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House of Commons
Session 2002 - 03
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament

Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill

Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill
Schedule 13 — Repeals and revocations
Part 7 — Abolition of the Public Health Laboratory Service Board



Part 7

Abolition of the Public Health Laboratory Service Board



Extent of repeal or revocation


Parliamentary Commissioner

In Schedule 3, in paragraph 8(1) the words “or


Act 1967 (c. 13)

by the Public Health Laboratory Service






House of Commons

In Schedule 1, in Part 3, the entry relating to the


Disqualification Act 1975 (c.

Chairman of the Public Health Laboratory



Service Board.


Race Relations Act 1976 (c. 74)

In Schedule 1A, in Part 2, the entry relating to




the Public Health Laboratory Service Board.


National Health Service Act

Section 5(4) and (5).


1977 (c. 49)

In section 127(c) the words “(except the Public


Health Laboratory Service Board)”


Schedule 3.




Public Health Laboratory

Sections 1(3) and (4) and 2.


Service Act 1979 (c. 23)


Income and Corporation Taxes

Section 519A(2)(h).


Act 1988 (c. 1)


National Health Service and

Section 4(2)(h).




Community Care Act 1990 (c.




In section 21(2), paragraph (c) and the preceding




In section 60(7), paragraph (h) and the




preceding “and”.


Health Service Commissioners

In section 2(1), paragraph (g) and the preceding


Act 1993 (c. 46)



Employment Rights Act 1996 (c.

In section 218(10), paragraph (c) and the



preceding “and”.




Government of Wales Act 1998

In Schedule 5, paragraph 39.


(c. 38)


Freedom of Information Act

In Schedule 1, paragraph 43.


2000 (c. 36)


International Development Act

In Schedule 1 the words “Public Health




2002 (c. 1)

Laboratory Service Board”.


Nationality, Immigration and

In section 133(4)—


Asylum Act 2002 (c. 41)

            in paragraph (a), sub-paragraph (v) and


the preceding “or”;


            in paragraph (b), sub-paragraph (iii) and




the preceding “or”.



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