Amendments proposed to the Licensing Bill [Lords] - continued House of Commons

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Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     105,     page     59,     line     40,     at end insert—

    '(4B)   This subsection applies if the relevant premises user—

      (a) holds a personal licence, and

      (b) does not hold a Wine Producer's Licence issued under H. M. Customs and Excise Notice 162: Cider and Wine Production.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     105,     page     59,     line     42,     at end insert—

    '(5A)   This subsection applies if the relevant premises are a village hall, parish hall, church hall, community centre or similar building for which a premises licence for public entertainment is held, in which case temporary event notices for the sale of alcohol within the hours specified by the premises licence may be granted on up to twenty-four occasions per annum to the officers of bona fide voluntary organisations.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     105,     page     60,     line     1,     leave out '24' and insert '48'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     106,     page     60,     line     29,     leave out 'crime prevention objective' and insert 'licensing objectives'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     106,     page     60,     line     41,     at end insert 'In this section "reasonable time" means a time agreed by the premises user.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     107,     page     61,     leave out lines 8 to 18 and insert—

      '(b) secure that the temporary event notice is kept at the premises in his custody or in that of a nominee'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     107,     page     61,     line     12,     after 'a person', insert 'or persons'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     107,     page     61,     line     15,     after 'a persons', insert 'or persons'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     107,     page     61,     line     17,     after 'that person', insert 'or those persons'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     109,     page     62,     line     21,     after 'alcohol', insert 'or provide regulated entertainment,'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     109,     page     62,     line     21,     at end insert 'in the area of that authority and its nearest authorities'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     109,     page     62,     line     25,     at end insert—

    '(3)   In this section "its nearest authorities" means that licensing authority which in any particular direction is nearer than any other authority.'.


Dr Kim Howells


Clause     110,     page     62,     line     28,     leave out 'Central Licensing Authority' and insert 'licensing authority which granted the licence'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     110,     page     62,     line     28,     leave out 'Central Licensing Authority' and insert 'licensing authority where the personal licence holder is normally resident or where the personal licence holder is registered as the premises supervisor'.


Nick Harvey
Mr Adrian Sanders


Page     62,     line     26,     leave out Clause 110.


Mr Mark Field
Mr Malcolm Moss


Schedule     4,     page     119,     line     7,     at end insert—

    '( )   section 107(3) (public performance of a work, knowing that it will infringe copyright);'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     113,     page     63,     line     7,     leave out 'ten' and insert 'five'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     113,     page     63,     line     9,     leave out 'ten' and insert 'five'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     113,     page     63,     line     18,     leave out 'And'.


Dr Kim Howells


Clause     115,     page     63,     line     34,     leave out from 'licence' to end of line 35 and insert—

      '(a) must, if the applicant is ordinarily resident in the area of a licensing authority, be made to that authority, and

      (b) may, in any other case, be made to any licensing authority'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     115,     page     64,     line     6,     leave out 'two' and insert 'three'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     115,     page     64,     line     7,     leave out 'three' and insert 'four'.


Dr Kim Howells


Clause     116,     page     64,     line     12,     leave out 'Central Licensing Authority' and insert 'licensing authority to which it was made or has been withdrawn'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     116,     page     64,     line     15,     at end insert 'issued by that authority'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     117,     page     64,     line     23,     at end insert—

    '(1A)   If the application has still not been determined three months after the licence expired the licence holder will be entitled to compensation from the relevant licensing authority.'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     118,     page     64,     line     30,     leave out from 'applicant' to 'possesses' in line 31.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     118,     page     64,     line     30,     leave out '18' and insert '21'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban
Nick Harvey


Clause     118,     page     64,     line     33,     leave out 'five' and insert 'three'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     118,     page     64,     line     34,     after 'made', insert—

      '(ca) he has not been convicted of any serious offence'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     118,     page     64,     line     36,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   The authority may not grant the licence if it appears that the applicant has not attained the age of 18.'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     118,     page     64,     line     38,     leave out from 'meet' to 'subsection' and insert 'any conditions in'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     118,     page     64,     line     38,     leave out 'or (c)' and insert '(c) or (ca)'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     118,     page     64,     line     39,     leave out subsections (4) to (7).


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     118,     page     64,     line     40,     leave out from '(b)' to first 'the' in line 41 and insert ', (c) and (ca) of that subsection'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     118,     page     64,     line     42,     leave out 'its area' and insert 'the area where the applicant is ordinarily resident'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     118,     page     65,     line     1,     leave out from 'Where' to end of line 4.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     118,     page     65,     line     10,     at end insert 'subject to such conditions as the authority thinks fit having regard to the licensing qualification possessed by the applicant'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     118,     page     65,     line     17,     after 'so', insert 'or if it appears that the applicant fails to meet the condition in paragraph (d) of subsection (2) and it is not satisfied that the granting of the licence would not undermine the crime prevention objective'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     118,     page     65,     line     18,     at end insert 'subject to such conditions as the authority thinks fit having regard to the licensing qualifications possessed by the applicant'.


Mr Andrew Turner


Clause     118,     page     65,     line     30,     after 'Secretary of State', insert 'or under the Higher and Further Education Acts'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     119,     page     65,     line     37,     leave out from beginning to second 'to' in line 39 and insert 'The relevant licensing authority must give notice of the application'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     119,     page     65,     line     40,     leave out 'its area' and insert 'the area where the applicant is ordinarily resident'.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     119,     page     65,     line     41,     leave out from 'Where' to end of line 44.


Mr Malcolm Moss
Mr Mark Hoban


Clause     119,     page     66,     line     4,     leave out subsection (4).

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