Amendments proposed to the Waste and Emissions Trading Bill [Lords], As Amended - continued House of Commons

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Directions to waste disposal authorities


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   a waste collection authority in England which is not also a waste disposal authority may direct that the waste disposal authority to whom it delivers its waste shall not dispose of that waste by incineration.

    (2)   Any waste disposal authority which receives such a direction shall take such steps as are necessary to ensure it is complied with within 12 months of the issuing of the direction.

    (3)   A waste collection authority issuing a direction under subsection (1) above shall pay to a waste disposal authority such amounts as are needed to ensure that the disposal authority is not financially worse off as a result of having to comply with the direction.'.

Strategy for UK


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


To move the following Clause:—

       'All parts of the UK may trade between one another and across borders where practical. No region may be prevented by regional government from fulfilling its responsibilities towards landfill.'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     1,     line     7     [Clause 1],     leave out 'must' and insert 'may'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     1,     line     8     [Clause 1],     after 'waste', insert 'municipal solid waste, commercial and industrial waste and construction and demolition waste'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     1,     line     17     [Clause 1],     at end insert—

    '( )   That the Government will give due consideration to the 4 year derogation'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     2,     line     9     [Clause     1],     at end insert—

    '( )   Subsection (4) may be satisfied by consultation before, as well as by consultation after, the coming into force of this section.'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     2,     line     11     [Clause 2],     leave out 'may' and insert 'must'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     2,     line     18     [Clause 2],     leave out 'with the agreement of' and insert 'following consultation with'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     2,     line     20     [Clause 2],     leave out 'with the agreement of' and insert 'following consultation with'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     2,     line     23     [Clause 2],     at end insert—

    '(5)   The power under subsection (1) is exercisable following consultation with the relevant local authorities.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     3,     line     20     [Clause     3],     leave out '(4) and (5)' and insert '(3) and (4)'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     3,     line     29     [Clause     3],     at end insert—

    '( )   Subsection (8) may be satisfied by consultation before, as well as by consultation after, the coming into force of this section.'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     3,     line     32     [Clause 4],     after 'authority', insert 'taking into account that there can be no separation of responsibilities between district, or county council,'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     4,     line     9     [Clause 5],     after 'may', insert 'with the agreement of the relevant waste disposal authorities'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     6,     line     7     [Clause 7],     leave out from 'for' to the end of line 9 and insert 'the allocating authority to make available to each waste disposal authority full financial resources for it to comply with any requirement imposed on it by or under provision of the kind mentioned in paragraph (h) together with all regulations as set out under sections 11 and 12;'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     6,     line     18     leave out Clause 8.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     6,     line     29     [Clause 8],     leave out paragraphs (a) and (b).


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     6,     line     32     [Clause 8],     after 'may', insert 'be set by the Secretary of State by statutory instrument.'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     6,     line     35     [Clause 8],     leave out paragraph (c).


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     6,     line     39     [Clause 8],     leave out paragraphs (a) and (b).


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     6,     line     45     [Clause 8],     leave out paragraph (c).


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     7,     line     3     [Clause 8],     leave out paragraphs (a) and (b).


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     7,     line     6     [Clause 8],     leave out paragraph (c).


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     7,     line     11     [Clause 9],     after 'waste', insert 'municipal solid waste, commercial and industrial waste and construction and demolition waste'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     7,     line     13     [Clause 9],     at end insert—

    '( )   Waste disposal authorities are the responsibility of the allocating authority and any penalty must be specific to the offending waste disposal authority only'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     7,     line     15     [Clause 9],     after 'a', insert 'financial'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     7,     line     22     [Clause 9], at end insert—

      '(c) monies in respect to financial penalties collected as set out under section will be hypothecated directly to waste disposal authorities as directed by the allocating authority.'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     8,     line     3     [Clause 10],     after 'authority', insert 'taking into account that there can be no separation of responsibilities between district, or county council'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     8,     line     3     [Clause 10],     leave out from 'must' to 'be'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     8,     line     11     [Clause 10],     at end insert 'and publish this audit annually.'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     8,     line     24     [Clause 10],     at end insert—

      '(g) by request from the landfill operator inspect sites exempted from Waste Management Licensing Regulations 1994'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     9,     line     19     [Clause     12],     leave out ', and evidence as to,'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     9,     line     21     [Clause     12],     at end insert—

      '(ii) evidence to substantiate information supplied for the purpose of complying with requirements imposed under sub-paragraph (i);

      (iii) evidence to substantiate entries in records maintained for the purpose of complying with provision made under subsection (1);'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     9,     line     45     [Clause 13],     leave out 'or for removal for inspection elsewhere'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     10,     line     4     [Clause 13],     leave out from 'premises' to 'for' in line 5 and insert 'only'.


Sue Doughty
Norman Baker


Page     14,     line     43     [Clause     21],     at end insert—

    '(1A)   In determining whether waste is biodegradable for the purposes of this Chapter the following is to be excluded—

      (a) waste that has had its biological activity significantly reduced through accelerated decomposition technologies or other non-incineration technologies that the Secretary of State may specify by regulations; and

      (b) is within statutory limits of biological activity that the Secretary of State may specify by regulations.'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     15,     line     34     [Clause 23],     leave out '2019' and insert '2015'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     15,     line     35     [Clause 23],     leave out '2013' and insert '2009'.


Mr John Hayes
Mr Bill Wiggin


Page     15,     line     36     [Clause 23],     leave out '2020' and insert '2016'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     15,     line     40     [Clause     23],     after 'adding', insert 'or omitting'.


Secretary Margaret Beckett


Page     15,     line     40     [Clause     23],     at end insert—

      '(ba) providing for a scheme year to be a period shorter or longer than a year;'.

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