Amendments proposed to the Water Bill [Lords] - continued | House of Commons |
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Health and Safety Commission
Mr Bill Wiggin NC7 To move the following Clause:"After section 2 of the WIA there is inserted '2AHealth and Safety Commission (1) The Secretary of State, the Assembly and the Authority shall from time to time consult the Health and Safety Commission, and relevant undertakers, about all safety matters which may be relevant to the carrying out of any of their and relevant undertakers' respective functions under this Act. (2) The Secretary of State, the Assembly and the Authority shall, in carrying out their functions under this Act, take into account any advice given by the Health and Safety Commission about any safety issue, whether or not in response to consultation under subsection (1).".'.
Scope of regulatory appeals
Mr Bill Wiggin NC8 To move the following Clause:'In section 12 of the WIA, after subsection (4) there is inserted "(4A) In determining any question or other matter under subsection (3) above, the Competition Commission may consider as determined any matter in respect of which the appointed company does not dispute the determination by the Authority.".'.
Mr Bill Wiggin 123 Schedule 4, page 143, leave out lines 27 to 30.
Mr Bill Wiggin 124 Schedule 4, page 145, leave out lines 17 to 34.
Mr Bill Wiggin 125 Schedule 4, page 145, leave out lines 39 to 42.
Mr Bill Wiggin 126 Schedule 4, page 148, leave out lines 24 and 25.
Mr Bill Wiggin 127 Schedule 4, page 148, line 25, leave out 'paid into the Consolidated Fund' and insert 'minimal'.
Mr Bill Wiggin 128 Schedule 4, page 176, line 24, after 'shall', insert 'deliberately'.
Mr Bill Wiggin 129 Schedule 4, page 177, line 12, after 'shall', insert 'deliberately'.
Mr Bill Wiggin 105 Clause 60, page 75, leave out lines 16 to 24.
Mr Bill Wiggin 106 Clause 60, page 75, line 29, leave out subsection (7).
Mr Bill Wiggin 112 Clause 67, page 88, leave out lines 1 to 14.
Mr Bill Wiggin 113 Clause 67, page 88, leave out lines 15 to 29.
Mr Bill Wiggin 211 *Clause 85, page 98, line 22, leave out subsection (1) and insert'(1) It is the duty of each public authority, in carrying out his or its functions, to have regard, so far as is consistent with the proper exercise of those functions, to the purpose of furthering the conservation of water.'.
Ms Candy Atherton 231 *Clause 85, page 98, leave out lines 23 and 24 and insert 'have a duty to promote water conservation'.
Mr Robert Key 166 Clause 85, page 98, line 23, leave out from beginning to 'water' and insert 'further the conservation of'.
Ms Candy Atherton 162 Clause 87, page 102, line 3, at end insert'4D Powers of the Authority with respect to any abandoned mine All the statutory powers conferred on the Authority in respect of coal mine water discharge may at the discretion of the Authority be exercised in respect of any water discharge from any abandoned mine other than a coal mine on payment to the Authority of such fee and subject to such conditions (if any) as the Authority may consider appropriate.'.
Mr Bill Wiggin 114 Clause 89, page 103, line 33, leave out 'or 6 above'.
Mr Bill Wiggin 115 Page 104, line 21, leave out Clause 90.
Mr Bill Wiggin 116 Page 105, line 41, leave out Clause 91.
Mr Bill Wiggin 212 *Clause 99, page 123, line 46, after 'building', insert 'and is outside the curtilage of that building'.
Mr Bill Wiggin 136 Clause 100, page 124, line 26, at end insert'(2A) Substitute for paragraph (b) of subsection (2)
Mr Bill Wiggin 137 Clause 100, page 124, leave out lines 27 to 32 and insert'(3) Substitute for subsection (4)
Mr Bill Wiggin 138 Clause 100, page 124, leave out lines 39 to 43 and insert'(5) Substitute for subsection (6)
(6A) In making a determination under subsection (6)(a) above, the Director shall consult and take into account the views of the Environment Agency and any affected riparian owners.".'.
Mr Bill Wiggin 139 Clause 100, page 124, line 43, at end insert'(5A) Substitute for subsection (9)