalf of local residents under subsection (9A) may participate in any decision made by the licensing committee or licensing authority concerning a matter about which he has made representations to them, either in public or in private.'.

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