Amendment Paper as at
Friday 11th July 2003
changed from
Removal of ragwort
Mr David Wilshire
To move the following Clause:
'.Subsection (1) of section 3 of the Weeds Act 1959 is amended by substituting "must" for "may".'.
Powers of entry on to land
Mr David Wilshire
To move the following Clause:
'.Subsection (1) of Clause 4 of the Weeds Act 1959 is amended by inserting "suitably qualified" before "person".'.
Default powers
Mr David Wilshire
To move the following Clause:
'.Subsection (3) of Clause 2 of the Weeds Act 1959 is amended by inserting "or by resolution of a principal council or a committee of a principal council authorised to do so" after "Minister".'.
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Christopher Chope
Page 1, line 4 [Clause 1], leave out 'may' and insert 'shall'.
Mr David Wilshire
Page 1, line 7 [Clause 1], after 'appropriate', insert 'including the National Farmers Union, the Local Government Association, the Bridleways Association, the Pony Club, Riding for the Disabled, the Council for the Protection of Rural England, the National Trust, and the Country Landowners Association.'.
Mr David Wilshire
Page 1, line 9 [Clause 1], after 'code', insert 'at any time, but must revise it not later than five years after it has been laid before Parliament'.
Mr David Wilshire
Page 1, line 10 [Clause 1], after 'code', insert
'(4a) When revising the code, the Minister must carry out consultation in accordance with subsection (2) above'.
Mr David Wilshire
Page 1, line 13 [Clause 1], after 'question', insert
'(7) Failure to follow any part of the code of practice shall not of itself constitute an offence'.
Mr David Wilshire
Page 1, line 13 [Clause 1], after 'question', insert
'(7) Failure to follow any part of the code of practice alone shall not be sufficient evidence to establish the commission of any offence.'.
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Christopher Chope
Page 1, line 14 [Clause 1], at end insert
'1C Duty on National Part Authorities to control ragwort
(1) Each National Park Authority must take all reasonable steps to remove ragwort from land within its area and to prevent the growth or regrowth of ragwort within its boundaries.
(2) For the purposes of this Act a "National Park" shall have the same meaning as in section 5 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 (c. 97).
(3) In carrying out its duty under this section a National Park shall have regard to guidance issued by the Minister under the provisions of this Act.
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Christopher Chope
Page 1, line 14 [Clause 1], at end insert
'1B Duty on highway authorities to control ragwort
(1) A highway authority must take all reasonable steps to remove ragwort from the highways and to prevent the growth or regrowth of ragwort on the highway.
(2) For the purposes of this Act a "highway authority" has the same meaning as in Part I of the Highways Act 1980 (c. 66).
(3) For the purposes of this Act "highway" shall include carriageway, footway verges and any other area maintainable at the public expense.
(4) In carrying out its duty under this section a highway authority shall have regard to guidance issued by the Minister under the provisions of this Act.'.
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Christopher Chope
Page 1, line 14 [Clause 1], at end insert
'(7) The requirement in subsection (1) shall apply from 31st March 2004.'.
Sir Paul Beresford
Mr Christopher Chope
Page 2, line 5 [Clause 3], leave out 'three' and insert 'two'.