Amendments proposed to the Sexual Offences Bill [Lords] - continued House of Commons

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Paul Goggins


*Clause     13,     page     5,     line     19,     leave out 'a photograph or pseudo-photograph' and insert 'an image'.


Mr Hilton Dawson


*Clause     14,     page     5,     line     33,     at end insert ', unless such actions could be considered by a reasonable person to constitute ordinary, consensual adolescent behaviour.'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     15,     page     6,     line     15,     after 'not', insert 'for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification or'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     16,     page     6,     line     28,     leave out 'a photograph or pseudo-photograph' and insert 'an image'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     74,     page     35,     line     38,     after 'not', insert 'for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification or'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     74,     page     35,     line     38,     leave out 'either'.


Mr Dominic Grieve
Mr Humfrey Malins


*Clause     17,     page     7,     line     21,     leave out '7' and insert '14'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     20,     page     9,     line     10,     leave out from 'it' to 'knowing' in line 11 and insert—

      '(i) when another person (B) is present or is in a place from which A can be observed, and

      (ii) '.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     21,     page     10,     line     5,     leave out 'a photograph or pseudo-photograph' and insert 'an image'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     32,     page     16,     line     20,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     32,     page     16,     line     23,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     33,     page     17,     line     7,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     33,     page     17,     line     10,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     34,     page     17,     line     33,     leave out from 'it' to 'knowing' in line 34 and insert—

      '(i) when another person (B) is present or is in a place from which A can be observed, and

      (ii) '.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     34,     page     17,     line     36,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     34,     page     17,     line     39,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     35,     page     18,     line     8,     leave out 'a photograph or pseudo-photograph' and insert 'an image'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     35,     page     18,     line     11,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     35,     page     18,     line     14,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     36,     page     18,     line     32,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     36,     page     18,     line     34,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     37,     page     19,     line     8,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     37,     page     19,     line     10,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     38,     page     19,     line     26,     leave out from 'it' to 'knowing' in line 27 and insert—

      '(i) when another person (B) is present or is in a place from which A can be observed, and

      (ii) '.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     38,     page     19,     line     32,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     38,     page     19,     line     34,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     39,     page     20,     line     1,     leave out 'a photograph or pseudo-photograph' and insert 'an image'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     39,     page     20,     line     7,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     39,     page     20,     line     9,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     40,     page     20,     line     21,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     40,     page     20,     line     23,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     40,     page     20,     line     26,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     40,     page     20,     line     28,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     41,     page     21,     line     6,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     41,     page     21,     line     8,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     41,     page     21,     line     11,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     41,     page     21,     line     13,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     42,     page     21,     line     36,     leave out from 'it' to 'knowing' in line 37 and insert—

      '(i) when another person (B) is present or is in a place from which A can be observed, and

      (ii) '.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     42,     page     21,     line     39,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     42,     page     21,     line     41,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     42,     page     21,     line     44,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     42,     page     21,     line     46,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     43,     page     22,     line     13,     leave out 'a photograph or pseudo-photograph' and insert 'an image'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     43,     page     22,     line     16,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     43,     page     22,     line     18,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     43,     page     22,     line     21,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     43,     page     22,     line     23,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     44,     page     23,     line     6,     leave out 'or learning disability'.


Paul Goggins


*Clause     47,     page     24,     leave out lines 8 to 27 and insert—

          '"1A    Marriage and other relationships

          (1)   This section applies where, in proceedings for an offence under section 1(1)(a) of taking or making an indecent photograph of a child, or for an offence under section 1(1)(b) or (c) relating to an indecent photograph of a child, the defendant proves—

          (a) that at the time of the offence charged, he was married to the child, or

          (b) that the photograph was of the child aged 16 or over, and that at the time of the offence charged, the child and he lived together as partners in an enduring family relationship.

          (2)   Subsections (5) and (6) also apply where, in proceedings for an offence under section 1(1)(b) or (c) relating to an indecent photograph of a child, the defendant proves—

          (a) that at the time when he obtained the photograph, he was married to the child, or

          (b) that the photograph was of the child aged 16 or over, and that at the time when he obtained it the child and he lived together as partners in an enduring family relationship.

          (3)   This section applies whether the photograph showed the child alone or with the defendant, but not if it showed any other person.

          (4)   In the case of an offence under section 1(1)(a), if sufficient evidence is adduced to raise an issue as to whether the child consented to the photograph being taken or made, or as to whether the defendant reasonably believed that the child so consented, the defendant is not guilty of the offence unless it is proved that the child did not so consent and that the defendant did not reasonably believe that the child so consented.

          (5)   In the case of an offence under section 1(1)(b), the defendant is not guilty of the offence unless it is proved that the showing or distributing was to a person other than the child.

          (6)   In the case of an offence under section 1(1)(c), if sufficient evidence is adduced to raise an issue both—

          (a) as to whether the child consented to the photograph being in the defendant's possession, or as to whether the defendant reasonably believed that the child so consented, and

          (b) as to whether the defendant had the photograph in his possession with a view to its being distributed or shown to anyone other than the child,

        the defendant is not guilty of the offence unless it is proved either that the child did not so consent and that the defendant did not reasonably believe that the child so consented, or that the defendant had the photograph in his possession with a view to its being distributed or shown to a person other than the child."

    ( )   After section 160 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (c.33) (possession of indecent photograph of child) insert—

          "160A    Marriage and other relationships

          (1)   This section applies where, in proceedings for an offence under section 160 relating to an indecent photograph of a child, the defendant proves—

          (a) that at the time of the offence charged, he was married to the child, or

          (b) that the photograph was of the child aged 16 or over, and that at the time of the offence charged, the child and he lived together as partners in an enduring family relationship.

          (2)   This section also applies where, in proceedings for an offence under section 160 relating to an indecent photograph of a child, the defendant proves—

          (a) that at the time when he obtained the photograph, he was married to the child, or

          (b) that the photograph was of the child aged 16 or over, and that at the time when he obtained it the child and he lived together as partners in an enduring family relationship.

          (3)   This section applies whether the photograph showed the child alone or with the defendant, but not if it showed any other person.

          (4)   If sufficient evidence is adduced to raise an issue as to whether the child consented to the photograph being in the defendant's possession, or as to whether the defendant reasonably believed that the child so consented, the defendant is not guilty of the offence unless it is proved that the child did not so consent and that the defendant did not reasonably believe that the child so consented."'.

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