Amendments proposed to the Finance Bill - continued House of Commons

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Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     21,     page     246,     line     4,     leave out from 'participants' to end of line 6 and insert 'identifying by name and national insurance number those participants who have participated in the approved SIP and the awards made to them.'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     21,     page     246,     line     4,     after 'participated', insert 'in the same tax year'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     21,     page     246,     line     6,     at end insert 'but only to the extent that the necessary information is available to them or has been provided to them by the participants or the company'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     21,     page     246,     leave out lines 29 to 35.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     21,     page     246,     line     33,     leave out from first 'the' to end of line 35 and insert 'fifth anniversary of the award of the shares on which the relevant dividend was paid'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     21,     page     247,     line     17,     leave out 'the day on which this Act is passed' and insert '1st January 2004'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     21,     page     247,     line     22,     at end insert—

       '( ) Omit paragraph 5 (unnecessary and non-incidental features)'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     21,     page     249,     line     27,     leave out '9th April 2003' and insert '1st January 2004'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     21,     page     249,     line     28,     at end insert—

       '( )Omit paragraph 5 (unnecessary and non-incidental features).'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     21,     page     249,     line     38,     leave out 'the date on which this Act is passed' and insert '1st January 2004'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     21,     page     250,     line     32,     leave out 'of the right' and insert 'of a right to acquire shares granted after 9th April 2003 where that right is exercised'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     21,     page     250,     line     32,     leave out 'of the right' and insert 'of a right to acquire shares granted on or after 1st January 2004 where that right is exercised'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     21,     page     250,     line     39,     at end insert—

'Part 4

Updating of scheme rules to reflect this Schedule

    26   Where before 1st April 2004 the scheme organiser of an approved SIP, or of an approved SAYE scheme, or of an approved CSOP scheme, applies to the Inland Revenue to amend the rules of that scheme to reflect the provisions of this Schedule then, at the election of the scheme organiser, any such amendment may be deemed to have been included in the original rules of the scheme in question and the terms of any award or grant made under it.'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     252,     leave out lines 42 to 44.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     253,     line     35,     leave out 'or pretended purpose'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     253,     line     47,     at end insert—

      '(ca) a partnership interest in a venture capital investment partnership as defined in paragraph 2 of Schedule 7AD of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 or in a partnership which is itself a partner in such a partnership'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     254,     leave out lines 5 to 8.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     254,     line     13,     after 'them', insert 'or an interest in a partnership which holds securities,'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     255,     line     8,     leave out ', or by a person connected with a person's employer,'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     256,     line     13,     leave out from first 'connected' to end of line 14.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     257,     leave out lines 6 to 15.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     257,     line     17,     after '3', insert ', 3A, 3B'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     257,     line     22,     leave out '3A to' and insert '3C and'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     257,     line     40,     at end insert 'Participation by an employee or prospective employee in an offer to the public where that offer or ancillary arrangements contain provisions relating to employment or the ability to dispose of securities acquired through the offer shall not of themselves mean that any securities so acquired are not acquired under the terms of an offer to the public.'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     258,     line     22,     leave out 'as holders of the shares'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     259,     line     45,     leave out 'given' and insert 'received'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     260,     line     24,     at end insert 'An event which qualifies under more than one of the paragraphs of subsection (3) below shall be a reportable event only in respect of the earliest paragraph by virtue of which it is a reportable event.'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     261,     line     19,     at end insert—

    '( )   Where a responsible person, or a person connected with a responsible person, agrees with the Inland Revenue to provide the information required by section 421J in respect of any employee or designated class of employees, then they shall be the sole responsible person for the purposes of this section in respect of that employee or designated class of employees.'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     261,     line     21,     after 'question,', insert 'where the award or issue of the securities to an employee is made or arranged by or notified to that employer,'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     261,     line     22,     after 'question,', insert 'where the cost of any award or issue of securities is borne by that host employer,'.


Mr Michael Howard [R]
Mr Howard Flight [R]
Mr Stephen O'Brien
Mr Mark Prisk
David Maclean
Mr David Wilshire


Schedule     22,     page     263,     line     41,     at end insert—

    '( )   Employment-related securities are not restricted securities or a restricted interest in securities by reason only that—

      (a) the holder of those securities enters into an agreement not to dispose of them for a period of time following an admission to listing of securities on a recognised stock exchange;

      (b) the holder of those securities enters into an agreement not to dispose of them for a period of time following the appointment of a person as a director of the issuer of the securities, at a time when its securities are listed on a recognised stock exchange; or

      (c) the holder of the securities is prohibited from disposing of them by the operation of any securities or regulatory law or the provisions of any code governing securities transactions applying to the officers and employees of companies listed on any recognised stock exchange.'.

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Prepared 15 May 2003