Amendments proposed to the Water Bill [Lords] - continued House of Commons

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Health and Safety Commission


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


To move the following Clause:—

       "After section 2 of the WIA there is inserted—

    '2AHealth and Safety Commission    (1)   The Secretary of State, the Assembly and the Authority shall from time to time consult the Health and Safety Commission, and relevant undertakers, about all safety matters which may be relevant to the carrying out of any of their and relevant undertakers' respective functions under this Act.

    (2)   The Secretary of State, the Assembly and the Authority shall, in carrying out their functions under this Act, take into account any advice given by the Health and Safety Commission about any safety issue, whether or not in response to consultation under subsection (1).".'.

Scope of regulatory appeals


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


To move the following Clause:—

       'In section 12 of the WIA, after subsection (4) there is inserted—

    "(4A)   In determining any question or other matter under subsection (3) above, the Competition Commission may consider as determined any matter in respect of which the appointed company does not dispute the determination by the Authority.".'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Schedule     4,     page     143,     leave out lines 27 to 30.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Schedule     4,     page     145,     leave out lines 17 to 34.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Schedule     4,     page     145,     leave out lines 39 to 42.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Schedule     4,     page     148,     leave out lines 24 and 25.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Schedule     4,     page     148,     line     25,     leave out 'paid into the Consolidated Fund' and insert 'minimal'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Schedule     4,     page     176,     line     24,     after 'shall', insert 'deliberately'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Schedule     4,     page     177,     line     12,     after 'shall', insert 'deliberately'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     60,     page     75,     leave out lines 16 to 24.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     60,     page     75,     line     29,     leave out subsection (7).


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     67,     page     88,     leave out lines 1 to 14.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     67,     page     88,     leave out lines 15 to 29.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


*Clause     85,     page     98,     line     22,     leave out subsection (1) and insert—

    '(1)   It is the duty of each public authority, in carrying out his or its functions, to have regard, so far as is consistent with the proper exercise of those functions, to the purpose of furthering the conservation of water.'.


Ms Candy Atherton


*Clause     85,     page     98,     leave out lines 23 and 24 and insert 'have a duty to promote water conservation'.


Mr Robert Key


Clause     85,     page     98,     line     23,     leave out from beginning to 'water' and insert 'further the conservation of'.


Ms Candy Atherton


Clause     87,     page     102,     line     3,     at end insert—

    '4D   Powers of the Authority with respect to any abandoned mine

       All the statutory powers conferred on the Authority in respect of coal mine water discharge may at the discretion of the Authority be exercised in respect of any water discharge from any abandoned mine other than a coal mine on payment to the Authority of such fee and subject to such conditions (if any) as the Authority may consider appropriate.'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     89,     page     103,     line     33,     leave out 'or 6 above'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Page     104,     line     21,     leave out Clause 90.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Page     105,     line     41,     leave out Clause 91.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


*Clause     99,     page     123,     line     46,     after 'building', insert 'and is outside the curtilage of that building'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     100,     page     124,     line     26,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   Substitute for paragraph (b) of subsection (2)—

      "(b) to discharge directly or indirectly—

      (i) foul water into a sewer provided for surface water; or

      (ii) except with the approval of the undertaker, surface water into a sewer provided for foul water; or".'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     100,     page     124,     leave out lines 27 to 32 and insert—

    '(3)   Substitute for subsection (4)—

          (4)   At any time within 21 days after a sewerage undertaker receives a notice under subsection (3) above, the undertaker may by notice to the person who gave the notice—

      (a) refuse to permit the communication to be made, if it appears to the undertaker that the mode of construction or condition of the drain or sewer—

      (i) does not satisfy the standards reasonably required by the undertaker; or

      (ii) is such that the making of the communication would be prejudicial to the undertaker's sewerage system; or

      (b) where the drain or sewer which it is sought to communicate with the public sewer is to be used for the draining of surface water, refuse permission for the communication to be made, or grant permission for the communication subject to such conditions as it thinks fit, subject to taking into account the considerations set out in subsection (4A) below.

    (4A)   Under subsection (4)(b) above, a sewerage undertaker may only refuse permission for a communication to be made, or grant permission for the communication subject to conditions, where it has reasonable grounds for considering that—

      (a) it is feasible for an alternative method of drainage to be provided, utilised, maintained and kept in repair—

      (i) which does not involve communication with the public sewer; but

      (ii) which may include the provision of a lateral drain or sewer by any of the means provided for in this Chapter;

      (b) this is justifiable taking into account the relative cost to the applicant of—

      (i) providing the alternative method of drainage referred to in paragraph (a) above; or

      (ii) requisitioning a lateral drain or sewer under sections 98 to 101B above for communication with the public sewer of the undertaker;

      (c) where communication of the drains or sewer with the public sewer might contribute towards one or more of the following—

      (i) the overloading of the public sewer or the sewerage system of which it forms part, and the consequential overflowing of its contents and the flooding of adjoining property or land;

      (ii) the overloading of any sewage disposal works forming part of or connected with the system, so adversely affecting such work's capacity to treat or dispose of sewage in compliance with any statutory requirement or consent applicable to it;

      (iii) increased flows in and resulting overflows and discharges from combined foul and surface water sewers which may have adverse effects on the aquatic environment; or

      (iv) the pollution of inland waters, the flooding of property or land, or the impairment of river or drainage systems, whether or not arising from the matters described in paragraphs (i), (ii) or (iii) above.".'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     100,     page     124,     leave out lines 39 to 43 and insert—

    '(5)   Substitute for subsection (6)—

          "(6)   Any question arising under subections (3) to (5A) above between a sewerage undertaker and a person proposing to make a communication as to—

          (a) the reasonableness of the undertaker's refusal to permit a connection to be made, or the reasonableness of the conditions on which the undertaker is prepared to permit a communication to be made; or

          (b) as to the reasonableness of any requirement under subsections (5) or (5A) above,

             may, on the application of that person, be determined by the Authority under section 30A above (and accordingly section 105 above shall not apply to any requirement under subsection (5A) above).

          (6A)   In making a determination under subsection (6)(a) above, the Director shall consult and take into account the views of the Environment Agency and any affected riparian owners.".'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     100,     page     124,     line     43,     at end insert—

    '(5A)   Substitute for subsection (9)—

          "(9)   In this section—

          (a) 'factory' has the same meaning as in the Factories Act 1961;

          (b) 'inland waters' has the same meaning as in the Water Resources Act 1991;

          (c) 'sewer provided for surface water' and 'sewer provided for foul water' excludes any sewer provided for the combined drainage of both surface and foul water.".'.

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